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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. This was a great episode. So well written and good from start to end and so much is going on and I have to a lot to say so lets get right to it.

    I love Kevin/Rocky/Shayne/Marina quad. I am rooting for Rocky and Shanyne but after this ep I don’t think they can last much longer. When did Kevin become so head over heels for Rocky? I kinda of feel them as a couple but its like damn Rocky and Shanyne have been through so much to be together and how dare Marian give Shanyne that kiss. That’s deep and shocking. This is not looking good.

    I LOVE LIZ!!!! I love her convo with Marah.s SO cattty I loved it.

    I love Roxie and Rusty and it’s a shame they are leaving, They will be missed.

    Is cassie going to die of her brain tumor?

    A GREAT READ FOR SURE and I think my fav storyline is the gay quad. Great job Jay

  2. Sorry about Matt. I didnt realize everyone was saying it that much. THis is a triple funeral though

    Matt I like how Sharan and Daniel look too. Keep your eye on them, I'm, already one step ahead of yoou.

    Thanks Redd. It's a little hard writing for them at this point as their story develops but it's picking up. Ria's story is about to explode. I am just setting things up( more slower this season) We'll get there.

    It was only fitting that Lena and Heath be there. They were Jodie's friends. I see they are fan favs so look for them in the future. I have stories for both characters.( Minor though)

    Rufus will get her day. She's going over to springfield for some time but she will be back. In fact I am setting up her return to STEAM( I am about 6 weeks ahead) Rufus will be come a froce to be reckoned with.

    A lot of my inspiration for Ashley comes from Sheila Carter from Y&R/B&B. I love writing Ash and her story is not done by a long shot. It will invole many more people and have far reaching efffects.

    I love my Daniel Durand. Holla at me about him

    And again thanks to you all these comments are really rewarding for me

  3. Thanks guys for the very nice comments.

    Natalia got a hard road ahead. her past will still hautn her. Look out for another twist you never saw coming.

    It does seem the odds are stacked against Bryan and Sabryn. THis story got lots more twis tto it too. You guys say you know wehre Ashley is headed but come on, this is S.T.E.A.M. do you really? I got you all right where I want you. LOL

    Thank you Jay esp for the nice comments. I am working really hard in flehing things out.

    I do what to know why you dont like Sabryn. Your a first and its very interesting as to your reasoning. You like Bryan huh, he got a lot of stuff coming up to. Having babie by two rivals wont be easy at all.

    I wish you could have seen Ashley in the frist seaon of STEAM Ask Matt. She was crazy then too.


  4. HA HA suck on that aubrey. Why don't they just tell Sarah hwo her real mommy is . Why don't Liz just take legal action

    What is beth getting treated for?

    Loved the fight between Rocky and Shayne and I feel where Rocky is coming from. Shayne should support him. Im going through something like this in my life right now lol

    Wow Roxie. She aint plAAyin gno games. Her own brother. She's sick.

    TELL IT LITTLE SARAH. Help expose your faux mother. Aubrey is a true bitch and i dont like her

    Hope Sandra is ok. Dont know much about edmunds story yet but nice ending.

  5. What a great episode. I loved what Destiny did for Will And I love how Abe got an ornament. I alos loved the catfight. They r dumb for fighting though and I love the scene wehre carrie reached out to Sami. This may be a good time for them to patch things up.

    Funny how u get more comments after I leave this sereis, lol.

  6. I like the idea of Rocky becoming a cop

    The Ice skating date was cute but they came out of now whre. i think its taking too long to fit in all your characters. Like weeks. Kuz some of these folks I am like who in the hellis this.

    Is david black mixxed or white?

    A NAKED GUS LORD HAVE MERCY. He must be packing if Olivia i more drawn to him. I loved that poker game.

    So Aubrey will enlist Sandra's help? Ol dirty Bitch

  7. I dnt think Doris is new but damn her story came out of no where where has she been?

    Good job rafe. ha take that Aubrey. Tiwst of fate. Looks like you wont be scheming to keep Jon after all. Slut bucket

    I love the scene witht he power coupkles and I cant wait for thi tory to unfold. I loved Mel's and Beth's catty exchange

    LOL i knew Olivia and Gud were headed to strip poker. I was i WAS olivia right now. Gus is fine I remeber him on Another World

    Oh come on Rafe and Aubrey Two losers. get a life. Whos baby is that really Liz's?

    Welcome back Ash. So glad u r back

  8. I am not to keen on Jefferey and Marah pairing He looks like her dad

    DAMN BLAKE why are you so scared of Remy. You better claim your man before Ria does

    How did Rusty become cheif of police so fast. Didnt he just arrive in town? And is this Mayor a new character?

    OOh that Aubrey I would have slapped the taste out her mouth if I was Liz.

    Wow what did Doris do and what a great way for Ash and sexxy Coop to come back to springfield

    A shorter epiode and I loved that. i am reading so many blogs these day it getting harder to keep up. Haven't seen you in my neck of the woods lately. What's good. You're going to Miss Remy's cross over

  9. Thank God Brooke is not worried about a peice of D!CK no more. It's about time she realizes she dont need a man at all times adjouned to her on her hip

    What is Tawny and Scamber up to? And she's even posing as Pauls sister? Good one. Nice to see Jack and Paul in this series

    And Paul needs Ash to marry him; I like that and they would look goo together!!

