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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction


    I love Roxis and Roxie vs Mindy. I loved how Mindy came down and thought the food was for her but it wasn't Nice set up. I couldn't beeive Roxis just came out and called her a bitch like that. One question thouhg, y didn't rick her Mindy in the closet. For the first time I am intrested with Mindy/Rick thanks to Roxie.

    And Poor Shayne. I see things are going to get trough for the two. Y hasn't Rocky gave an excuse to Shayne yet.

    I loved Jon's scene with Alan, esp when he enetred the nursery. WOW and what an ending.

    Another great episode from start to finsih and o yea I love the new michelle and she would look great witj Bill

  2. WOW what a great episode. I now dont like Rocky. It is so wrong what he is doing to Shane and I can't belive Marina is preggos. Nice twist and what a man Shanye is to offer to raise the baby.

    Olivia is a hoe Damn i cant belibve she was with all those people. I did like her scenes thoigh and how she was refelcting back on stuff. Intead of thinking of a relations hip so sonn shouldnt she be thinking of dating him at least first.

    I can't belive Jon and Liz ended up kissing. Wow from gun point to a kiss and that Vi is one nasty peice of work.

    Great ep Jay and where u been at? You aint been commenting on the blogs boss. Ya busy>?

  3. Thank u so much Durand. Your comment mean a lot to me. I am really trying to deepen these characters and I AM SO GLAD SOME ONE SEES THAT. I am also making steam more emotional.

    Thank u for commenting on Dre and Kiko I am really on working on there brotherly love and thank u for realizing that story.

    Thank u again for realizing Ria has a story. A big one at that.

    Durand thank u so much, I was getting worried for a bit by some of the comments and but u gave me hope. I am working so hard on STEAM this season and I was starting to think it was in vane. Thanks for seeing the bigger picture.

  4. WOW what and ending and what an episode. The dialog was so edgy.

    I knew Jace would snap on Will I thought for sure someone would get shot but instead he's free falling into traffic..

    I loved Ginny's and Tanisha's scene. I lvoe their riviarly. I loved the lines to each other. I can't wait for owen to come back to se what happens. I can't wait for the day those two have it out.

    My my how Marli has turned the tables on Bryan. Dumb Bryan. Why didn't u make sure the door was shut.

    I SO LOVED Lanna and her husband's scenes. SO edgy. Thank you for that. I learend alot from their past. I bet she will stop that wedding



  5. Hey jay turn ur personal messenger on pls

    Hello and greetings. i am writing you this to inform you that the blogs at mySONtv are not dead. There was a time were the blogs here were thriving but all that has fallen by the way side the past year. I am here to bring it back. I am creating a blog magazine for the blogs here at SON to gain's people's intrest into the blogs once again. So as a fellow writer, let's support our craft. We aim to debut this mag in Jan. Pls foward me a short descciption of your series, and any casting and story spoliers along with your series logo or banner and other useful info u want to put in for the first issue. I thank you for your support and look forward in hearing from you.

  6. A great episode.. GO LIZZIE get your little girl back. I don't blame her one bit I loved her line when she said she gets what she want's how and when she wants it.

    Kevin and Rochy huh. I feel so bad for Shanyne andn ow I cant stand Rocky That jerk After everything they have been through and he throw it alla way. Bastard. And after Shanyne's fam came out to support him . So sad.

    I see the rtomance developing between Gus and Livia. I like

    Loved the scene with Rafe and Mureen and Vi. Why is Vi doing that to Maureen. Great episode Jay

    How long will Remy be in Pasadena. I just wrote like two scenes for him

  7. A GREAT EPISOde. It was a very nice bonding scene with Alexis and Carrie and I like what Lexis said at the end. Crazy things is possible. Great line and ggreat scene.

    I loved when Kate aid she was back to reclaim her thorne. I know that;s right. What if Kristen and Kate team up to get TOny.

    It was also nice to see a scene with Benard And Crstal with just them and letting the reader know who they are where they stand.

    I hope Will beats them in court

  8. Dont understand why forrrest would be involved in a freeze frame at the end. But I loved how Viv came at Kate immedietly. Loved it.

    Hello Ivan and welcome back and I wonder who is in val's picture

    I had to laugh at Celeste Tarot cards. They remind me of Sister Pat pulling out her holy water and bible. I wonder how far Celeste will go to keep dorian in check and way from her man

    Isnt Justin Karakis in town?

