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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Thanks guys for reading. brandon you have really missed some truly classic moments with sis patterson. She came on at the very beginning of season 2 and she has never looked back. She will be less funny, and more emotional in the coming weeks.

    Kevin's death effects the entire cast in some way.

    It has been perfectly written by Tara.

    I'll read yens blogs tomorrow or so

  2. NO TO JESSE AND MICHELLE. He is a stalker. A stragne one at that.

    Bill hello, you have a new family now with Michelle.

    I do miss Nat.

    Michelle first said danny wouldf approve of her and bill nows shes saying danny would approve her and that stalker. Which one is michelle. U seem to change ur mind with the wind.

    I like ALex, wish we could see more of her. I liked her scene with Annie.

    After all that stalking Jesse James did, he just leaves her. But at the same time I can kinda understand how he feels

    Sucks for u bill. U should have used a landline dummy. Or told some one at the church what was going on. U ass.

    Very well written Jay. Hope u come back soon. Miss u round here

  3. Poor Olivia. Is she coming back?

    Annie is setting Phil up. I love it`

    Bill left the wedding, not a good sign. I love how Olivia'sdram tied into Bills wedding.

    All these stranges in Springfield talking. What is going on?

    OMG this coop and mary mess is insane. THEY R MARRIED?!!!

    I love Alan and Annie working togehter. They always have great scene together.

    Mary got a secret already. Already the drama starts. Coop what did u get ur self into?

    DAMN U TO HELL JESSE I HATE U!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Jesse is so damn annoying

    "The typical woman takes pregantns woman baby"LOL Speaking of didn't we just go through this smae storyline with Harly or somebody?

    Love that Blake is working on a new book about her and Remy. Cant wait to see it play out

    Strage love for sure for Coop and mary/ Mary and Coops scene was very well written but the storyline is odd.

    DAMN WHO IS JESSE where di he come from.?

    I can def understand Coop wanting to do something crazy. This whole sitation is going to be crazy

  5. Trust is a big thing between G and LL. I like how she is feeling him out with the jewels.

    Harley is always geting hurt. Some one is always keeoing something from her that will end up hurting her.. Why would Lucy do that to her family anyway?

    Coop, for real, love at first sight. Sounds to good to be true.

    I LOVE LL and G. I think it's so hot how he finds LL hot. And than LL threating him and he likes it. I can't wait to see where this goes.

    DAMN JESSE A [!@#$%^&*] STALKER. Im scared. GO AWAY!!!!!!

    Good ole Aubrey.

    Sorry it took so long to read. but ur blog hasd never been better. U r a great writer. Hope u post more eps soon. Don't know what is goings on.

  6. Smart plan ANnie, wrong person to work with. Damn u r going to be sorry. I just know it

    Mel should just let AM be. Give him, some space. He dont want nothing to do with u right now dummy.

    G should not be mad at hearing the truth from his bro. I like those guys's scenes

    Why does Blake thinks she deserves to be listned to after she keeps playing games with Remy? m,aybe Remy should just move on.

    AM wants to get back at Annie. That ought to be good

    I so love the dynamic of Annie's and Alan relationship. This is leading to good hings. They dont really trust each other but then again they do or they have too. Good writing skills.

    Love the Pasadena reference. Thanks

    I must say I still love Remy and Blake. But I would be cool if they did not get back toggehter.

    Great wrtiting Jay

  7. Alan is by far my fac character. I love whatever comes out of his mouth.

    Also loved the opening sentence to this ep. Worrying about other people always gets u into trouble I always say worry about urself. LOL

    So glad AM is still stiking it to Mel. She deserves it and I will never forgive her

    Ava is one sour ass puss. Walloing in her self pity. Get over it.

    Blake is playing gmaes with Remy. You can really tell Blake hurt him real bad. She saw Remys hot body and prolly his manhood sticking out those gym shorts and wanted her dark meat back.

    It's still a shame about Rocky and Shayne. But I did like his scene with Ava/ Dialog was GREAT. I don't like Ava and Rocky togehter.

    Sounds like this town is in for a big wedding.

    ANNIE don't u do it. Dont u trus Alan. Like u said u made it this far on ur own. All u got to do is buy out ur allies.

    What is going on with AM? What a wiered cliffhanger

  8. The plot with Loreilee is making much more sense. I am glad it has been explain to me what is all this.

    Again that damned susan. How bout u look in the mirror u slut. Worry about ur own prolbems

    Remy and Liz? I approve

    DAMN i swear Jesse is a stalker and a creep.

    Very nice scene with Phil and his son. Its nice seeing how Zach really feels. How old is he?

    I love Alan and his smart as comments.

    Remy does sereve love doesnt he.

    So glad Susan is seeing herself through Marina

    LL and G partners? I like that. Very interesting

    Michelle made the right choice by having that creep Jesse leave. What is his problem.

