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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. I love those opening lines u use to open episodes

    I lke how Annie really still cares for Josh. She has many layers

    ha wait until G finds out what Susan did

    Poor Dina, al urs mom tried to do is open ur eyes

    Marah and Jefferey are couple? Yuck. Why don't he want to marry her

    I woul not ind if Josh and Annie get back together. I reall like this softer side to her

    I just know Alan and Blakes plan will go awry

    HE Told G UH OH

  2. Ava is triping talking to her nurse like that.

    Loved the opening scene with everyone's emotion. I be its war for Alan nd Annie and I cnt wait

    What did cassie do that needs forgiving?

    jesse and Michelle. U r setting that up real nice and slow. Good writing skills

    R u headed for Bill and Olivia? I like that a lot

    Ok so harley ur daughter slept with the man u love and ur catering and getting on with Cryrus?

    Love the Bike ride with Jesse ad Michelle, so classi so romantic

    OOH So Mallet took the kids and left. Good twist.

    Blake and Alan? What in the hell is going on....ButI like it. A LOT. Good episode.. FTL is so romantic. U have lots of romance in ur series

  3. What's this Beth( Lorileigh) thing?

    I just realized u recasted Roxie! Wow? A lot of roles have been recasted.

    Who is Rafe's mother?

    Too bad Bill is clueless

    FTL is so tradtional in its storytelling I love it.

    Suprised that Rafe and Liz voted for Annie but it does make sense

    I knew it would be Annie. Well for a minute I really didn't but for some reason I am just not shocked. But what will be good is what Annie will do and I know ALAN won't let this ride. Round 2. Alan vs Annie. This will be good and I think they were married at one point in time huh?

  4. Love the Susan recast.

    Poor Harley and shame on u 2 Susan. How dare you? You have done ur mother so wrong on so many ocassions. Dirty little tramp. I'll never LIKE SUSAN!! U GOT THAT!?

    What does Roxie have up her sleeve?

    Harley should have beat the hell out of Susan!

    Roxie is BiPolar and a lunatic

    I am not trying to hear any excuse Mel has. She's dead wrong. And nothing will ever change that

    It was nice that Philip was there for Harley.

    Shayne going straight/? I dont think so. I will not accept that. I will only accept Shayne and Rocky. Why don't couples stay together on this show?

    Who is Ava?

    Loved the ending scene and now based upon the previews the ceo is revealed. Now I got to read one more. U killing me Jay.

  5. Oo Gus and Harley a couple now?

    Shame on you Mel. I will never forgive u for this. You know how bad ur hubby wanted this. I know if I were in his show, it woulde be over between us

    What is Roxie up to with Ashlee?

    Do u ever think ur cast is too big?

    I really love how solid these families are on ur blog and how well defined the roles are and Lewis vs Spualding. It's like on Dynasty or Dallas. I love it

    O I c, harley is still with Cyrus? But I know she longs for Gus. I do too.

    Oh my what evilness does Roxie have for Ashlee. I like both characters I hope She dont hurt Ashlee This is almost too much for me

    Remy and liz? Now thats hot. Blake and Alan working together so she can get with remy? Wow/ Why so?

    SHUT THE [!@#$%^&*] UP GUS AND SUSAN? OMG I AM STUNNED!!!! AND NOW EVERYONE KNOWS. I was going to quit reading for the evening but I may have to come back to see what happens. GREAT EPISODE JAY!!! U r on fire

  6. SO glad Roxie is still on and i lover her pic. I hope you switch Coop's pic back?

    I so loved the first Spualding scene. I am voting for Alan Micheal and I loved how Liz voted for her uncle

    So what is Roxie up to? What has that cluck been up to?

    Poor Alan Micheal. And Shame on Mel. Are they a couple? If so he he needs to dump her.

    Jesse and Michelle will now be working together. That's going to be a hot triangle.

    Loved the 2nd Reva Bend scene. We are really getting into Roxie's inner emotions I love it

    I loved Alan M's meltdown. I feel so bad for him. I could really feel his pain and I can't wait to see if he will seek revenge. I so love this CEO plot. SO much is involved. DAMN everyone who hurt him. GENIUS WRITING. The hottest plot in the blogs right now!!!

    I CANT WAIT FOR THE BATTLE to play out Annie, Alan, and Phil. Love it

  7. OH MY Mariana smoking crack!> She's a basehead!?

    Can Annie really be trusted? Is she a good girl or bad girl this time?

    O Wow Shanye and Rocky are done? That is too damn bad!

    Why does Olivia have a restraining order on Philip?

    So nice that Reva and Cassie made amenz. Esp during her cancer..again?