    I hope Brooke holds true to her words and dont run back to Nick PLEASE LET THEITR BE A GOD! Don't be a slut no more Brooke!! And how can Donna plan her sisters life like that. Brooke said no more men!

    Another good episode

  10. Poor Taylor. It's a shame how Nick was talking to her. I can't stand Brooke. I hope you undo the unjust things BEll does in your version.

    I also like the scene with Jackie and Eric and Eric wanting the compnay back

    That Amber is always sceheming I am sure Karm will come back to her

    Wow Massimo is going to die. Why is Brooke seeing James?

    Good episode I hope we get to see more.

    It makes its very hard to read the way you write it. Very hard on the eyes. If you like maybe bolden the character's name before the speak that would be so awesome

  11. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One of the best episodes of PP in a while

    Where the hell do i start

    WHAT A SHOCKING ENDING. Nice who done it. I like how Lana dressed in all black to the wedding and what a surprise to see Victor there though he is sick for wanting to be with his neice.

    I CANT BELIVE WILL IS DEAD! R U TRIPPING!!!! The most shocking death in recent history on PP.

    AND BOBBIE coming onto to NATE WOW, It was very edgy and now he has amnesia from a book to the head. Well Ok I guess

    And BOY DID I LOVE TANISHA and GINNY. I was in heaven. And is Owen coming back for good. I really hope u play this story out in season 5. It's funny how they fought over a man that wasn't even in the same town.

    And Bryan vs Marli, that was good too. I wonder who that one will play out. Blake should have read that text.

    And good nan and Jenny. I loved their dialog and wonder if Nan will be able to come out on top

    SO Rena so Lenvy so I am assuming she's not dead

    U already told me about James and Bobbie and boy was that a shock.

    And Finally Marissa got put in her place and now Alley is preggos. WOW and dont know who her baby daddy is

    OH and OMG at CC

    PP is going to have a bomb ass season 5 and I can't [!@#$%^&*] wait. I've been waiting for some of these thingt to happen for a while. Every scene was good in this ep.

    DAMN U MATT!!! [!@#$%^&*] March man. COME ON!!!! This could be ur best finale yet. It seems PP will be getting back on track when season 5 starts. Itss kind of lost its a way a bit but we r past that!!!!!!!!

  12. Marina telling Michelle he having Danny;s baby was good. I wish we could have found who he was going to choose

    Bout time we ee Remy. I was wondering where he was. I can't wait for u to c what I have written for him. lol

    Blake keeps going back and forth. I wish she makes her mind up. She better kuz Remy just might move on.

    Marina giving her baby up is a mistake and I bet she is going to regret it later on down the line esp when the baby gets older and she sees baby with Rocky and Shanye

    I wonder if Aubret set that whole sarah is missing thing up. And I ment to comment about this in 119 but I felt so bad when liz called out to her daughter and Srah just ignored her.

    Loved you did the edning. And why the hell was Shayne kissing Marina and Kon and Liz are at it agin. 2009 seems like its goint to be good for FTL.

  13. You know, Marina giving her child to Shayne and Rocky, two gay men is a big thing. I am surpried no one protested this action or at least asked is this acceptable. I know it is in society but it would be a nice beat to play in that story. I am really anxious to see how this plays out and its good to see more people get sucked into this storyline.

    I love buisness storylines and this one with A-M seems promosing. It would be nice if we could see more buisness aspects of FTL. Like meetings and what do they actually do a la Y&R or B&B.

    Ok I may have asked befroe but last time I read FTL( before my break from reading it) Remy had seen Ross so what happend to that and what is this about he calling her. Where is he now?

    How do u think Rufus will stay in FTL. I will need him back at some point. He has loose ends in Pasadena. In fact he owns Divine Design.

    What a touching scene with Hope and Rayt and danny watching over them. It had a very warm feeling

    OOH A-M vs Philip for head of the company. Looks like a battle will ensue. THis will be good!!!

    Aubrey is one peice of work. Bbrainwashing poor Sarah. Now I dont like her at all and I hope Jon leaves her for Liz but at the same time Aubret is knocked up. SO many storylines heating up and yup they had sex. My what tangled webs we weave.

    Happy holidays to u to hope it was safe and blessed. Loved the sweet ending.

  14. WOW!! Again!! LOL, Another great episode. Things have been so fleshed out and the dialog these last 3 eps. U've really upped ur writing skills Jay( they were already great) But this is golden.

    I am surrpised Rocky agreed to everything but I do feel where he was coming from having that suprise wedding and all.

    Loved the scenes with Jon, Alan and nem, esp Philip' dialog. LOVED IT

    And I loved Mindy' interaction with Rusty. I loved how he joked with her

    And It was a nice symbolic gesture that Bill and michelle went back tot he club and it made them think of their past and future.


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