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Good.  I'm glad they got played.  I hope more AA's who think Trump is a decent, law-abiding person (like my brother, who had the audacity to say IN MY PRESENCE that Trump was "his president") get played by that carpetbagging s.o.b.  


I'm especially gobsmacked by those (like Mama Khan and my brother) who believe, because Trump (allegedly) prayed with Rev. Franklin and Billy Graham about running for office, that this is all going according to God's plan; that Trump "walks with the Lort" and will somehow "bring Christianity back to the WH" (because, Obama was a Muslim, don'cha know?).  Well, I say, the devil comes in a ray of light, too.

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Worse than voting is people in your family trying to make sure you know how great he will be and you can't say anything. TV and movies love to have these scenes of families fighting merrily and happily about politics. I've never seen that happen in real life.

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Thanks. I was thinking that as an insider he knew better but insiders can be ignorant too.

Some part of me understands the need to hope but I can't see where they're finding inspiration in him.  I am all for optimism but my delusion these days has to do with thinking that the writing will improve on whatever tv show I should stop watching.


I found out on Monday that my friend's husband is an OTT Trumptopian.  She told me she was watching some comedy that mocked Trump and he told her she needed to watch something else.  I cannot, for one second, imagine living with someone who tries to aggravate me over Trump. 

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I have a couple of acquaintances with family that are pro Trump.  It's causing a major rift. What some people don't get is that this isn't a difference of opinion about economics that people can just get over. It's some people basically telling other people they don't have a right to exist in this country. How do you just get over that?


DHS considering separating mothers and children at the boarder.  This is so disgusting to me. Don't these people remember what it's like to be a child and how devastating it can be to be separated from your mother? If this happens you just know that the reports of child abuse will be rolling in a few months later.


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Ironically, neither Mama Khan nor my brother voted.  (I didn't vote either, but that was because I couldn't at the time vote for any candidate, not even Griftin' Jill or Stoner Gary.  But they didn't vote, because, well, they're just lazy.)  But they do watch Fox News; and brother Chavez, I suspect, has been influenced somewhat by my SIL, a pro-life, anti-vaxxing Conservative Christian type, who believes public schools are teaching our kids All the Wrong Things (even though she herself was homeschooled).  I love my brother, but he has always -- ALWAYS -- been influenced by white people.


Yep.  At first, I tried to engage in discussions with Mama Khan about Trump.  After awhile, though, it was clear Fox News had gotten her as well.  No matter what argument I presented, she'd just counter with "Crooked Hillary/Obama" this and "Liberal Media" that.  Even if Trump IS a bigot, for example, "hey, he apologized, people make mistakes, and Hillary and Obama are just as racist as he is!"


Now, I just stay in my room whenever she's watching that blasted channel and remain quiet whenever she starts talking again about politics, hoping she'll catch the hint and change the subject.


Sounds a lot like Mama Khan.  In her eyes, God don't like ugly, so people (and especially those Jesus-hating celebs who want to take Christ out of everything) need to get their mouths off Trump.  He might be everything they say he is, but -- and this is straight from her own mouth -- God might surprise us all and actually use Trump for good, even if Trump himself doesn't see it.

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IMO, hope and inspiration have nothing to do with it.  Most of those people are just happy that President Earth, Wind and Fire is gone and that the country is back in the hands of a white man.  In their minds, that proves their way of life isn't disappearing (when, in fact, it is).  It doesn't even MATTER that we have essentially kissed goodbye our international reputation.  They just want to go back to The Way Things Used to Be.

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