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GL Changes Look This Week

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i have mixed feelings. some of the outdoor scenes looked great. i mean, the cameras don't shake as much and the sound is surprisingly better. but the indoor sets have horrible sound and lighting. they zoom too fast and it was sometimes hard to follow. did anybody notice how they played the opening theme like 10 times throughout the show!? and main street looked just as bad as it did before. i was kind of surprised cedars remained the same because they have been showing rick with patients in a completely different set. It prbly took them a while to move from radio to tv in the 50's so this might take some time to perfect. (but you'd think they'd do the best with it the first day to get new viewers.)

btw, does anybody think they might be trying to get rid of rick? he has been acting extremely out of character lately, just like phillip before he left.

oh, JamesF, do you have any of the other versions of the new opening?

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Opening was horrific! That theme song was truly laughable. Loved everything else, but thought the writing was crap as usual. I'm going to watch a couple more days to see how the changes settle in, but no way I'm continuing to support Ellen Wheeler and David Kriezman's show.

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Love it or hate it, at least GL is generating some sort of buzz. They promoted the new Springfield look to the max! Going as far as having a few actors appear at the closing bell of Wall Street. Hopefully it paid off.

We just have to accept that GL will be DK and EW's show. There's really nothing that we can do about it but either like or hate it.

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The outdoors sets, exterior scenes, and handheld cameras weren't a bad idea in and of themselves.

It could've worked if:

1) The exterior scenes had a purpose beyond just being able to say "look, mom, we're really outside!".

2) The camera work wasn't so shaky, claustrophobic, and amateurish.

3) The characters hadn't already been so destroyed that nobody really cares about what happens to them. How can we care when everyone is so selfish, self-righteous, nasty, and so utterly lacking any genuine self-awareness or fundamental decency?

4) The stories weren't so jaw-droppingly horrible. There is nothing going on right now that isn't insulting, stupid, or both.

The millions of viewers who've been literally driven away by the incessant character destruction of the current management are far too angry and frustrated to even care anymore. Even if some of them do tune in today, it'll only be to laugh at the notion that Ellen Wheeler actually seems to believe that this bush-league Blair Witch Project-style can save a show that's become so insulting, sleazy, and stupid. If they continue to spit in the face of every single sane, self-respecting woman in the audience by writing this show's women in such pathetic, shallow fashion, if they continue to ignore and even mock the very notions of love, loyalty, and family that drama itself is based on, and if they continue to seem more interested in shocking the audience with gimmicks than with telling them real stories this will all come to naught. This ain't MTV. We're not gonna be mesmerized by bright, shiny objects. We want substance. But no one involved with decision-making at GL seems remotely concerned about whether they're fans are happy or not.

I have a feeling that this little experiment isn't really intended to save GL itself. GL is the sacrificial lamb being used to test the feasibility of using this method on other soaps that have a better chance of survival. If any show was going to do this it almost had to be GL. GL has nothing left to lose at this point. It's in the gutter both ratings and quality-wise. The popular veteran actors who haven't been fired yet are bailing or threatening to do so. It will probably be the next soap cancelled and it has already alienated an enormous share of it's core audience that will never return. They're taking one for the team so to speak. GL's already doomed so they're working out the kinks and getting the daytime audience used to this so that by the time Y&R, GH, and B&B do this, it won't be such a jolt to the viewers.

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I encourage RoseVioletDaisy to please send in your tapes of your successful shows that you were the EP or HW on to CBS...I am sure they will find you a show to work on and save or better yet, let you create the newest soap....after all you seem, along with Dan to have all the answers....yet alls I see you do is sit behind a computer and bitch about it...

Why aren't you making the decisions on these shows or at the networks if you have all the answers???

I think, based on your countless attacks on the show and your "ideas" that this is a very valid question.

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Since when do you have to be Mario Batali to point out that Chef Boyardee isn't good, authentic Italian cuisine but cheap, junk food? I'm simply saying that IMO as a longtime and once loyal viewer that Guiding Light is horrible right now on every conceivable level and have explained, in detail, why I personally feel this way. Although to be frank I think about 50 percent of the people on this board would be better soap writers than the people professionally employed by the shows.

And you're sitting behind a computer and bitching about people bitching. Your point? I'm guessing you're enjoying the show as it is and feel personally attacked when people like me or Dan criticize it. If that's the case, I am sorry if you felt offended by my opinions about the show but I stand by them.

I don't pretend to have "all the answers" but I do think it's fairly obvious what GL's biggest, most serious problems are and I am extremely frustrated that it seems like most of the people who run daytime soaps these days aren't held accountable when they do their jobs this poorly even though almost everyone else in every other walk of life is.

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Why haven't they hired you if you're the only one who understands?

The whole show looks like it's filmed in a HoJo's or the DMV, or at a collection of true crime murder sites. It's just unattractive. When I watch a soap I don't want to get flashbacks to that time I went up the Jersey Turnpike.

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It's nice to see you posting here RVD. I remember you from the buzz boards where I use to post. I havent posted there in a long time.

I havent watched a full episode of GL in a long time. I just gave up on the show. I did see about 10 min of todays show. The new opening was better than the previous one but thats not saying much. The old opening was horrid. I didnt care for the theme music though.

The whole show is a mess. It has been for some time now. It is a shame a show I once loved is no longer a part of my daytime viewing.

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Goodness it's been a while since I posted anything, but The "new" GL format is enough to get me started again.

First let me say, I hate the new opening. I don't mind lyrics for the opening, but that song is horrible and the chick who sings it. Why didn't they use the song that was used in the promos "let me light up your life". The song was awesome and got me excited about the changes, but as soon as I heard that theme song it sounded like a has been songstress who once had a chance of a lifetime singing on the c stage at the lilith fair and blew it.

Everything moved too quickly for me to follow. They cramed too many characters into one show with no real storyline.

I'm still holding out to see if it gets any better with time, but with DK's poison pen that's wishful thinking.

I'm also thinking that GL needs a bigger younger & young adult set. That means Marah, Shayne, Rocky, Kevin, Jason, Clairissa, and any other kids with a connection to springfield. Daisy and Rafe as the lone teens or young adults just isn't cutting it.

Somebody just needs to come in tighten this show up and make it all it can be with all these changes.

Oh and is it just me or is there no such thing as a bad shot of John Driscoll. Be it Film, digital camera, polaroid, or a fisher price my first camera this guy is just gorgeous and not just camera gorgeous.

All in all I'm not dissapointed with GL's new look, but it could have been better. It just makes me wish Hollyoaks was still on BBC America. I wish EW would look at it or Coronation Street or Eastenders to see how it should really be done

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