  9. Very nice scene with Drew and Anna. Drew should have really given Anna a chance with the trut instead of playing God. I don't see how she is not mad at him. I hope she won't make things easy for him. This story reminds me of the Williams family in some respects. Drew has a lot of making up to do with his children just Like DC does.

    I like the recast of Lemann and thing he would look nice with Leigh. Leigh just try and get herself together and be a good mother instead of resorting to tirckery.

    Christina getting arrested was a nice twist. This cant be good for Edmund and the case for his kids.

    And I loved the final scene with Drew walking in on Geroge. Can't wait to read that.

    SO glad Novi is back. Keep the eps coming.

  10. Another good solid episode.

    Lots of witty dialog. Nate” How many girlfriends do I have?” LOL

    Bobbie it does not take sex to prove you are normal. Again how old is Bobbie? Ava has really been put in a situation. James and Nate? Can’t wait to see that play out

    LOVED the catfight between Ginny and Tanisha. This is the first time EVER; I wanted Ginny to come out on top. It’s quite clear now I think that Ginny and Owen belong together esp. after this ep.

    “You never deserved him” You’ll never have him” I loved it”

    After this ep, I like Ginny even more

    Dylan really hates his parents to want to see them in jail.

    I wish Marli and Alicia would just DIE!!!!

    Was confused at first when you went from Bryan to Bryant

    NAN’s Parents!!! I can’t wait to see who you cast in those roles. I can

    ‘t wait to meet them.

    ALICIA JUST DIE PLEASE!!!!!! I do wonder who Kellan is working for

    I like that Bryan and Jules are working together I wonder who Bryan wants dead.

    As Always I love CC

    What’s the deal with Anna Lee and boring ass Dylan?

    DAMN THAT BITCH I LOVE TO HATE MARISA IS BACK. I guess the roaches never die

    Shame on you Yvonne for treating Rena that way. You’re right Vonne is more like Sis Pat.

    Will and Lenvy just need to leave. Reading Will as a ghost is painful for me. But I must admit, strangely I like what he is doing to Vonne and how it played out.

    Loved the scene where Ginny knocks on Owens’s door. It was so fitting.

    This trial seems it’s going to be big for Cody. I can’t wait to see this. All the heavy hitters are at play.

    Glad to see Owen and Alexia back. Prefer those two to Marli and Alicia and the ghost.

    Good ending. I wonder who it is.

  11. This was a huge risk for me to take stepping down. Through all the BS I have bbeen through this year, it has really did something to me. I really felt I was not writing my best for STEAM. Tara and I talked and bam the switch happend and it is going very well.

    I must say Tara is doing a GREAT JOB. We are going to see the Williams family storyline really come full circle in the next few weeks. I have to keep re reading and re reading the eps we have done becasue they are so good and intense. Tara has really breathed new life into STEAM. I have never seen her write this good. I think everyone will be very impressed.

    Again Readers should notice hardly any changes. Tara has been writing STEAM for quite some time and she really has the flavor of what STEAM is.

    Matt I know you are behind man , but I beg you if you can't catch up, read all the eps coming out. A lot of stories come to a climax.( ESP THE WILLIAMS!!!!!)

    And you will also find out WHY Sister Pat acts the way she does. We are going to the very root of the problem.

    Thanks everyone for their continued support.

    Matt you know I am always down to write. Shoot me an outline.

    Ria does get a big storyline and it will touch upon and effect who she is as a woman. It's going to be very good.

    PS: There's going to be a new mysterious lady hitting the scenes soon, with Mona in a mental hospital, Ashley is supposedly dead, who could it be and this time, what color will she choose?

    LOL, Your going to love it!!

  12. Susan need to be worrying about which ass cheeck of her mom's she's going to be kissing I wish wecould have seen more fall out frm that reveal

    Loved Olivia's line were she said they plot Reva's death. Good one. I love Olivia and I love Reva and I wish their rivialry would be turned up. Meow!!!

    Damn is Jesse stalking Michelle?

    These eps have been shorter. I love it

    I can dig Philip and Harley. Every one on FTL are always changing up loves.No one stays together for long. I know as a writer it's hard to write happy couples

    I really liked Reva and Josh's scene

    Oh hell haw, Marinia is a base head and now a stripper? She showing her body parts? Wow she has raelly hit rock bottom. I had no idea it was this bad

    G I am with you. Who the hell is loriEligh. I am glad u r exploring this. Its' been brweing here for a long time.

  13. G would be stupid to go back to his old ways. Esp over some chic

    Jeffery is rude. Poor Marah. I hope they break up. I dont like them as a couple

    Not feeing Noahand Reva either

    Damn u to hell Mel.

    Olivia sure do bounce from one man to the enxt. everytime i turn aroun she is lacthing onto a ne w one

    How I miss Rocky and Shayne. So now we got kevin and Rocky. This might work

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