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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. i am so so on Canary's casting. Does this mean Blake Knuckle Head will be stepping down from his postion? cant wait for the foloow ep to theone I wrote. I also cant wait till SONOP comes back in full force. I am thinking I'll ba back in Dec. Was shooting for Nov 5 but S.T.E.A.M. is undergoing massive changes.lol but like u i got my new opening done.

  2. Well This was a great ep but I did write it so I guess I can't judge. I wish some of the readers would have commented. Feed back would have been nice. I was so glad to FINALLY be able to write my for my fav series. I was a little intimadated at first but it was all good. I was very happy to write that catfight scene with Marissa and Alley. It was so funny when Alley said I am from coloroado. When I wrote it, I used "I'm from the Bronx. I used that to give Alley a little hoodness to her. It is a common hood phrase so when I read it I was dying laughing.

    I also used Shelia a the nurse, a take on Shelia Carter of B&B and Y&R That's why Blake said she looked familiar.

    I would love to write a show down between Nisha and And Ginny. I am really looking forward to that story

  3. Very Good episode. Very good indeed. The dialog was great and I have missed Gl so much. I just started my own production company and getting that off the ground was a massive feat. And I am working on a play for black history month and working on S.T.E.A.M.’s third season has been very time consuming so please forgive me Jay.

    I am saddened to see Blake and Remy have broken up. I am already rooting for them to get back together.

    So what happened with Natalia?

    Why isn’t Alan in jail for the crimes he’ committed?

    Did Gus find out about Alan and Natalia?

    I am back Jay and will read every ep and post comments. GOOD JOB BUDDY!!

  4. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant belive that cliffhange. I feel so bad for Jim. damn. He is really going through the wire. I so loved the press confrence scene. I was well done and I can't wait to see how cassandra plans on getting out of this one. Did george did not really know what ASsandra was doing?

    Again I feel so bad for Jim damn that is so sad

  5. WOAH, Now Lynntte knows the truth. Oh snap. This was another good episode. Sorry it took me so long to read., I just started my own production company and that is a massive undertaking. But what I don't get is why the bank would call just for a purchase at the liquor store. I can understand the large atm transaction(s) but not the liquor store.

    And finally Anna and nem finally found something on cassandra and party. Now let the peices fall where they may.

    Great dialog again.

  6. What a great episode matt. SO much drama and a lot is goings on. Lets get right to the good part

    I loved the Sean coming out and Juliana and Lana going at it. I so love Lana. It’d really a shame sweet cheeks had to come out the closet like that. I would be so mad at Lana for keeping my dad away from like that and then lie about it saying he died. My own dad is dad o that really hits home for me.

    I can’t wait till London returns so marli can get the boot. I am so over her. I will be glad when she leaves and I know she will.

    I love the Bobbie character. I work with the mentally retarded o that is right up my alley. She is very high functioning and got a mouth. She need to be slapped.

    Alicia, another flake first she wants Will than she really loves Jace. Girl come on. It’s to the point where I don’t think she deserves Jace or Will. And Rena overhearing Will’s scheme. I really do love this quadrangle. It has may layers. I wonder what Rena is going to black mail will with. That will be good.

    I thought it was so nice when Bryan tried to get back with Nan. I really like them as a couple and it’s a shale she didn’t go back to him.

    I can’t believe Alley and Jon broke up. That damn Marissa. I feel so bad for Jon. With a sister like Rissa who needs enemies. I know Alley is going to have it out with Lady M. She is a devious one aint she?

    And what a nice cliffhanger. I think the jig is up and can’t wait to see it play out. Great job Matt a good read for sure.

  7. Sweet Jay, i wish i could keep my seires written that far in advance. I plan to for season 3 though. Yes I have noticed you scesns have gotten a lot longer and it s great. I love the Wed idea as well. I think it would be sweet actually.

    Sounds like u got a good plan and i can't wait to see how it all evolves

  8. Hey guy I really love your seires but sometimes I really feel that u should go deeper into some stories. Like Ashlee and her buliam i would hae like to see that go farhter and shayne's sexuality still should have been bigger and more in depth allof a sudden josh is cool with it. It would have been nice to u go deeper into ti but it's rolly cuz the cast is too big and dont have time which i do understand. just writer to writer comments but i will say ur scenes r getting so much better and they are more deeper. great job. I would not even mind writing a scne or two for this series which i love very much

  9. Wow Jay greatness. Ava calling that hit our for Marah is really intresting. Coop and Ashlee's scenes were very nice.

    Wow Poor Gus. ANd what a Bastard Alan is.

    Another nice scene was Ava getting to know her real dad and confronting him on his past deeds.

    I love susan's new look.. THat damn girl is always up to know damn good in the neighboor hood. I hope this all catches up to her soon. SHe is always causing trouble

  10. WOW!! Loved the wedding. WOW i am in total shock right now. Susuan of all people. She's really a bad little number. What is Gus and Nat going to do now that the cat is out the bag.

