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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Man I am sorry to see Owen go. All this wait to see what is going on an he's being let go. I just knew something big was going to happen. Alexia she can leave. And Tanisha, I would hate to see her go but you got to do what you got to do.

    I bet it's Nan coming back!!!!)Please GOD)

    I am also afraid of this finale since you are now known to kill off my favs. :(

  2. You would cliffhanger it there. I would too. Good episode

    The characters have been so damn aggressive lately. Carrie and Jules MUS really hate each other. That was a vicious( yet good) cat fight.

    The dialog has become much more edgier. Loving that. Also I new a new script format. Why the change?(I like it btw, easier to read)


    I can't believe Jon was released from jail that fast. What were the charges? It's like some story lines you move at breakneck then story lines like Owen's seems to be dragging.

    And what a surprise it was that Miss Ags heard Nick's crimes. This murder mystery is going to be good and I know it's going to feature Nick in a big way

    Loved how Carlos is now using chica. I don't think I noticed before.

    Now it seems we are going toward and Ava/Skye/Nate thing. I don't know. It's hard to call it with Nate.

    But I tell you what would be hot is Ginny and Ava. I really don't care for Skye all that well

    Good episode.

  3. This is crazy. We both had free falling in air collisions. Great end and twist. I wonder how Mika is going to explain this.

    GREAT EPISODE. So much is going on.

    I feel so damn bad for Jenny. My GOD. Nick , I hate him. I can't believe I said that.

    I also loved how Jules asked Carrie how did she get her memory back so fast. I thought is was cute.

    I also loved CC's living arrangement details in her scene. You know how I feel about that. I now wonder what her secret is. Nick is sinking lower and lower. He's being boxed in.

    I guess there goes my hopes for a A/D/J triangle. Jon going to jail was unexpected. I was expecting this big on the run story. I am camp Jon. and glad Alley is going to stand by him.

    And my girl Ava and Nat. Now it seems Nate is back to his player ways. I loved Ava's comment about what she liked. I don't know where you're going with that one, but I pray he don't hurt her liked he did Ginny. But then again, this is Cody huh?

    PS I think this is the first time that i am SO INTO this many storylines at once. Usually its one or two, but lately it's been 3 and 4. So much is going on, I guess I am finally seeing the darker side of PP4 you were talking about

    Where in the [!@#$%^&*] is Owen?!!!!!

  4. Wow, what an exciting episode. Loved the longer length

    I loved how you had Greg be the one who came to Lynette telling what they were doing was wrong. I thought it would be her considering she's a woman, loved the reversal on that. I loved this storyline even more and in fact it is my fav.Let me take you back Redd, "Secret lovers...yea, that's what they are,...Trying so hard to fight they way the feel, Because she's in love with some one else..but they can't let go..," Secret Lovers by the great Alantic Starr. That's what that storyline reminds me off.

    ALSO, FINALLY some major movement in The B.P. mystery. Good reveal. Was not expecting that at all. Dude is crazy as hell. Very good twist and I also like how Norm turned the tables on ol' boy. Again, GREAT EPISODE probably one your best. Keep them coming

  5. Redd you do have some of the best casting choices. Trish is stunningly beautiful. Liked the Lewis casting. He seems very fitting.Wish Bell would do more with him on B&B)

    Is Linda New?

    Again I love your causal flow of your writing.

    I do feel this big mystery is coming to a head, the walls are closing up around

  6. Wow man, I am glad to be back and so glad I get to read a few eppies back to back. These previews good as hell esp Lynette/Greg/ I am rooting for them

    Like the Leigh and Ed custody storyline

    And to be real I am kind of glad this BP and mystery thing is going to wrapped up.

    Can't wait to see the new family, PLEASE PLEASE POST MORE. I love Novi

    If you need any help with anything let me know. now on to the episodes

  7. Damn. I can't believe Nick did a 360 like that. I like the build up to the ending. It was soapish.

    Man, I am still tripping.

    I am really enjoying Alley/Blake/ and Jon. I am wondering if Blake and Alley will rekindle what they once have.

