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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Wow this soure is an else world. Very interesting. I don't know who that man was in the pic. But nice first episode. Very different. It's really gonna take some time for me to get used to all thses changes. I had to re read like everything. I was tripping. I am really intrested to see where this goes.

    I wonder who's carries father was, John?(Or did I miss something)

    When I wwas reading how Roman was acting to had to look to see who was playong this role.

    Like Ryan I do like the rivlary of Mar, and Roman. Nice start. It seems everyone is going to pay for something.

    Abe is a govenor and seems bad and Stefano good? Wow, just wow!

  2. Wow I can't believe it has been six months. Tara thank you so much for having me here with you on LIS. I really have a blast writing with you and we come up with some awesome and I must stress fresh stories. There are a lot of Days blogs out there and I've read many of them, and people reading this may say I am being biased, but I do believe ours is the best. We have so many great stories and we are charting new territory for the people we love whom live in Salem. I have become a better writer since joining LIS and I have met an incredibly great friend. Tara thank you so much for giving me a chance and I can't wait till our 2 big summer stories kick off. We are going some where, where no other Days blog has dared to go. Even the actual show itself.... So stay tuned!!!

  3. You are more than welcome Romoan. I see you got a nice start, I am very busy but trust me I will be reading and comenting. Welcome back and I wish you mad sucess. Live well for haters!! And this your time to shine, on a solo stint. Again good luck and you know I am here if you need me....

  4. Love the quderangle with Alan, Nat/gus and harley.

    Was shocked to see Susan catch Rock and (I forget the names now) the two men kissing. I wonder what she is going to do now.

    Nice ending, feel really bad for lizzie. Nice ep

  5. WOW!!! This was the best episode of Novi I've read yet. GREAT JOB REDD. The writing was top notch and the dialog was smart. I am at a loss of words. I LOVED Jim's and Lynntee's scene. I feel so bad for Jim. Damn I really do!! I love this triangle and I am glued to my seat to see how it plays out.

    I love the simplicity of Novi. It's simple, with a small group of folks. (Unlike STEAM ) as u should know.

    ANd I alo really loved JC's scene with Carol. It was so beautiful and so indepth. I really felt exctaly where JC is coming from. I wonder will Carol take heart to anything her grandson said. Redd you are on fire right now. Novi is on top of it's game man. PLEASE I BEG YOU and I am willing to do anything, just keep them coming.

    Keep up THE GREAT WORK!! I love the lenght of Jim's and Lynnete's scene. Again man great job 5stars

  6. OMG!! What a great episode. I love Novi because it's so traditnoal. I love the Anna and Cassie rivialry. I knew this day would come. And the eding was a nice cliffhanger. A few months back I didn't think you were going to Have Lynette and Greg have sex but you did and this is another one of your hottest stories. Novi has never been better. Great job Redd. As u already know I just wish we can see Novi more often.

    I wonder if Lynnette will really leave Jim and what about Greg? What will his job say about this?!!

  7. Thank u so much D. I made the ep longer like u told me and it is working out great. I am so glad u liked it. Ur comments really motivate me. And yes S.T.E.A.M.s very first wedding will be what else, delivered in true S.T.E.A.M. fashion. 10 episodes left b 4 the cliffhanger A LOT WILL HAPPEN!!!! Evrything yens have been waiting for . I am not holding back nothing

  8. Wow Jay what a great episode. It was really good. It was much easier to understand what was going. The dialog was easier to figure out as well. I don't know if you did n e thing or not but keep on keepin on.

    This epiode was longer and had so much going on. I cant belive Susan did what she did. Wow But I love it. I like Harley and Gus together. And Gus running out to see harley on his wedding. Actions speak louder than words

    Also loved the Frank and Alan Micheal fight.

    The scenes in this ep seem more in depth. I like that. Again this was a GREAT EPISODE!!!!!! Great Job and good writing.

  9. Natalia i straight tripping. I wonder what she is going to do.

    And Alan Mike snapping those photos, I know this won't be Good. He gone play the evil card to get his lil piece chocolate. I ain't mad at ya.

    I felt like The Ashlee Coop scene could have been a little deeper . It was like damn she came at him full force and after a few words she blamed herself and started crying. I am assuming Ol girl did something to make it seem like she was "naked"

  10. this was a slower episode but we all have them. The ending was nice. One thing I do want to say it's a little hard to figure out who is speaking at times. Not only do I have to figure out who is who and what goings on, I have to figure out who is saying what and when. Do u see what I am saying?

