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We will hold Trump accountable. His supporters won't.


I was at a fundraiser tonight with someone who works in DC and has ties to Congress. They said that the GOP is getting hammered with outrage from constituents. Much more than they expected. I don't think it will make them change course but perhaps those voters can be turned in 2018.

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Trump has the most negative approval ratings of any President-elect. He has no capital, no mandate and no credibility. He was elected by a foreign power. There is no one to compare him to and his supporters are aware of that, which is why they are so desperate to find someone to blame for his glaring problems.

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IA.  Especially if, as you have predicted, we experience another 9/11-esque tragedy within the first year or two of his presidency.  Not that I advocate for another terrorist attack, but I feel like that might be the one thing that forces people to see Trump for who and what he is -- especially when they remember that, for all that might have been wrong with Obama, he did manage to keep us safe during a very volatile period in history.

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The Right will blamed the Democrats like they always do. They blamed the Democratic Congress for the recession in the 80s, they blamed Clinton for the tech bubble bursting, and  they blamed Clinton and 911 for the Great Recession of 2000s. All they believe in the flawed supply side economics. Supply side economics may stimulate the economy for a couple of years, but it will cause a recession that will take many years to recover.

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Just exactly will Trump accomplish healthcare that will 'take care of people' but not single payer, no mandate and stripping away some of the protections of the ACA. This makes so little sense, I'm not even going to try to analyze it. "Beautifully covered"??

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I apologize (again) for my ignorance, but what exactly is "single-payer healthcare"?  I THINK it means the government (rather than any insurance company, or companies) is responsible for the citizens' healthcare, but I'm not sure.


That's why I'm sick of the "Trump vs. Obama"/"Trump vs. Clinton" comparisons.  Number one, the GOP will never give the Democrats credit for anything, even when the facts speak for themselves; and number two, what good does it do to compare a Republican president to a Democrat one (or vice-versa) when their ideologies are, by definition, in opposition to each other?

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Single payer is when the government pays for all of your health insurance and healthcare associated costs. Like many European countries already do. The drawback to this and the only one I could think of is that most people won't be able to have luxurious hospital visits where each individual patient receives their own suite, with gourmet food, premium cable channels, and won't be able to order any medical service they want ala carte. But this is mostly for the blue cities in New York, California, who have that kind of money and embrace that kind of technological innovation in their hospitals. That is not a concern in say a place like Kansas - where the average hospital is 100 miles or so away from some residents.


There is something to be said about it's ability to ration out medical services -- for instance the 15 year old soccer player who bumped her head and is saying it hurts won't be able to get a CT scan, and twelve other tests to make sure their isn't a problem with her, and neither will a 65 year old who is 200 lbs over weight and complains of angina won't be able to receive a new heart valve -- but those are the kind of unrealistic expenses that American's shouldn't have had in the first place.


It's more regulation - but it's from a place that is a bit more moderated and knows it has finite resources amongst it's population.

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@Khan In a nutshell, you don't have an coterie of multiple private insurers with their own individual rates and various benefits (or lack thereof) but the "state" a.k.a. government provides the insurer. It's also known as Universal Healthcare, generally paid for with tax dollars. We don't even have to go to Europe to find a single-payer system. Canada is an example of a country with a single-payer system.

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This is going to be his major problem.  And it was the problem I mentioned to my conservative leaning friends that were begging for a "CEO" as President.  First, I said...not all CEOs were necessarily good at their jobs.  Alot aren't.  2nd, this isn't business - it's Politics.  He thinks he can just tell people that they're "fired" and just get updates on the work everyone else is doing.  Because that's what a CEO does.  And when he doesn't get his way, it's not "bull in the china shop" time.  All of this garbage about him "knowing how to deal with China".  No honey....LOL.  You might have successfully done business - but that's not dealing with their Government.

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The thing is Trump hasnt been in office yet. U have to give him at least a year before criticizing. I am hoping he boosts our economy. Give us our US jobs back too. I feel like India has invaded our country with taking over our hotels and jobs everywhere. Quit the outsourcing 

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Thanks, skin and DD, for explaining "single-payer" to me.





I knew when Jennifer Holliday had agreed to perform at the inauguration (before backing out) that certain African-Americans would go too far in their criticisms of her decision.  


It's one thing to let her know how performing at that man's inauguration only serves to normalize him and his views on the African-American community.  But to go to the trouble of calling her a "coon" and an "Aunt Jemima"?  All THAT does is give the Right and especially the "alt-right" an opportunity to point at us, as African-Americans, and say that we, and not them, are the true racists.


I'm not saying those hurtful epithets that were directed toward her represent the views of our community as a whole -- and I PRAY Ms. Holliday and others don't interpret them as such -- but there are times, quite frankly, when African-Americans are their own worst enemies.


I laughed when I first heard the story of Coffman's secret getaway...and I'm still laughing.


Make no mistake: I felt the ACA was flawed from the get; and I still welcome every effort to improve upon it (or even repeal it altogether if you just gotta).  But to repeal the !@#$%^&*] after seven years and God knows how many votes in Congress with NO definite (and better) alternative coming in its place?  As if repealing the ACA alone would be enough to tide everyone over?  Frankly, the GOP's hubris in this situation tickles me.

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