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No problem. I figure nobody pays attention to me anyway.

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Me too.  I've been waiting for this since Reince Preibus bragged about how much better the RNC was at security.  When he and others were quick to criticize the Democrats for not having a safe system, I was 100% certain that their smugness would come back to bite them all.  Using Wikileaks would be poetic justice for them since they were against it and then for it when it hurt the Democrats.  I just wonder whether they will ever release the video they supposedly have of Trump.  I am sure he would resign before he would let that get out.

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Jones’s presentation was repeatedly interrupted by comments about killing Muslims from Frank del Valle, a staunchly anticommunist Cuban immigrant, with little or no pushback from the others in the room.

“Can we not kill them all?” Del Valle asked, about 15 minutes into the presentation, during a discussion about the differences between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam.


Since Trump was elected I've been worried that various groups would join the white supremacists in scapegoating Muslims, so this story is pretty horrifying to me. I guess we should just be thankful that 45 wasn't President during 9/11. W screwed a lot of things up, but I think he quelled the Muslim hate instead of leading the charge. 

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