  9. VERY good episode. I forget what u got Stefano and Viv doing. I think I know but I wont spoil it.

    Now that Dorian is in town it's going to be intresting to see how Celeste will react to her man's ex lover

    And lucas should ask himself if jan would leave baby Bradley behind. He ought to know something is not right esp after eeing greta on the jan'ss front lawn.

    I love the arguemnt between Robin and Laura.

  10. Woah dare I say Celeste vs Dorian? THat ought to be good.

    It is so good to ee Laura back but wish I could have wrote her. U know how much I love her.

    Now I wonder whom is watching Helena? Great twist this and who in the hell is in those casltle.

    It would make perfect sense to put Anna and TOny back together.

    VERY GOOD EPISODE and I am so glad they r quick to read. I read so many blogs that it's so hard to keep up But I think I do a damn good job. I would say I am the most active person here at the blogs

  11. Good episode. Though I dont remeber Nicole pulling off Stan's wig.

    How many damn kids do Mar have> My goodness. She was spitting them out.

    So they let Sami out on bail. I am su suprised considering all the bad things she's down before. I am shocked that she was not considered a flight risk. It is nice to see everyone come otgehter for Mar's funeral...

    Will Nicole be Sami's savior? GTHat will be a great twist.

    I can't belive how many people anted to kill Marlena.

    So abe is done with his physical therapy?

    I love how everyone is in jail. When will Julie and Hope's trial be?

    A very good episode.

    I loved the scenes in the secret room. I love Jan vs Nicole vs Greta

  12. This was a slower episode. I had to set up other stories and characters. I can't rely on Mona/Sister Pat and Sabryn vs Ashley.

    My writing style is "in your face" I am always going to have that oneplot or character that will make people say" I can't belive it"

    I am so glad u are learning STEAM more and even more glad that some one like as matt calls them set 2 of the Bro Hoes.

    lauren isn't dead. At the very end she revealed herself to be alive and that Dre and Lauren faked her death. DOnt know if u caught that or not

    It thrills me anytime I get to write Sister Patterson in an episdoe. I know I am in for a good laugh. Sister Pat won't always be funny. SHE HAS SOME BIG SH!T COMING UP!!!!

  13. I was very shcoked to see Gus shot. Nice twist!! And after reading the preveiws I al all for a romance with Livia and Gus. THey look hot together.

    Michelle's scenes with the picni at the falls were beatiful.

    What's Roxie back story. She seems unhinged.

    And Cassie is going to get some payback on her Edmund. I can't wait to see what she pulls out her ass. i am all couaght up now. Sorry it took me so long..

    Pleae work on typos. THey are getting worse and sticking out like a sore thumb. This ep was pretty bad in that regard, but this was still a good episode!!

  14. I was very shcoked to see Gus shot. Nice twist!! And after reading the preveiws I al all for a romance with Livia and Gus. THey look hot together.

    Michelle's scenes with the picni at the falls were beatiful.

    What's Roxie back story. She seems unhinged.

    And Cassie is going to get some payback on her Edmund. I can't wait to see what she pulls out her ass. i am all couaght up now. Sorry it took me so long..

    Pleae work on typos. THey are getting worse and sticking out like a sore thumb. This ep was pretty bad in that regard, but this was still a good episode!!

  15. Oh Olivia you stupid stupid girl. Alls you had to do was jut be patient. Like the robbers were going to let you go. Where's ur common sense girl. I bet Gus and Olvia are headed for a romance. THat would be nice.

    harley and Cyrus are acting like school kids. harley is a grwon woman and too old to be hiding her man.

    Is Shayne and Rocky getting married?

    Nice mention of the ecomony

    Now how do we gro from Roxie, to Rusty, to reva then Cassie. 3 r's and one C?

    Good episode!!

  16. How was roxie an aunt and grandma and I bet some how Roxie is connected to Annie Dutton some how

    I wonder whay u have planned for Marah and mariana. I bet they go through it together

    So I guess Alan's new baby is sofetning him up in his old age?

    Well now we can add another baby to the long list that we already have.

    I would have called he cops on Liz and Aubrey by now. At least slap Aubrey. Antoehr good episode!!

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