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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Your welcome Tara and anytime. Enjoy Lisa.

    You know, I used to hate Greta, everyblog and their momma had Greta on it. I was just never a fan of her. But I must say when I brought her over to the spin off "Affairs of the Heart" She got VERY interesting and her follow up story when rejoinging LIS after AOTH ended it's temp run, Greta has kept me glued. I don't wish for her to come back. I really feel she has run her course.

    Just a few words from ML.......

  2. I always loved Celeste tarot card readings

    Good to see hope and Julie again too

    To late for predicting death Celeste. Peter is already dead, lol But Lexie?

    Hope is out of jail bout time

    Nice to see Kristen and Bo connect. They make a hot couple and woah they had sex already . Why cant the secret room storyline move this fast?

    Bo is a hot item, Hope, Kristen, Megan and that other girl

    Eugenia and Lucas? Totally two thumbs down YUCK!!!!!

  3. One of the stragens stories is the secret room and Eugenia and Lucas and indeed you got it right this story is moving at a snail’s pace. Not to encouraging we wont see any more movement on it.


    And it is so about time we see Abe again. Starting to think this was the bold and the Beautiful. Hell Theo could be a teen by now

  4. I loved how Carrie was coming to terms that Sami is innocnet via all the crazy things that has happened in Salem over the years.

    I just know Will and Destiny are bound to end up together. That’s how I was going to write it too. I can’t wait to see how you write it out.

    The one I love about LIS, is how one big event is felt through all the stories. That’s one thig you do very well Tara.

    It’s funny, after all that Sami has done to Carrie that she is now defending her ungrateful sister It really show how much of a great person Carrie is

    Lord help Viv when Stefano finds out you set up Peter to be killed

  5. It is VERY NICE TO see Jennifer again

    I could just imagine in my head Steffy calling Crystal an idiot in my head. Too funny esp with his accent

    It’s good to see viv back in action and being in the driver seat. She was getting stepped on so much. I remember I used to complain about this a lot. Good to see things have turned around for her.

    Nice twist ending. Dorian vs. kate. I like it. And Dorian knows a huge secret. This is going to be good.

  6. SO much violence in Salem. A shooting and a stabbing. Sounds like the Mexican drug war!

    It was nice to bring Jeremy and Mike together over Alexis being stabbed.

    Stef vs. Crystal. Wait until Stefano finds out

    I loved the Dimera siblings arguing. I just love how they are such a prominent family these days

    Should Lexie be the one operating on her own brother. Wont her nerves mess her up?

  7. Mindy is stragiht up tripping from rick to dusty back to rick. What the hell is wrong with h er. PLEASE LEAVE ASAP She fed Dusty and Rick the same lines. Get your plates out Dusty and Rick. Mindy got some b s for ya.

    Dont Annie Know she got to earn that trust back. Its not going to happen with a snap of fingers. Esp after all shes done.

    Honestly I dont think Harley sold herself to the judge very well. At one point I was like what the hell are you talking about But I loved this scene. I wish Dinah would think of whats best for B instead of going after what SHE wants.

    THanks for the Rufus flashback. I was like is he going to take it all the way there. Thanks for the pg13 version.

    I was about to get mad at Josh, getting all to comfy with Annie till he finally snapped out of it. Glad he got a brain.

    Alan and Annie, people of change huh?

    Wow i had no idea Cyrus was B's father too. THis changes everything. Another good cliffhanger and a GOOD TWIST.

    Glad Sandra getting surgery. I really like her chaarater . SHE IS THE strognest woman on FTL. Ihope she not going no where.

  8. My question is wouldn't reva have reconizged Cassie's car. I would know if it was my fam's car.

    You do a great job with Rufus. Ilove this compassionate side to him.

    I busted out laughing and got in trouble at work for doing so when Liz said" Well it's my house Liz" I know that's right. Put the brakes on it liz. Let bitch ass Aubrey know what it is. I also loved the two answer question at the same time but where does Aubrey get off acting like it's her house. It's Liz's right? Aubrey got some big ass balls. Maybe ash needs to come back from the dead and chop them hoes off.

    I do not like Mindy and Rusty together. It feels so stragne esp since Mindy ran to him 2 two point five seconds after she was on bended knee pleading for Rick. I don not like this pair at all now.

    I know Vi. Coop is fine as hell. But oh God I know this is leading to trouble. Esp Vi. I know she a bad girl.

    I like how Rue is playing a vital part in the Cassie getting help storyline. I am glad Rue is talking some sense into her

    Looks like that triffling bitch Aubrey gone still a baby.( told you he had a buffet to choose from) and the even more interesting thin she's thinking of taking Marina's baby. I see some intertwining happening and some camp. Love it but I HATE AUBREY DO U HEAR ME JAY. SOME BODY BETTER BE BEATING THAT ASS SOON

    Thank God Dusty Rusty is leaving along with speedy Mindy.

