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GL Changes Look This Week

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Nobody here hates soaps, if we did, we wouldn't be here. I don't think anybody here hates GL either, alot of us simply hate what the people currently running the show have done with it and would like for it to be as good as it can be. We've been screaming at the top of our lungs for years about what we want to see and they continually ignore us. A lot of us are just so frustrated that rather than having any of our suggestions respected and acted upon, the regime simply hopes that we'll be dazzled by cheap, tacky new filming techniques when the real problem is and has been the shallow, plot-point focused writing and lazy, directionless production.

In truth, GL has gotten so bad, so bargain basement in every department that it looks, feels, and sounds like a cable access soap made by a high school media class. I made one of those stupid things in my 10th grade media class 17 years ago and to be frank, mine wasn't any worse than what Wheeler has the nerve to air on a major American TV network everyday. I find that scary.

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Well, Lee Harvey Oswald, since you asked, I don't hate soaps. I love soaps. But that doesn't change the fact that GL is a horrible mess today. It's because I love what soaps can be that I don't accept the subpar product GL is putting out. It really does look like cable access or a high school video shoot.

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I did my best to keep an open mind and really watch with intent on the last few episodes. I'm sorry, this looks HORRIBLE. I feel like I'm stalking the town, it looks like a Grade 10 video project, all the extreme closeups are beyond horrible. As well, the lighting is the absolute worst. It's so grainy and dark and just....terrible. I am just blown away that this material made it to air, it just looks so amateurish and horrid.

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Why do people go out of their way to post inflammatory statements on message boards, making it obvious to everyone else that all they want to do is stir up trouble?

That, I feel, is a question for the ages.

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I don't hate soaps either. And I love GL and have loved peering into the town of Springfield over these last 30 years to see what Rita, Ed, Mike, Reva, Nola, et al are up to. I'm not HAPPY about posting something degrading about this show on this board. At all. GL was my first and most beloved soap and will always be very important to me. THAT's why I'm expressing myself here - because a show that has been a big part of my life is being trashed and is unrecognizable, even from a few years ago.

Last night, I asked my partner (who has watched GL before with me and used to genuinely get interested in it but plays it off like he doesn't like it) to watch the beginning through the opening theme since he hasn't seen the "new production" model. Not more than 5 words out of Jonathon's mouth at the beginning of yesterday's show, and he says "THIS is Guiding Light?!? Why are they filming like that?" He hated it. Granted, he is not invested in this show like I am, but if TPTB are hoping that this new format will lure new viewers in, it seems that their first impressions are the same as what we have been stating here.

And you would think with all these insightful comments from obviously intelligent people posting in this thread, like UKBoi, MichaelGL, RVD, GrayBunny, Vee, Khan, AddictedToSoaps, JackP and others that I'm sure I'm leaving out, TPTB if they ARE looking at these boards, would take some of these things to heart.

More and more, it seems like TPTB are using the last days of GL to test out this "new production" model for other shows. Let GL shake out the bugs before it's canceled so other shows won't have to go through the same thing. But as BASIC as this "new production" model is, it's showing EW to be a complete incompetent producer. Like everyone else has said, I have seen college productions with better values than what's being broadcast at 9AM here everyday.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I don't mind this new format of GL. I'm willing to give them time to work out all the kinks. The only real complaint I have is the sound. I often have to turn the TV way up to hear what they are saying. I don't notice the shaky camera, but maybe that's cause I'm a huge FNL fan and I'm used to the camera thing. Honestly, they could film on the side of a barn and I wouldn't care if there was good writing.

But until one of us wins the lottery and is willing to donate some $$$, then I'm willing to accept that they are doing what they have to do to keep the show alive.

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^ ^ ^ That's a good attitude, Phoenix. I think it's great that you like the new format, really. Hopefully there will be alot of others that feel the way you do (and there are on other boards that I've seen) and keep the show going. Hopefully long enough for TPTB to wake the hell up and make some changes at EP/HW positions.

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I must say the more i watch it the more i love it. Yes it does have its issues, but i am sure anytime a show changes format that much it would have issues. it isnt like they just got new sets, or a new camera. they got an entire town, all new sets, all new cameras, etc... i dont mind giving them time to learn how to do this right.

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Perhaps I rushed to judgement too quickly on the new production model, because I actually found (most) of yesterday's show (THU) pretty entertaining. I had to FF through Cassie crap, but other than that, I liked it.

The camera work, while still not perfect, did appear to improve. But the lighting and audio still need some work. At least for the dramatic scenes, they showed the character's faces/reactions to what was going on instead of those far-away through-the-bushes shots.

So I'm going to see how the next few weeks go before making any other judgements on the format. And I did notice that the writing was not credited again yesterday. So what we have been watching this week is the product of scab writers. I must say, I couldn't tell much of a difference between that and the slop that DK writes. And he is back from what SID said. : (

This morning when I was getting ready for work, I was actually singing "Only love can save the world....". Ugh.

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You poor thing. Sometimes it happens to the best of us. Right now, I have Jewel's 'Intuition' stuck in my head. Don't even ask. But, I think other people have caught me singing the new song too, but of course, they don't know what I'm singing because they don't watch Guiding Light. So I'm safe from the nagging.

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That song is so damn catchy! I seriously can't get it out of my head.

Today's episode was nice and I believe that GL has been at a better pace lately. This week has been sad what with Jonathan leaving, Lizzie being desperate to save her child, and Will being sinister. I couldn't believe he had the gull to say to Josh "I'm not scared of you." What was even better was how he said, we all know you love Reva. It was even more shocking to see that he almost hit his brother in the back of a head with a baseball bat.

More Will! Anything to break Cassie and Josh up, I'm all for.

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This reminds me of that story on EDGE OF NIGHT where some madman tried to control everyone in Monticello through subliminal messages on television.

Well, at least EW got the idea from a P&G soap.

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