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GL Changes Look This Week

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I will grudgingly admit it's starting to look/feel better to me, but it's still got a long way to go. I also think they simply have to go to the prior method of taping and certain sets rather than some of the crap they're using for Reva's home and the various "offices". And the temporal editing/sound mix is still a mess. There was no reason for Sexy Lounge Track #11 to play over Will threatening Cassie with a kid-size sledgehammer.

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Okay, so I just watched the youtube clip of the scene and I have one complaint (just one? I know, but it wasn't too bad. Still not enough to get me watching though.).

Mandy Bruno gave a great performance, but the music that was playing was HORRIBLE and so not appropriate. They could have gone two ways with this: silence and proper dramatic music. Instead they choose the most neutral music they could find. It even a bit cheerful. They should have had a nice dramatic score for a pretty big confrontation that's been building for months.

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On any other show, I think that the fallout from this would and could happen as you say, James. And it should. The fallout from the CHarley affair could spin out story for at least a good 6 months. But we're talking about EW/DK here. They have proven that they have no vision for this kind of storytelling at all. Where was the fallout from what Cabin Beth did to Gus and Alan? Other than the pill addiction Gus suffered afterwards for a few weeks, it was non-existent. Where was the fallout from Alex getting Griggs to kidnap Marina? NADA - other than Cyrus divorcing her. <_<

How the TPTB have let DK continue this crapfest for four long years is beyond me.

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I couldn't agree more with you there. Honestly, I thought Reva's cancer fallout could have been done a lot better and told a little more realistically. Instead, you had Reva driving Nascars. And the whole "I can't tell Josh that I have cancer!" thing was absurd. It was just a crazy plot-driven story to push Cassie and Josh together because EW loves her couple and to hell with everyone else.

Or how about Springfieldburns.com? Snoozer. Blake was the one who master-minded the whole thing. Her explanation? No one cared about Ross's death and was never there for her. Then, she was in a coma for months and she was able to wake back up and be there for Cassie's wedding to Josh. :rolleyes:

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springfieldburns.com could have been a great sotryline. but it much more fitted for a show like Y&R.

loved the marina/harley scene. love that perfect heroine harley has fallen.

and as for the new style, i like it. it is getting better already, IMHO, but does have a long way to go. and the music sucks.

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Great examples of the inept storytelling by the hands of EW/DK. And the list goes on - what about the poisoning of Blake at the Mayor's inauguration? Ugh. With all the dropped SLs that Blake has suffered over the years, she can probably relate very well to the "Everybody feels LOW...." line in the new GL opening. :P

Back to the topic at hand, I haven't seen the show this week on my DVR. I tried watching Tuesday when I worked from home, but I'm still having problems adjusting to the new format. I have noticed some improvements. But is it so hard to stop playing that music? And the lighting is still gettin on my nerves....

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^^ I watched the March 10th episode on cbs.com and couldn't stop laughing at the echoes in the Police Station. Then, you have Mandy Bruno trying to act like a woman scorned, so poor Marina picks up this little metal trash can that probably weighs 2 lbs and throws it against the wall. And then two police officers stand up because it seems that someone is disturbing the peace. The whole thing was cheesy.

But I do see that Gina Tognoni and Mandy Bruno are sportin' around the same hair style! I just wanted to say something nice I guess.

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You know, I was watching Guiding Light yesterday in its entirety and I finally saw the fact that this cast is so small it's kind of icky in a way. You once had Marah Lewis who slept with Jeffrey O'Neil and now mother Reva Lewis is sleeping with him. Eleni Cooper slept with Alan-Michael Spaulding and daughter Marina slept with him too. There was a question that Alan-Michael could be the father of Marina a long time ago. Then, you have Olivia Spencer who slept and married Bill Lewis and daughter Ava Peralta slept with him. Beth Raines slept with Bill Lewis too, and daughter Lizzie Spaulding is sleeping with him.

This is insane. And disgusting. JMO.

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I'm back watching GL full time now. I do think the new look has helped some because it was just unwatchable with those high school play sets. I'm in love with the Spaulding mansion. Can't say I'm enjoying any stories, but Lizzie, Alan, Olivia and Bill make it worth it. Crystal Chappell is especially good at turning anything into gold. She needs a better gig.

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I have to say I think it's looked much better the last few days. However the camerawork still needs to settle down and be stationary, the locations need to be refined, the music has to be fixed, the opening must never be shown again, and the writing still sucks.

Also, Lizzie's room looks like a damn guest room at a bed and breakfast. You can't tell me Lizzie Spaulding's room at Grandpa's would be that small.

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