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Grey's Anatomy: Discussion Thread

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I was glad Meredith turned Mark down and started over with Derek at the end.

I loved the camping scenes with Alex and George *trying* to fight each other. I was so glad George realized somethings amiss with Burkes hand.....looks like he'll question Christina about it next week.

Callie and Addison worked well together but how sad about the couple who had to deliver the stillborn baby. :(

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In honor of guest character Frank, who spoke in 3rd place...this post will be presented in 3rd person :lol:

Laurie totally loved last night's episode. Laurie laughed out loud when Izzie felt Frank's man boob and then Alex's man boob. Laurie got a little teary when Miranda sung at the end. Laurie felt bad for George. :( Laurie liked the scene with Meredith and Derek in the beginning. Laurie can't wait for next week's episode


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LOL! :lol:

JinkiesP loves the fact that Christina and Burke is going to be found out. JinkiesP cried when Miranda sang to her baby. JinkiesP isn't so sure she wants to see Alex hook back up with Izzy. She would much prefer Alex hooking up with Addison and knocking Sloan down a peg or two. JinkiesP was just annoyed with all the shiny and new stuff between Mereditha and Derek. JinkiesP finds Derek and Meredith annoying just in general. :lol:

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Loved tonight's episode. Sandra Oh just scored herself an emmy nomination and probably the win. She was brilliant today, and I was glad that they allowed her to narrate the episode.

And that opening.....WOW! Seeing Christina in blood like that, I was sure that it would have been George's dad. Thank Heavens it was not.

Also, kudos to T.R. Knight who also ran with his new material.

Amazing song selection too! So the music crew gets mad props as usual.

Is the show going to be on next week? I didn't see the previews.

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Awesome episode!

Alex/Addison - wanted it since last season, so yay for that hoteyesex!stare! It's totally coming. I also felt, again, that the cases really reflect on what the characters are feeling, or going through. And I've had a feeling for a while that Addison might get pregnant, and the case really just made that stronger for me. It fit. The guy with the spine reflected that he did something he shouldn't have done and others paid for it (Burke/Cristina), George's dad has a heart problem (Izzie).

I hate it when I like Derek/Meredith, and I really did in this episode. They were fluffy and cute. Derek mouthing "sex" in the CT room? So cute it almost hurt.

So glad Cristina went to the cheif. We saw her strive to keep it a secret, and be conflicted but her love for Burke winning out. Character growth in this episode for her.

Eeeek, George/Izzie angst! Loved Izzie and George's parents together. Aww, her should-be future in-laws. Hopefully. Would be so cute if the model ends up with the "geek".

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Can we just fire Burke from the show now :lol:

I'm glad the secret's out. But I need to see some more of the thoughts behind it next week, I didn't think they went into enough of it tonight. Christina made him come back, organized the whole thing, so was it just because he was suddenly not using her? Cause he ordered her across the table?

Loved Torres going "cage fighter" on Meredith. :lol:

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