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Any Capitol Fans Here?


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No one has made a good play list. There isn't much of 1982-84. There's quite a bit of 1985-87. Bob Soaps, munecojim, Rob Denise and SoapFoxKirby are the channels with full episodes. Captiol was ok. I don't think it ever reached it's  full potential. Mark's shooting in late 85. Is my favorite story. The Brenda/Wally/Dylan triangle goes in circles. For the last year an half of the shows run. Leanna and Jordy were boring. I loved the over 50 quad. With Baxter/Mark/Clarissa/Paula. I also liked Sloan and Prince Ali's romance. There not much of the goings on in Baraq. To get a proper overview of the story. I do like Sloan becoming Queen of Baraq. I liked Henry Slesar's run better than James Lipton. Sadly towards the end Lipton had some good stories in place. Like Kate blackmailing Sam into divorcing Myrna. With the secret that Sam was Scotty's real father. Sam's first wife and Trey's mother Laureen. Was revealed to have been in a mental institution for the last 30 yrs. Laureen was placed by Sam at the mental institution. Even though there was nothing wrong with her. Laureen with help from her friend Amos escaped. She took a job as Scotty's nanny. Lipton was setting up some interesting things. Which would never come to a climax

Edited by victoria foxton
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The Capitol reunion was one of Alan's best yet.  Catherine, Constance and Nicholas clearly loved their time on the show and confirmed what a harmonious set it was.  Lots of stories and recollections of cast members who have passed.  Worth a watch for sure...


Capitol is under-appreciated.  Although the writing wavered depending on the HW at the time, the show was brilliantly cast (or eventually got there).  No other soap has ever mined Hollywood's Golden Age so well --- Rory Calhoun, Richard Egan, Ed Nelson, Carolyn Jones, Julie Adams and Constance Towers were all divine and helped the younger cast up their game.  Nicholas Walker, Jess Walton, Bill Beyers, Todd Curtis, Michael Catlin, Catherine Hickland and Deborah Farentino -- all were stellar.  And Capitol introduced Marj Dusay to soap fans -- her portrayal of Myrna Clegg is unforgettable to this day.  


Wish more episodes were available online...

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I loved Capitol.  I was 16 when it was cancelled, and I remember watching my VCR tape because I taped it...and my Dad telling me it had been cancelled.  I didn't know and I was crushed.  To this day I've never really loved B&B because of it.  There were so many great actors and actresses on Capitol.  Then to make matters worse with CBS they gave B&B a better time slot so that it could suck the audience from Y&R in the East.  If they had given Capitol that slot it would have done better.  

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Thank you so much for posting the link.  They would tape scenes in DC once in a while but it's not like today where the information gets out.  I would have loved to have been there for any of it.  I want to share it to my Facebook page but I think there probably aren't many fans around now that would even know what Capitol was.  Makes me sad.  I'm so surprised by the sentiment between the actors in the interview of loving the show so much.  I remember an interview several years ago with Marj Dusay and they asked her about the last months of Capitol, and she said they had a lot of photo shoots and promotional videos filmed to promote the show, and the feeling was very upbeat because they thought they would get picked up by NBC or ABC.  And they didn't - sad.  

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I'll have to try to give it a look.

Any mention of Jess Walton? 

I was in elementary school when the show got cancelled and had only gotten into it in the final year and a half of its run but I have always remembered Walton's sympathetic portrayal of Kelly. It's really the first place I remember seeing her.

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Constance has a big picture of the whole cast in her house. Jess was mentioned when Constance was showing the pic close up. They talked more about the original cast. 


Nicholas talked about how capitol was going to replace Falcon Crest but at the end the show was out on daytime. 



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If I hadn't already been planning to watch it, I'd watch it based on that reason alone. Thanks.

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I've seen bits and pieces of CAP on YT, but it's not a show I know that much about. Still, I always love hearing behind-the-scenes stories from all soaps and this was chock full of them.


God bless Todd Curtis in his cancer battle. It looks like he still has many soap colleagues in his corner. ❤

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