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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Thanks for the comments guys. A special thank you to Tara(daysfan) Durand(justthepope) and Miou(klater) for helping out with S.T.E.A.M.

    Jay, I am glad u r loving my series more and more, I hope other stories catch your eye.( as you can prolly tell Ash won't be here for ever) LOL

    I am really surprised at how popular Ashley has become. We only got 5 more eps before the finale so expect some big stuff to happen. Mona is back and long time reader should know what that means, play time is over. It's time for the rapture.

  2. you know we've talked before, and I must really encourage to break some of these long episodes down some. I read a lot of blogs here and LONG entires like this are a huge turn off. I want to read but it's too much to fit into my scehdule. i recommend checking out some of the the other SONOP blogs. I bet your views and comments will go up.

  3. Poor Poor Jim. I really feel so bad for him.

    Loved how Sterling is holding all the cards and not Carol and nem.( Loved tha name by the way...Sterling) Reminds me of the person from the Tom Jouyner Morning Show, that soap opera they be having, it's your world. LoL.

    Very good epiode and I didn't think the Mc Gregor's would be voted out.

  4. Very solid episode. Very good. The Grant storyline seem very interesting. Still loving the Shayne/Rocky/Reva slumber party story. And that damn Susan. She is by far you're most interesting character you have. Kep up the great work

  5. Another great episode and I see the scenes were longer through the whole episode. A definate plus. Keep up the great work. Your charactercs and stroies are really coming trhough.

    I loved hos Sandra kep calling Reva bitches. I can't for their eventual showdown. I like these two working together and can't wait to see what they do.

    Alan Micheal got balls for calling ol dude( i think Dylan a bumb ass. pretty funny.

    And Vi, her man's brother. Wonder what he say about this

    Jeff just told his duaghter something big and he just left her, lol wow

    Very good episode. SO many juicy triangles

  6. Loved the episode( though the first hal was a bit choppy esp before part two0 BUT Remy and Blake are so [!@#$%^&*] hot together. There are so happy right now but I know something i bound to happen. I really wonder if it was really Ross.

    Edmund sure is a jerk. But I like him. Please explain to me Dinah being shot in the head. Wow. That's mad crazy!! Seems Dinah has been through a lot.

    I am so glad Reva has reached out to Shayne and Rocky. That really was a nice cene to read. It's nice to know they have some one in their corner. i wonder who is the top and bottom? Care to enlightned us?( I have my own conclusions)

    I also noticed the scenes were longer and deeper and done really nice. I hope to see more scene likew that. I was able to get into it more and really get into what was going on.

    Great episode Jay

  7. WOW It sounds sound good. I wonder who the new family will be. Cant wait to see that. I just casted my own new family on S.T.E.A.M. (Stay tuned for that news)

    I can't imagine what the twsit is going to be with Anna and Cassandra.

    And Jim's additicion sound really good.

    Also nice casting. Seems like Novi will be getting a slew of new folks.

  8. Wow u already got a big cat and I am still trying to get the who and what and why. I hope u don't bring on too many more.

    But I am so glad to hear about WSPR. I am REALLY looking forward to see how u do it.

    I also cant wait to see how this age difference between liz and Colin play out.

    Shayne and Rocky, really h ave not seen much of them but I hope there i more fall out from their coming out. It was like the got caught and that was it. But I am sure you're going to work it out. THis is another tory I can't to see you play out.

    Remy Remy Remy, I know he he going to smack hims elf in the end for not telling Blake. Just her Rem Rem. have faith

    Sounds like u got a lot fo good stuff coming up Keep up the great work

  9. ANother great episode.

    I really feel so bad for harley. I know she is in total shock. I also can't belive she walked out like that. Poor Susan,

    I love Remy and Blake but what in the hell is going on Ross is alive if so I hope Remy tells Blake. He dont need to keep the secret. I mean come on, old geezar Rossy Tossy or fine ass chocolate daddy Remy. It's on the wall. I ALSO LOVE HOW REVA asked Blake to be the talk show host. This WSPR is really grabbing my attetion.