    My my how have the roles reversed. Susan is the do right person now? After all the trouble she's caused. But I do like the crack head storyline

    The battle between two brothers. Nice build up

    And I love the shorter ep. Thanks

    I can't belive how many I am behind Damn where did they all come from?

  8. What a very nice opening scene. I loved Blakes reaction and it's not normal for me to like him but his reaction was spot on and then London talked about the wedding vows. VERY NICE

    And Ava's and James's scene. What a great follow up. I love how at first James didn't or wouldn't like really acknowledge her feelings for it was about how she found him. And she didn't make it about her. It was about Bobbie. I cant wait to see where this takes them GREAT scene

    ready set match. Ginny is going to beat that ass. I can't wait. it was a long time coming and so well built up Again this is my fav storyline. I really like the characters of Ginny, Taneisha and Owen and it's funny how much hype this storyline received on the back burner at that.

    Poor Alley. It just keep getting worse and worse for her. Damn when is she going to be vindicated. I am really rooting for her. I hope Jon and Alley make their way back to each other.

    I liked Victor's flashback. I really feel bad for him. I think he needs help.

    O I LOVED NAN'S scene with Carlos and Jenny. I love the interactions and the witty dialong. I could pciture nan acting that way in my head. SO funny. I love it. I would have took the 20,000 if it was me. Can't wait to see the court scenes." I'm advised not to talk to you" LMAO LOVE IT

    Alicia a slut. Damn Will died over her. She man hungry.

    Wow what a damned good episode for Blake. I felt his pain. This always has been an interesting Quad. I hope Alley and Jon get back togetehr but then I like the idea of LJ Jon and London being a family. I am torn. It took great writing skills for that and it took a long time for this build up. All those episodes ago.(how many seasons ago did i begin reading?) It's has been a nice ride. Your newer readers would not understand. This is going to be a hot storyline this season.

    Finally Jon finds out ITS ABOUT TIME> And Alley pregnant. its getting juicy

    LOL LOved Ginny punching Tanisha. I know it is on. OMG the moment is finally here.

    I dont think I am feeling the WIll and Lenvy Ghost storyline. Where is Jace. I am not liking Alicia niether.

    So glad Nan and Bryan made it offical. I love them

    What I dont get is how is nate kissing this child? He may have amnsesia but is he sick and dumb too?

    great episode Matt. Moved very fast, ( and it was long) O and loved the marli pic. Nice touch. I noticed!!

  9. Thanks Redd. I am glad Lynn is a hit already. She is about to become involed in a MAJOR storyline. I had a feeling she would be a fit.

    To me, I though Mona's trial moved slow. But I am glad u didn't think so. I was worried how would readers feel about a trial strected out over 3 episodes. There was so much mmore I could have done with it.

    Beacsue the size of the trial and the amount I had to cover, i also didn't know how these last few eps would turn out considering I could only write in a limited number of scenes to balaance out the trial.

    Thanks for reading Redd. It's nice to know I have not lost my touch.

    Just know I am working towards a new umbrella plot, that will end up being the biggest thing to ever hit STEAM.

    Redd where ur seires at? I see you got a new one

  10. did u re cast refae and if so why?

    And who is Noah and what happend to Montel Williams?

    Again the star story was the battle for ceo. Loved all the drama surrounding it and now it's time for the brother to go head to head. I LOVE IT. I was nervous as the votes began to pour in for Elizabeth. Such a genius plot!!

  11. Now who is Kellan?

    CC is vile, sending her own child away? becasue of a man ?lol

    I love nan and Bryan and alway did but I am confused on how Nan is being sued. I had to laugh and she said make are the bad people go away, DUH nan u r the bad people. Desk sex, yummy

    God Marli is still here.

    Love Tanisha and Ginny's rivarly. THese two crack me up

    So Lena sees ghost. Well she can go see sister Patterson. i wonder where u r going with this one though

    So if Will and Lenvy are ghost what are they going to be doing? Shouldn't they ride off into the sunset together and call it a day?

    WOW I can't belive Ginny reacted like that. I bet she is going to beat Nisha's ass. After she get out of jail that is for acting a damned fool at the airport

    I lloved Bobbies dialog and interaction with Steph. TOO FUNNY.

    Will Jon ever find out what Marissa did?

    NICE ENDING and I love you u interwine the scenes back and forth

  12. LMAO Greta is mad. She said she dont care who drinks it as long as it's somebody huh? LMAO like fu(k it huh?

    Maggie and Abe engaged? Very nice.

    JAN IS STILL [!@#$%^&*] LOONEY But again Euggie and Lucas, YUCK! But I mean it is nice they over came that and the last scene was acutually emotional. What the hell is Jan going to do now?