    I see the ground work is being laid for some exits so sad to see Ash and Coop go. I don't give 2wo cents about Frank and his girl so good bye to them.

    I have to echo's Greg comment Terell is so damn fine

  11. Wow another great episode. I dont feel bad for Ava one bit. I am glad this is all heppening to her. GO marah. I wanrted to comemnt on an ealeir episode bout a convo Josh and Shayne has.

    I have a friend who belives thaat bi sexual people are just confused and I am glad that Shayne touched off on that.

    I was shocked to see that Alan was not the baby's father. I thought for sure you was gonna role with Alan on this one. But now Cyrus has some info so lets see what he does with this.

    And coops engangement was so nice on the show Very nice. Jay you have been doing some great wreiting for sure. It's getting better and better.

  12. Welcome home Ava, Wow what a way to come back. I love Light talk it was so nice

    AHH I wonder who the father of Nat's baby is?!!!

    That damn susan is up to know famn good again. I love the newer pics you are using.

    It's getting very good. The scenes are much fleshed out these days. Keep up the good work Jay.

    THere also seems to be more a focused or a more cnetral story base. Congrats on that. These exits will really help.

  13. WOW a great episode. I am so glad Ashlee wants to go on tv with all of this. It gives me a warm feeling. Or is this some kind of trick?

    I again loved Vi at the cheerleading camp. Evilness.

    Loved the girls chat at the Parlor. It was really nice and sweet and gave the episode so much. It helped me learn more about them.

    Again loved the scen with SHayne and Josh but I thought for sure this would turn into a big issue for Josh but I guess not. It's good he come to terms with it though.

    Olivia and Bill getting it on again. I hope they can reunite. Ava is really in for some surprises. ANd poor Jefferey

    Cant wait for the paternity test. GREAT JOB JAY!!

  14. WOW!!! A great episode. Jenny's and London's scene was so damn funny."Id rather be taking drugs" I was rolling. I love that storyline. It's so campy and is being well done. I am even learning a few things here. Nan is so bonkers.

    I alos laughed when Lana and Juliana had that exchange and was shocked to see Jules quick come back withj you old. Good one. I really like Lana.

    IJace hates WIll so much. THese two hate each others so much. I really feel bad for Jace at this point. Alicia, she is so blah to me.

    I loved how Marli scremaed out in pain when Wendell was trying to question h er.

    So I assume Tanisha will be leaving?

    I also liked the scene with Byran and Nate.

    ANd boy oh BOy Alley and Marissa keep working each other. I am so glad ALley was qucik on her feet at the client. Good thinking. Marissa is so sick. Why does she insist on trying to break up her brother and his girl friend. Good job ALley it's about time you one up Marissa.

    A very good episode for sure!!

  15. Jim conitunes down his bad path. I was surprised Gregg offered Lynn to stay with him. This is a very well written triangle and I saw that because I am rooting for Lynn/Jim and Lynn/Gregg. So great job on that one. THat truly takes skills to pull something off. And It's a triangle with all good people. THose are another hard trianlge to write. It's your other hottest story redd. I can't wait to read more.

    Again more M.I. drama I truly love it and I keep repeating myself, but you really have some of the clearest cut dialog on SONOP. Another good one.

  16. Sup Redd, Sorry its taking me so long to read. Things are so hetic. But I see you Changed the blog name..Why SO/ The new Logo looks nice.

    Another good episode. This batle for the take over is really heating up and involving so many people. I love the storyline esp now since Andrew is back. One night of pleasure can leave u with a life full of pain as Andrew is finding out.

    I am also glad Steven is talking some sense into Edmund. I hope he toakes heed to it. Another great episode Redd and as always the dialog was top notch.

  17. Good episode. Lots of movememnt with Marli . Loved the "secret keeper" I found that scene kinda of odd for me, I don't know. A lot of new faces and stuff.

    I can't belive London is alive and what a great choice. I've always felt London is the main heroine of PP and was so shocked that she was killed off.

    Nan is straight tripping. It's only going to be a matter of time before she's exposed. and I bet Anna Lee will be the one that outs her.

    I can't belive Nata played Ava like that. It cracked me up

    I see Lena wised up and staked her claim in WIll. Nice twist. And tyhat story got more interesting.

    Oh and I hope Bryan outs Marli as well. Suck on that Blake

  18. Jay I write Jodie as being in her late 20's.

    As far as the casting of Ria's mom, I had so many diva's in mind. I had a lot of suggestions from the team. Like TIna Turner, Diana Ross, Sherly Lee Ralph amounst others. I felt Patti would be best fir the role. I hope everyone enjoys

  19. Sorry I h ave been away Jay. But a great episode. I am so glad Ashlee is staying put in that hospital. She needs help and I hope she gets it. SO sad to see her leave.

    And I really wonder if natalia is really fakiong h er amnesia or not.

    The Cross Creek was beatiful

    I love how Alan keeps rocking the boat

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