    LILLIAN btw is so beatiful too.

    Great Job Jay

  10. WOW!! Just wow. My opinion of Susan has just chamged. Kuz I sure had a lot to say about her before I read she shot that girl. This changes everything and explains a lot and really makes things all the more interesting. Good job with that one.

    Lord We have Nata pregnant and Dinah, who jut got pregant finally is nnot gonna know who the father of her child is. THis show should be GL: Secret Lovers, lol Cant wait to see thee two play it. I hope they each be different though

    I think Liz( who i so damn sexxi) and COlin are great together.

    Ashlee is bulimaic? Poor girl. I really feel bad for her. I think coop really do love her and yes men out there do like big girls.

    GREAT EPISODE SO Much goings on.

  11. A slower episode but we all have them and I am sure this is the build up to something bigger

    I do however like the Reva running WSPR. It's like a new adventure for her and me. We can take this journey together and get to know Wspr.

    I feel really bad for Olivia. I think it's a shame though she keep trying to be part time lovers with her daughters man and she having his child. maybe Olivia can fond another man. BUt it also seems Bill want Olivia too. Lol Funny emotions. This is one of my fav stories.

  12. Wow It's so good to have my favorite blog back. This was a great episode and I have a lot to say so let's get it cracking

    All that talk about dicks. And Dickish, I was cracking up, I never heard that one and I'll have to use it. I bet Jace do got a big one, lol, looks like he do. But I know you don't like talk like that so I'll keep it moving,

    Ava and Skye and Nate. Skye got what she had coming to her and I loved every minute of it. It was also good for Nate because in reality she played him to get back at Skye so in a sense she killed two birds with one stone. I wonder if Skye will try and get revenge and I wonder how Nate will react to being played for once. I think this would be a good time for James to come back and shake things up.

    What kind of name is SR. And I wonder it Marli honestly does not know WHO SR is. This is starting to get interesting. And of course Bryan is always at the right time and right place. That's what I love about him But question, it would be nice to know where does Bryan get all his money from.

    And I see Alley is about to turn the table on Marisa. Bout damn time.

    Aggie is so stern, it cracked me up and it was such a treat to read all about my favs in this ep. Ginny was smart in tying in T's relations hip with Owen with the café. I wonder what T is going to do now. I loved T's comment about the senses and what not,. She has the best things to say at times. I do miss Owen and Hope he can return.

    Nan is so crazy. I so love this plot with Jenny in the lair. I do to wonder who is in the other room. I also am kinda of surprised Carlos is taking to Nan so fast. He know she always up to know good.

    Very good job, very well written, and I wonder how long we gone have to wait until the next ep.

    And yes we can do a cross over. Let me know what you talking.

    PS How to you ever so quietly pound on a wall?" LOL May be she can dig into the wall with the fork.


  13. Oh my. Bill and Olivia. I love them and I am so happy for Mallet and his girl. There are so many triangles or affairs going on. Wow!. Another solid episode Jay. how long have you been writing and what else have you written and may I ask how old r u?

  14. Another great show. Wow Again Poor Rocky and Shayne. I think Buzz may be willing to understand. I am glad Reva is willing to accecpt this. I am so pissed at Susan. She is so wrong. for what she did. I love CC as Olivia. FTL has such a sexxy cast adn I love your balance. It's very good. You're a great writer Jay!

  15. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    What a shocker!! Great episode. Susan was sodirty for doing what she did. To her own family. I feel so bad for shanye and rocky. Wow. Put on blast like that

    Y does susan have so many prolbems

    I really feel bad for Ashlee Ana know he wrong. GREAT EPISODE JAY!!!

  16. wow another great episode. I feel so bad for Rick. I wonder if He and Beth will ber ok. And I am glad Susan will Keep Shayne's secret. But he should have denied it. And I love how the eps first starts and u always say like a calm day in springfield or a crazy day etc. I also like how Olivia wa woman enough to let Josh go. Great Job Jay

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