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GL Changes Look This Week

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^^Thanks. I was wondering that. Honestly, I think that Ellen Wheeler is a great director. Oh my god, a compliment just came out of my mouth! Oh Dear God! :o But I think she should just stick with that. Directing.

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I can get used to the cheapness of it (unfortunately). I guess my problem is that the directing (and I agree with the above posters, I think EW is a good director) makes much ado about nothing. Yes, you can shoot scenes through tree branches. That doesn't mean YOU SHOULD. The shots should inform the tone of the scene, and (like many have said before me) every scene right now feels like the characters on-camera are being stalked.

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OK. So I have given TPTB/CBS/P&G a few days with this "new look". I tried to keep an open mind about it and see how my beloved GL would now be broadcast.....

Honestly, I have lost all interest in the few stories I was somewhat enjoying since the switch to this new format. There is nothing redeeming about the show for me any longer. Nothing.

I have the same thoughts as a lot of others that have posted here - GrayBunny, Vee, UKBoi, Eric (and others) so I won't rehash them with my post. It does seem strange to me that P&G would let something so obviously half-ass done go on the air. What is Babs Bloom thinking - "Great Job!"?? How could anyone think that the product now being shown is a quality product? Putting aside the problems with the audio, close ups and others - the white elephant in the room is the WRITING. Why make all these changes if the stories are in the crapper? Surely TPTB can not think that the writing is good on this show - especially after yesterday's fiasco.

So here we are. And I do agree that cancelation would have been better than what we have now. There's nothing about this show that I like and after 30 years, it may be time to move on. At least Y&R is on an upswing and still LOOKS like a soap opera. I guess I'll be switching to that one...<sigh>

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^^ Wouldn't you just love to see one of those documentaries on Soapnet? Guiding Light: What Went Wrong? You know, like one of those True Hollywood Stories you see on E! Television? :lol:

If you did, then you would probably have Ellen Wheeler blaming the viewers for not tuning in and that's the reason why it went off the air. Because you know, moms are taking their kids in their mini-vans or SUV's to soccer practice or ballet lessons...

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This is one of those "soap fans will use any excuse to tune out" things, IMHO.

now, let me just say i do noy blame you AT ALL. you have evry right and reason to tune out and the gave it you by ruining what it once had and the fact that you or anyonehas stuck around this long after what has been done speaks a lot obous soap fans.

what i mean by saying soap fans will use any reason to tune out is i dont think was for the better of the show because everyone knows tht soapfans will tune out when gien a reason. a key charcter leaving, a fave actor gone, and major change in style are 3 very strong reasons why soap fans tune out

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Writing aside, there are a few ways the show could improve this whole new look thing.

1. STOP WITH THE ZOOM IN CLOSEUPS! It looks amateurish, to say the least!

2. Pan back so the actors' faces dont take up the whole screen.

3. Buy portable tripods for the cameras so that it isn't so shaky.

4. Either work on the lighting or run it through some filmic effect to make it more colourful and glossy (the way the MTV reality shows do)...how is it meant to look uber real when everything is dull and gray? It's called Guiding Light for god's sake, so can we have some light?

5. Replace the opening sequence with an updated version of the one that aired before the 'hands' opening...change the blue colouring to the actual colouring of the scenes, as there were some nice shots in those openings (like everyone standing up in the courthouse, the Coopers gathered around the counter at company, etc) and get rid of the vocal theme song.

6. If they're going to use music, use it properly, dont just have it randomly play over scenes whilst detracting from the dramatic value. They're shooting on location half the time, so get some panning shots of 'Springfield' and have the music play while shots of the town establish the next scene (the way The Hills and Laguna Beach/Newport Harbor do).

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One thing to add the laundry list of cons with this whole "new look", is that it doesn't even seem as if they're trying anymore with the sets they still do have. I noticed yesterday that if anyone came outside Company, you really couldn't tell any difference. There was no wind, no outdoor noises (such as birds cherping), etc. etc. It's like they've given up completely whenever they do go from location shots to indoor production. The lighting for those sets are quite dull and unappealing.

This show is a joke. Sometimes during what supposed to be a dramatic scene, I find myself bursting out in laughter because the cameras are so ridiculously shaky and it detracts from the scene. What the hell was with the scenes in the Spaulding Study yesterday? The camera kept zooming from place to place, I couldn't really get a look at the set as a whole. It's FUNNY to look at the show and see how tacky the production values seem and then tune into a show like One Tree Hill at night and see how things pale in comparison.

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I can't get over how, every so often, it seems like "we" are crouching behind trash cans, or hiding underneath the actors, looking up at them. What are we? Leprechauns? Cats?

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The show now has the worst production values. They think the "real" look is cool and makes them stand apart and it does the latter but not in a good way. GL looks like its too cheap to afford sets. The rooms are too small and cramped up and they had some bad shots and angles bc of it. Isnt the office used for Reva , teh producer's real office? The nail place taht they were using looks equally bad. I feel like someone needs to take up a collection to donate some money to the show since the network obviously isnt doing it. Its as if they've been unofficially canceled and now producing the show from home for fun

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