    SO susan a druggie huh. I had to laugh when i saw that word. I didnt know n e used that besides me. Susan boy oh boy. when does it end. SHe need her ass beat too. I think Sister patterson or Miss Jenkins need to pay a visit to Springfield and set some people straight!.

    Nice ending. Classic. i could see it in my head. Shes back and I am so happy. Let the games begin. FTL is getting so damn good. It's becoming must read every ep. Keep up the momentum up Jay u r doing great.

  9. Belinda is the inncoent one here. Dinah gave her up. Thats her loss. She just cant decide to give her away and take her back. Being a mother is not a part timew job nor do u put it in layaway. Camp harley and Cyrus all the way.

    WOW Coop and ASH o beatifully written I must say I can't belive they broke up. I am so hurt.

    LOVED reva's and Cassie convo through the speaker and loved Casie remarks esp refusing to let her in.

    Is Mindy smoking crack. Is she high? Drunken? Where did this come from. She was JUST pleading with Rick. What the hell did I miss. She sure does not waste no time.

    Again superb writing with Reva and Cassie

    Why did Coop and Ash have to break up I loved them so much and I already know what ur going to say Jay " They grew apart" NO!!!!!!!!!

    Now we got queend bad ass back in town. Here we go again. Wonder what the hell kinda of s h i t she will pull out her ass this time.


    Is all I can say about that ending. [!@#$%^&*] [!@#$%^&*] ASS The best cliffhanger EVER ON FTL. I ought to slap myself for not reading sooner. And the ending had a twisst . First cassie bout to mow down Reva and than ANnie saves her what a way to bring her back.

    A FLAWLESSLY WRITTEN EPISODE JAY. THIS IS THE BEST WORK I"VE SEEN FROM YOU YET. I am so loving FTL i think it's now my fav blog. I've come along way from trying to get into it and was so confused and now look I am so addicted. Thanks for a great read. I had to tell Tara come read it it wa so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Rafe looks like he is about 16 Aubrey is baby crazy. There are so many kids in Springlfield she has a buffet to choose from. This story is taking a lil campy tone I like it.

    I swear Gus can be a complete ass hole at times. I do feel bad for him but damn.

    This loreileigh buisness wih Beth is interesting.

    I love Rue. With her comppasion and corprate espionge. I love it. I have found new respect for Rufus and I cant wait till she comes home. You are doing a great job with her. I like how she told Marah she was her fairy God mother after Sandra told her the same thing. I see Rufus in a whole new light now. Thanks Jay for that.

    I really can't belive Harley left Guss like that. She just to love him deeply. Damn I would be devasted if the womanI loved did that to me. Even though we aint together. That means the love was not true. And good liv, swooping right in like an Eagle. I would too. Perfect timing and it couldn't be any easier.

    Rafe is a damn dummy and so is Aubrey. Aubrey is nasty and a lame and also a loser and she a nasty dumb bitch. I hate her.

    I do wonder if Beth is lying about LoriLee

  11. Sabryn. Boy do she got a long road ahead. SHe has lost so much and been through so much. I feel bad for her myself.

    Surprised everyone loves Sharan vs Ria. I dont know why.

    Karim is going through a lot right now. He is losing his family. Lost Abe. Just found Mona. He doesnt need aleixs not beliveing in their love. Ladonna is his secretary and has been for years. Karim is just tired of Alexis insecurites.

    I am glad my casting over haul is paying off.. I keep trying to make Lauren not a slut but there is no way around it. I write her as a herione but slowly she is going in the opposite direction and she does something that will make you all hate her.

    If I wrote Miss Jenkins into the funeral, the funeral would have been 4 epiodes and I felth the readers could not take another week of it.

  12. Thanks guys. Matt ur comment about Jason cracked me up and u calling Sabryn a dummy. I am very surprised you all liked Mark. I wish you guy would have said something earlier. Rufus will be coming back in April. Wih a huge story. Rufus left in an effort to get new tories started and to end others. He needed a rest so I can re develop him.

    Oh that Ria. Ria's life is about to turn upside down. Her big story is being set up as you read her scenes with Kiko. ;)

  13. So much mystery on FTL. WHO in the hell kidnapped EDmund

    LMAO My God I love Rufus's dialog. It's so funny. Esp the boys and nick names. I SO LOVE THIS JAY!!!

    Nice to see that Alan has changed!! I hope it's last.

    Shayne making Marah "BIB" I am not LIKING THIS ONE BIT. Shayne is leading her on

    LOL RUe and Shayne, I love it

    Marinia better back up and Shayne better too. I dont like them getting back together

    Olivia really is bossing around Harley Letting her know the boundries. WOW

    I had to laugh at Rafe pulling out the baby bump. It wass funny. So she is faking that pregnacy

    [!@#$%^&*] BETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell? A GREAT SHOCKER NEVER SAW THAT COMING!! Why would she do that

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