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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. This was a slower episdoe but we all got them.

    I really hope that baby is ok.

    I really like Anna lee. I loved her sceen with Bryan but was kinda of upset that she broke things off with Bryan. I love them as a couple.

    Blake is so nosey. He is just not a favorite of mines no more. I used to like him when Laney was around. I don't know why I dont care for him

    I am glad Dylan is ok. I guess his nuts dont hurt that bad if he ready to get it on.

    I loved the scen with Jon I thought they were(the men) were going to stat kissing which would prolly make Jon flip it, lol but I wonder what Alley is going to say when she walks in. damn that Mariss. loved her dumb dumb comment.

    I really miss Owen

    LOVED WILL AND HACE"S scene. I love Alicia and Jace's relationship. I really hope we see more of them and their problems. I perfer Jace and Alicia together. I dont know why I like thse two so much but I do. from day one.

  2. WOW So sad. I know she'll lose that baby. I really do feel bad for Jenny. It has been one thing after another.

    Good episode. Solid writing.

    Nate is even more of an [!@#$%^&*] no. Just when I might be liking him he gone hang up in Ava's face. Him of all people. A pimp, a player didn't want to hear an excuse. This storyline is so good now that Sky thinks Ava really want her. Ava, just keep it real. Stop now while you are ahean. But I know what skye did will come out. Crazy Bitch. Ava don't need none of these two losers.

    Loved jace and Will's scene. I love these two charaters playing against each other. They have great chemstiry. I love jace's character. And of course Will is on top of his game, minus that pic!

    I am glad Dylan is going to be ok Iguess

    And man LOVED ALLEY vs Marissa. These ladies really hate each other. You can really feel it and Jon is couahgt up. I feel where he coming from. Marissa is one peice of work. I am now Camp Alley. I have never liked Alley so much until the end of last season. She has slowly become one of my favs. I really feel bad for her at this point too.

    Suchh a great read and so many great storylines Matt. Keep up the great work pimp!!

    PS I like Rena and Will together.

    I really do Pray that baby is ok.

  3. It's about time. i can never get enough of novi. I dont know why u torture me like this. I also put I nice plug in of Novi in an ep again recently. You ought to check it out. I for get which ep it is but Look for Durand's comment and that will tell you. Welcome back!

  4. Wow Matt such a great episode. Much better than the last I have a lot to say.

    I see two new faces but no anoouncement. When I first saw Dr. Vexen the first person that came to mind was Tanisha. Oh my god how hot they would be. Then when I saw Lily I mean Rena I thought Tanisha/Fine ass Dr. Vexen/Rena?

    Good twist on the paternity thing. I didn't think you were going to go there. But you did. Good twist.

    I loved the marissa and Alley scene. i could really see Lesli kay acting all that out in my head. And now she is going to make Alley look crazy. This is going to be real good. That's one of the break out storylines of season 5.

    Another one is Dylan. Man everytime I read about him my nuts hurt. Is it painful? I hope he goes through the surgery One balls or two, I still wouldn't want cancer. Does that or will that affect his sexual perfomance and after he loses his ball will that affect his sperm count or what not? i am not being grapahic I want to know. Good job with this one Matt.

    I don't know what is going on with this Anna Lee woman. I read about her last ep but didn't know what to make of it. But I guess I did like how she broke out of that room. She seems like she is kooky like Susan from Days? I don't know but I can already tell Ms. Lee is going to be trouble for Nan. And I wonder what new enemy Nan is going to go after next. I am so glad Bryan is not going to drop his fued with Hammerhead.

    Marli got her pic snapped and it will only be a mtter of time before whomever she don't want to find her does just that.

    Matt can you please get a different pic of Will. I have been wanting to ask you this since the first time I've read this great blog.

    And what a twist the cliffhanger was. Liked how the scenes went round and round or as I call them circle scenes, if you know what I mean. So damn good. I was on the edge of my seat. I thought for sure aVA was going to choose Nate and I was gone be mad but then she kissed skye. Shocked. Then her car exploded. GREAT TWIST MATT!! One thing I Must say I never know where you are going with your storylines. I don't think PP has ever been this good, and its now even trumping season 3. And you already know how I feel about season 3. PP is still fresh, even into season 5. I was worried because I felt towards the end of 4 PP lost it's way but's it's back, better than ever. Matt KEEP IT UP PIMP!!