  11. Hell now G betta leave Remy alone. Very nice ending though. Loved the girlfriends scenes. I am loving this blog more and more as I read each episode. I do notice you seem to have a lot of storylines. So me getting used to everything will take some time. But in this ep I have no quetions. I guess that's a good thing

  12. this was a very dramatic episode. SO much is going on. I love it. Now I got a few questions, Jeffery is cheating on Reva with Marah or am I missing something?

    And can u please explain Harley, Tammy and her cousin thing.

    I love Mel and Alan Micheal.. But he did bring up a good point of asking her y is her relation to Frank on the DL

  13. I am really liking your blog more and more. I love Remy and Blake and love her dick comments. LOL

    I loved the scenes with Alan Micheal and Mel. They are hot together too.

    I loved that twist with Ava. I did not see that coming at all. Her first scene I was like typical girl lying about her pregnancy but then in fact she is pregnant. GREAT TWIST.

    Another good episode.

  14. I just love any scene with Remy. It seems the ladies are clinging to him. So what's the deal with him and Nat?

    And poor Lizzie. She reminds of Jodie from S.T.E.A.M. I really feel for her. How old is she?

    And I loved the c02 scenes. Mother/daughter vs Mother Daughter. Loved it. I know there is no love lost between Olivia and Reva.

  15. WOW o much is going on. I am getting into to this more and more.

    I really like the Reva and Josh scene. Esp the 2nd one. I could so tell they love each other and you didn't need words to convey that. Good job writing that.

    I am also interested in Shayne and Marina. She was rapped. DO we know by home?

    PS You have a beautiful cast!!

    I loved Harley first scene with the kids. It's pure and just nice. Good job with that one.

    And wow to Liz having cancer. she looks so young. I loved her scenes. I know she felt so embarrassed when her hair was falling out. I really feel bad for her. Where do she got cancer?

    Oh and what is sick is Natalia and Alan. Yuck. But I was also shocked to see them like that. I can't wait to see how this triangle plays out.

    Sorry I have been distant on my postings. (Been SUPER busy)

  16. Wow good episode. I was not expecting Miss Lee to get rowled up like that. Poor Jenny. I know Miss Lee is going to figure out about Miss Ann and I cant wait. Nan is so devious with her camera. And all Carlos could say was " I don't know what to say" I was cracking up.

    OO I LOVE YOUR BANNER DUDE. Very nice. You know blue is my fav color.

    We got a lot of movement in a few storyline this ep

    Like Jace and nem. I was surprised to see Rena tell Alicia bout what she saw and I wonder now what she is going to do. Jace is starting to come off as a jerk sometimes. I am till rooting for Will and Rena.

    I LOVE THE AVA STUFF OMG Skye is going to go berserk. I felt Ava to the fullest and it serves Skye right.

    Oh And I bet if Jace loses Alicia to Will he will kill him.

    And I thought Dylan already met Carrie parents? But damn Vic went crazy on dat ass. He truly needs so help. He need to talk with Abe and then maybe pray with Sister Pat. But a VERY GOOD EPISODE.

    Glad to see you back and congrats on the acting gig. I know a star :D

    PS YES, people stay dead in Pasadena. Chris is one of them... B)

  17. Wow what a cliffhanger. i can't wait to ee where this triangle goes. So Mel and and that Bauer, is it Rick? are together?

    I also love Beth. She is so beatiful. Who is she with now in your blog and who is Philip with?

    So did I read it right Blake moved into where Remy lives?

    And I think it was Frank who was doubting harley. Come on I know enough about GL to know Harley is not a killer,...or is she?

    still getting into the stories but it was a good episode jay!

  18. OMG Matt. U r crazy. Thanks for the comments everyone. Jodie's storyline has some big twist yet to come.

    I am glad u r taking a liking to DC. (Matt)

    D our convo's really have helped me thank u so much for that.

    I am really sorry u lost all respect for Lauren, that certainetly was not my intention in writing that twist. But all the comments were interesting.

    Something BIG is about to happen!!!next week be on the look out for that. I RPOMISE YOU EVERYONE WILL BE SHOCKED!!!!

    The season is coming to a close and yes Mona and Sharan will return to Pasadena....SOON!.....

  19. Wow Matt that sounds pretty neat. I like that storyline but do understand the newbies thing. I am surprised to find Bryan involved. I love Bryan so maybe this story maybe can save face. I knew you would touch up on her past soon I knew it was a matter of time. Thanks for the alt storyline reveal. It would have been very innovating. THough I still don't like Blake

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