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I think by the slight chance she ran again, she would do worse than she did this time. JMPO. you know FN, MSNBC and CNN and like you said they would rehash the same old [!@#$%^&*]. but I will say this....after Trump, no republican will win the WH in many years after this idiot is done. 

I think they're just going to rebrand it and take credit for it....you know, like republicans always do. 

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Perhaps, after they've tried to strip other things out and are unsuccessful. That will depend on how vociferously the public fights it.


As it is now, they're already experimenting with taking Medicaid to grant blocks assigned to states, instead of federal funding. This would be a big change with the possibility to inflict damage on states that have large ratios of very vulnerable people. 

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After a rambling litany of procedural nonsense, Spicer opens his first press briefing with questions - first questioners are the NY Post and the Christian Broadcasting Network.


Now the Fox Business Channel!


Jonathan Karl of ABC is easing Spicer into admitting he was lying about the inauguration on Saturday. Spicer is rambling about how everyone makes mistakes, and they had other stats from "an outside agency," but it was definitely the most watched inaugural!


"Do you want to dispute that? Well, I do! If you're questioning my integrity..." Oh, my God.


They're laughing at him. Spicer is rambling about Nielsen ratings and streaming. And still raging about the MLK bust thing. "Where was the apology to the president of the United States?"


They're reminding him he accepted the apology. "I'm just saying!" And now he's bitching about John Lewis.


This has now devolved into him arguing with journalists about his behavior and with the administration. He's rambling about the majesty of the fake CIA audience. Now back to the fifth-string journalists...

Edited by Vee
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So he doesn't want to lie, but he does want to disagree with the facts.


I could not have been in that room because I would not have been able to contain myself.  The Nielsen ratings included cable and unless I did not hear him, CNN did not have 16 million viewers.  There is no way that CNN would have topped viewership on any broadcast channel.  I don't even think it generally tops Fox Cable News.


Oh and the Skype press thing is apparently out of the Putin playbook. 

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Earlier I said that the plan to expand press via Skype was out of the Putin playbook but I should have said the expansion of the press in those briefings is out of the Putin playbook.  They hope that more press will result in less attention to detail and definitely less specific questions (not that those types of questions would be answered anyway).


When the Trump mouthpieces start spouting off all his concern for the poor, etc., it would be great if someone would ask where all this concern was before he ran.  He's had decades to show his concern and make a significant impact.  The criteria for helping the poor is not holding public office.  His way of "helping" seems to be by putting up roadblocks and making things worst.


They want to paint this awful picture of America and position him as the savior who comes in and fixes everything. 


I am tired of hearing how good he is at making deals.  He is not and has never been America's best businessman.  His tax returns probably show how little in taxes he actually pays due to whatever loopholes his accountants use.  He also probably has more foreign debt than is known.  Bankruptcies have been beneficial to him and allowed him to get away with paying his creditors a mere fraction of what he owed.


America is not a corporation and some of his "great' negotiating skills are going to end up costing people who cannot afford it.  Part of his plan to "rescue" the American worker is going to ultimately cost the American consumer and when they are one in the same then the benefits will be meager.

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