    I KNEW MIKA was hired to kill Will. I wonder how this is going to play out. And I wonder who and why wants Will PanzerWW2 dead

    SO GLAD TO SEE another run in between Ginny and Tanisha. So delicious. I love Ginny and Again I hope you put her on contract and give her more to do. Ginny is now my fav character.

    Nate has been acting very strange. He was a playa now he wants a LTR? It's like this big cloud of mystery over him.

    Finally Ava/and Skye is interesting. It's been touch and go with me and I liked there scenes in this episode. Another solid episode. You move at lightning pace

  8. What a nice first episode to come back too. You're writer did a great job Matt. He's a keeper. The dialog was razor sharp, and it moved fast and didn't seem as long.

    Loved when Vic slapped Carrie. That was funny. They must live in nice area for Dylan's keys to to be just sitting on the dashboard.

    I LOVED THE CC vs Jenny. Loved her spicy dialog. Loved Jenny's back bone as well. Love catfights. Just love em.

    SO damn glad to see my girl Ginny. I really wish you would do more with her.

    Loved the ending. I would have been even more shocked if it was revealed that Alley, was sitting in the back seat.

  9. Ooh wee. I decided to check you guys out and I am glad I did I love the short length. Episode moved VERY FAST.

    So glad to see Abe in the mix of things. Also glad to see Marlena and Kate as enemies.

    And hold up, are you telling me that Helena and Abe fathered EJ or did I mis read?

    This Helena story is very interesting. I know this is Jay's doing. He love him some ABC soaps.

    GREAT EPISODE and I look forward to the next

  10. WOW. THis is [!@#$%^&*] crazy When you read S.T.E.A.M. Matt you will understand

    What a great twist and reveal. Was not expecting that all.

    Great job with the episode N. Lee. It was leaps and bounds than 91. It all flowed so well

    LOVED the catights and boxxing matches. Reminds that I haven't done a catfight in a while on my blog. But BOY was it coming for all of them Jenn vs C and Nick vs Carlos. As old as Agatha is I am glad she didn't get hurt trying to pull these two wolves apart.

    Jon considering kidnapping his duahgter. O GOD. This is getting really good. I can't wait to see how this plays out

    and where the hell is Owne and what is going on with him Who has him and why?

    I think Mika was hired to kill Will.

    And where is my Ginny. She needs to be on contract.

    Loved the Nate scenes and what a good message to get out there

    I hope no more people die, I can't take much more ;)

    Trella, Lenvy,London, Nan, B,

  11. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Wow. You three are doing a GREAT job. Such a powerful and emotional storyline. I am in awe right now. Ryan I would love for you to write a sexually charged scene for S.T.E.A.M. I loved what do did between Patrick and Robin.

    We're glad you're enjoying not just our blog, but many others as well. We're enjoying yours too. The best thing we can do is continue to support each other.

    I wrote that scene while I was at work, lol. We can't reveal whether or not the baby will have HIV or not. That's part of the overall story we'll be telling over the next couple of months. Robin will soon discover that the possibility of transferring her HIV to her unborn child is the least of her worries.

  12. WOW who wrote that? That was S.T.E.A.M.y. Ima have to step up my game thats for sure. I am really glad I am reading all these blogs. I have learned so much from everyone. Wow. I am glued to this Baby thing so my thing is the condom broke then? And the baby wont have HIV then?

    Again That was a hot scene please tell me who wrote that?

  13. WOW. I LOVE the Victor/Stefano/Oprhues storyline. 3 titians in war. I love it. Though i don't know much about O, he was on in the 80's right?

    Also I find it hard to believe that Stefano waited so long,( all the bombs and what not) before striking back at his enemies. Even his daughter was killed, and he didn't act? Who was the daughter BTW?

    Also When I was reading the first few scenes of the Titian.s I said to myself this has a Dallas feel to it, and Sure nuff Victor was on the phone to the Texas Governor. Nice touch.

    I am also looking forward to see what this Liz Curtis is all about. I know she is from the 80's as well and hope you guys make it east for new reader like me to get to know her.

    I had to laugh my ass off at TROUT MOUTH!!

    Great episode and I guess it's official the censors have been relaxed.

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