  5. Thanks for the comments guys. Yes matt it was a little slower. I know. It will pick up trust me.

    I just hope no one gets."The brother's confused, Kiko and Dre are bros and kev and karim are bros.

    As far as Sister Pat, I loved your guys's comments about her. I have a some huge surprises for her. Something her third eye did not see coming.

  6. Another great episode. Loved Aggaie's sceen the coffee shoppe. I was shocked she retired/ I wonder what Tanhish got up her sleave, It would also be great to see Ags at the shop more.

    I like Ava serving Ava Karma. i do remeber her hating him, was it last season? I don't like how skye is so damn bossy. She need some sex or her panties are to tight.

    Will was in his prime going toe to toe with Jace. I so love Jace and i am really looking forward into seeing where this goes.

    I wonder what's up with Marli and wonder what she's running from.

    I had to laugh at Jon'd rack comment.

    Although I was able to predict the who's the daddy story with Carlos and Jenny I ca't perdict who it's going to be. Nice cliffhanger btw

  7. Good episode. You're one liners are so hilarious. PP has becoming comical. I love it.

    Oh so now Becky wants to abide by her code of ethics, give me a break. But I loved Dylan's reveal. My balls starting hurting when I read that scene. I really felt his pain. I really feel bad for him. This is something I've never expected and look forward to learning about his. Great choice in a social issue storyline and I think all men on here need to read this.

    I see you re casted Nate. I was shocked. I am willing to give this new Nate a chance. But I must say that scene where he took his clothes off, I really pictured the other guy doing that. And boy if this was on real tv, what a way for a recast to come onto the show. First scene, get naked, LOL. Why did you recast?

    I loved Alley's and Marissa scene. I was like hell naw Rissa giving it to my girl Alley but she had that come back, exposed her boobs. Loved it. "Money Makers" LOL!!!!

    I was so glad Nan turned the tables on that damn Blake. I ALSO LIKE WHAT I SEE IN BLAKE AND MARLI

    They look REALLY good together. I hope they go some where.

    I really love Jace's character. I have a good Friend who acts just like him. To drinking to always a arguing with his baby momma. In fact he called me and said he was going to kill her. I hope Jace is longterm. I have to say Jace looks way better than Will.

    I am so loving this Skye and Will pair up and her dialog to Will was so funny. I am finally liking her!!

  8. Tried posting a comment yesterday but I guess SON was down.

    A GREAT EPISODE MAYY. Loved it from start to finish. It's also great to see the storylines and characters intermixing a lot more. And PP seems to have slowed down there for enriching you're plots. Keep it up.

    I loved Skye in this episodes but She couldn't be on my team. The way she blasted out ol girls biasness like that. But it was a great twist. I also love how Will and Skye is about to pair up and scheme and I loved how Nate and Ava caught them. I am glad Ava slapped Nate with that rude ass Dyke remark. Makes me not even like even more. But I did love his comment about Butch Bully. I was on the floor laughing.

    Loved Marissa in this ep again and I hope she is planning nothing ill toward John I love the Alley/Marissa rivalry. CC who?

    And at last Nana vs Blake. I really love their rivalry and am so glad to Will in on that scene. Everyone was in top form but yet again Blake comes out on top. Can't wait to see what happens next

    Love the dialog, it's so much sassier. this is shaping up to be your best season yet.( and season 3 was good as hell)

    Great job Matt, don't let the fire burn out.

    O yea I am really wanting to know what's up with Dylan and I knew That's Where Jenny and Carlos was going. Who's the daddy. Good twist though.

  9. Wow thanks for the kind words. The decision to kill Chris off was a very hard one. But it will not be in vain. I know Lauren is acting up right now, her journey is just begining.

    The battle between Jenn and Jodie will take center stage when S.T.E.A.M. returns from a brief hitaus.

    THe fall out of Chris's death and Daniel's return will have profound effects on many people in Pasadena.

    DC has a shocking connection to Pasadena other than Jodie, keep you eye on that one.

