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Reince Priebus has dropped out of a planned Sunday appearance on Face the Nation - Giuliani is going instead.


Priebus and the RNC have also reportedly begun diverting funds from Trump to the downballot.

Edited by Vee
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Can I just say that I can't take my FB friends at the moment, who are trying to use this current instance to push Gary Johnson? Like no. No sane person is voting for a dolt that can't name another world leader or doesn't know what Aleppo is after it was trending for days. 


I swear my generation is f-cking stupid. They hear Johnson (or any candidate) wants to legalize weed and they jump all over it. :rolleyes: 


What a about a candidate that can deal with foreign relations? 


HRC > those other 3 bozos. 

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Why would you think he was only bragging about assaulting white women? He's on record bragging about his bed being a "rainbow coalition". I'm sure many different races of women were treated to his unwanted kissing and groping. With any luck, some of them will come forward this week, although as we've heard he has his employees under confidentiality agreements.

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I just think it's odd and off-putting that this story was the only one that convinced certain corners of the GOP that Trump should step down. Not the dozens of other horrendous things he has said, not his terrible comments about Mexicans, the disabled, Blacks, veterans, etc.  Most likely the image was of White women because it's obvious that other groups were not going to engender any decisive denunciations.

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