  13. Well It's been a long time boss and I'm back, it's offical.

    I hope you are not far behind.

    I love the casting of Jesse. I see a hot couple in Jesse and Michelle

    Did you recast Coop? God I hope not and if you didn't change that pic back.

    Love this big CEO storyline. I love buisness storylines them selves and this has so many people invovled and in so many ways but then again, I expect nothing less from you jay. Nice umbrella plot. So JUICY and seems set up so WELL. VERY WELL

    I love Alan's out burst. I like Alan in genereal. Well I am back and dont leave us hanging like this

    I also think what Cassie did was a nice thing

  14. Good episodematt. I forgot some of the things that were happening but got thrilled as I learn what happend from the finale.

    I love Nan and she was classic in this episode. Reminds me of Nat. I swear they are long lost sisters.

    It was a lot of mytery in this episode and it moved extremely fast. I had to think to myself this is one dangerous ass college. In Cody of all places.

    I loved Will's final scene. I am still reeling he is dead. U sure do like to kilL em don't you?. I must admit I was confused with the opening scene at first to find out it was only a dream then came Will's scene, i didn'nt know it was really an after life expereince. oh well. I still liked that scene. It was capmy and different beacsue it's not often you see things like that.

    THEN I LOVED TANISHA> home girl beat Ginny to the puch trying to get her. It was so nice to see Owen and I loved the mentioning of Trella and Will's grave. nice throw back to the past esp for me kuz I have been with this sereis so long.

    Funny how we had two pregenant ladies but both could not tell their mens they were. C preggos wow. Is it even Carlos's?

    And Blake and Alley, yuck.


    MARLI SURELY WAS CLEVER and I liked her last scenes( i assume she is leaving) Again I love bryan and always has

    And James is back, again this is a nice blast fromt he past and I cant wait to see how Ava is going to handel this. More yet, I can't wait to see how James is going to react when he sees Ava again.

    And That Bobbi sure is s a sick little girl. How old is she?

    You have a lot of nice storyline sset up cant wait to see how this last season plays out. Its bittersweet and a little sad for me.

    And you got Ria on here. I am out the fence on that one. lol SHe plays such a vital role on STEAM and has her first front burner storyline. But it's all good. I like how you got both lily's and Ria on her. Wow I bet the backstage drama would be to die for for. Hmm maybe a spin off Matt?

    How many episodes do we got left and when can i xpect the next one?

  15. WOW, A LOT HAS HAPPEND SINCE I HAVE BEEN AWAY. SO much is going on. But I love how the stories interwine and propel the other and or the next one.

    Eugenia and Lucas? Please. I was hoping you wasn't going there but you did. It seems so weired and even weireder is that baby switch. The firs thing I was going to say are you kidding me, Eugenia is dark skinn and jan is white Then you said Euggie's baby was white, so I am really keeping my close eye on this. But I AM SO MAD AFTER WATCHING THE PLOT MOVE SO SLOW BUT TO HAVE THAT BEATIFUL PAYOFF that I missed it. SO GRAND. SO OLD SCHOOL. I LOVE IT!!! Man Give me the episode number for that. That is a great story.I love how celeste was brought into it, but I think it would have been even more interesting if celeste was locked up in the room too. You and your coma's lol.

    I love the idea of Tony/Kate/Anna this is a good triangle, set up well esp How kate set him up. That's a good story and I hope to see it played out although Tony and Anna aren't my favs, maybe this story can redeem them for me. THIS STORY HAS THE POTETNIAL TOO. It's almost a gold mine.

    Again I love how Jan broke out finally. I love it.

    Bo and all his babies. I don't know if I am liking that element to the story. The road blocks are certainely up for Bo and Hope. I love how Hope walked in on him Kristen. What episode number is that as well.

    I also love Suga's invovlement in Voctor's story.

    In salem, shottings, stabbing,s and coma.s are the standard here it seems.

    How could Nicole leave Jan and that baby in the secret room like that? And to leave Salem with a man, and not get revenge right away for what Greta did to her. That's not the nicole I know.

    I do like the Laura vs Robin and Alexis vs. Cassie. Like to see where that goes. Where is Miek in all of this?

    I would have love to see where stefano confronted Viv over Peters' death. So I am all caught up now and LIS is on fire. So many twist. A lot of strong stories. I've been gone too long.

    Good job Tara.

    Sami keeps doing stupid things. Now she'll have to add escpe from jail charges from her.

    And Will and Destiny are dating? It was only a matter of time. I hope I am in time for that long awaited custody battle.

    Again I love Greta now. Great job with her. Her rabies really did a number on her. she was 4 sheets to the wind

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