    Matt Your comments had me dying man. And no Killing Chris off was not my response for you killing off Trella, lol. I am glad Abe finally is growing on you somewhat.

    Get ready when S.T.E.A.M. returns for the second half of season 2. I'm just getting warmed up.

  10. This episode had such a strong start. Loved the showdown between Nan and Blake. The dialog was so crisp and dramatic.

    Wassup my blunt smokers? I loved the black lip comment? How you know about that Matt?

    Not surprised if Jenny will be come preggers?

    Very surprised with Sky flirting with Ginny, I liked it.

    And poor Nate, never catches a break. It seems his tool has been in a lot of garages. I don't know If I could tolerate them two together. I have a soft spot in my heart for Ava. I don't want her with Nate.

    Loved how Bryan was right there to snap those photos. Can't believe Blake lost his cool like that. But I feel him but come Blake, your the pres you should have Nan is going to get you for choking the spit out of her. I'd like to see Nan get down and dirty with Bitch on her level. Like CC or something.

    Loved the episode Matt. Everything is flowing nicely and it seems to have slowed down some what ( or is it just me) and I like that too. Your dialog has become much more hip and sassy

    AND I can't forget my girl Marissa. I love her. Thanks for the good read.

  11. What a great Episodes. Very entertaining.

    I think Sky and Mona could be the best friends. It seems they feel the same way about men. I couldn't believe sky slapped her bitch like that. I really think she is going to amp out. She seems unstable.

    I SO LOVED MARRISSA"S lil catty remarks at Alley. She reminds me so much of Ria. I can't wait to see what you have in her. She becoming one of my favs fast.

    I LOVE NAN AND BRYAN together as well. Loved there scenes. I am so thrilled Nan is back. And she's back in top form.

    I am also liking this Lenvy ghost thing with Will too. And My man got his fire back. Pulling that alarm. Thas wassup. I loved his scene with Lenvy

    I bet Jenny is prego's. Who's the daddy?

    I AM SO GLAD I GOT TO SEE TANISHA AND GINNY and I can't wait fr this battle for the café. I LOL when T said I'm still with Owen. You got that loser.

    Great job Matt. The episodes are getting stronger.

  12. New Characters and sassiness is the words I would describe PP's season 5 so far. The dialog is much more aggressive, I love that, and I like now how the SONOP blogs now write a scene(opening act) then title and credits. Thas cute. Where do I begin, ( You know meImage23.gif)

    I loved CC's dialog and was cracking up when she tried to hit Jenny with that whip. I also loved how Carlos was still tied up during all this madness. I was so mad at CC for confessing everything. What a dummy. Is this the end for her. I think CC could give Nan a run for her money. I could see CC in Pasadena.....

    When I first read the name Marli I thought what the [!@#$%^&*], lol My name is Marlin, it's really tripping me out. Another newbie with a secret past. Like to see where this one goes. I do like her lighter hair.

    I SO LOVE MARISSA and Kay's pic. I love when she looked at Alley's pic. I can tell she's going to be one of this chics who will say what ever she wants and not give a [!@#$%^&*]. A little like Ria. I can't wait till see and Alley meet.

    And I had to laugh when Blake said Huff and Puff. Wow A good episode until the ending. I am on the fence on that one. Let's see where this one goes. ( I mean was it in his private area, his face, and how nasty of Carrie for not wash out that trap after she had sex. I hope she at least went home to so.)

    I LOVE THE CASTING OF JACE!!!!! I thought they was fenna get down wit a 3 some for real. Word.

    Great one Matt!!!

    PS I didn't know alcohols was allowed on campus....

    OH and I loved how you worked in Will's and Jon's backgrounds and such.

  13. Wow great episodes\. The two hottest stroylines were featured. I am realling hooked to see what happnes with Jim and Nette. I am still rooting for her to be with Greg.

    And it was good to see Norm again. And of people and and plots to get involved in, gets sucked in to this custody battle. Can't wait to see where this goes. Great episodes Redd. I still love how your dialog tells your story. I also liked that it's more tradntonal from the other 3 SONOP sister shows. It's refreshing. Cant wait for the enxt one.

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