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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. WOW Matt !! So bitter sweet I might cry. A GREAT FIANLE.

    Tanish is a punk ass in my book. Who the heck is Benard. EEWW ! BAD BREATH CHARLES DIVINS!! YUCK!!

    I notice in this ep( of all of them to notice this in) Ava and Nate has really never interacted with the other cast memebers. Looking back they were quite isolated. Glad that Nate and Ava will be together.

    I so loved Dylan and Sean coming to terms and I also loved Lana and Sean's last scene so sweet.

    I love John and Alley.

    And it was so nice with Carlos and Jenny


    It was an honor to be a reader and take this journey with you. I met a great friend in you. You have helped my craft. Don't ever give up writing even though ur acting now. Good luck on PP and your career and keep in mind what we talked about before.

    Again I would love to have Nan as Nat's younger sister. If not that's cool.

    PP was a great show. It is so sad to see it end.

    Most of all DONT BE A STRANGER!!

  2. A great episodes. Very toned down but it was good because it made all the stories speak volumes.

    I just Love Nan and that opening scene. My girl wore black. Matt can I have Nan for STEAM?

    Loved that Ci Ci and Marissa were cellmates and they were working together that whole time wow.

    My man Bryan. I hope he gets out of this.

    I just love how Nan had her way at the wedding. Was she court ordered to go to the nut house? PLEASE MATT CAN I HAVE HER!!

    The scene between Rena and Alica was very sweet and it was about time Yolanda got hers. They were good in this part

    So sweet of Ginny and Owen. She is going with him. Very nice.

    Good cliffhanger

    Classic PP for sure.

  3. I dont think it could be Ria when I have already established Patti as her mother and Jasmine as her sister. If it it was Ria that mean she slept with her father, and two of her brothers. THat would be nasty and I don't think I or my series, let alone Ria recover from that. TO be honest Ria never crossed my mind for this story. BUt boy wouldn't that make for some very interesting drama to write.

  4. There is a reason why it went down te way it did between Donna and Lexie. I just say stay tuned. The story is about to climax.

    I love Lynn and we will be seeing more of her but I will say I don't see her as long term. She has something major coming up in the finale. You will see the Williams missing daughter deepen in coming weeks. I will say the truth is so nasty it may never be revealed. Take a good look at the cast. The truth is there.

  5. Natalia has always been a woman about sex. Even when it came to Mark. She is doing all she knows how to trap a man. Sex. She is scared of losing what she has and Bryan has a history of being very sexual with woman. A hoe if you will. Ashely anyone?

    Actually The Ladonna/Karim/Alexis story will not be like that of GOT on PP. It will take a very different angle. And in fact I am doing a soap first. Something that no other soap any where has done. At least to my knowledge. So stay tuned for that. But I will say that story is headed for it's climax.

  6. I was going to let Jasmine go. But I did find a story for her and she is staying put. I am glad you enjoy her. She is really going to be fleshed out and intermix with Ria and her life.

    Again Lauren feels she owed. She feels Daniel owes her. I see I have some work to do with this plot which is totally fine. i just havent had time to play on this too much do to other things happeing. But I will addreses the issues.

    I am liking Maxine too. I loved her work on Days and I had to have her. We will be seein more of her. She will be ushering a few new characters

  7. S stands for Sex. But in later episodes we will see some balance to all the racy sex scenes.

    Sabryn's trial is a major deal and encompasses many charaters and plots. It's also the starting point of Natalia's next big storyline. And I promise you it's big.

    Wow, Lauren is a Bitch. Im stunned. Lauren feels betrayed and abadoned. She blames Daniel for everything that has happend to her. She wants Daniel and thinks in her heart and mind that she desreves him after everything she has been through. Even the faking of her death. We will see that really played in season 4.

    I will reveal Rufus's lover in the season finale. I have been really building this plot and I am so glad it has caught on adn I do think ti will be a good story. It won't be typical that's for sure.

  8. Alexisis trying to keep her man at all cost. That's what is most important to her right now. Don't worry Alexis will have the last laugh. You just got to keep reading.

    Jenn is written to be childish so I guess I accomplished that goal. Jenn is lonely and bitter. She is leaving the series soon.

    You will be surprised at Ria and Kiko. Ria will become a new woman. You may get what you want Matt, a clean mouthed Ria. LOL. BUt this story has many angles and this is only the begining. Ria will continue to be on the front burner well into season 4.

  9. The first half of this episode really packed a punch i was like damn for real, the fire, Aubrey and Spencer what is going on in Springfield?

    This was yet another fantastic episode. So let's get cracking with what I have to say.

    I am so shocked with this spencer light house twist. It came out of no where. I feel so bad for her.

    You had me going when Aubrey took Clay. I thought Aubrey left Liz to die. But she didnt. I liked that she came back. Good writing skill for that and a nice twist. I am sure that will come in handy in the future.

    I despise Ashelee Jay. I'm sorry but she is done for me. She keeps getting worse. And it's to the point there is almost no redeeming her in my eyes

    It was very nice to see Blake and Ross

    I know for long time readers and or veiwers of GL and FTL this Belinda plot is big. I know it's big, but it's not I don't know, its not a plot I look forward too like others.

    Very good episode. FTL is still on fire

  10. Wow matt and I am so honored to be the first one to comment. The epsidoe moved so fast. i could really tell you are rushing to the end. This is the PP I know and love. It was a great read from start to end. I have a lot to say so let's get started.

    First off, the font was extra small! I had to zoom in on my web broswer.

    Next the opening scene was great and moved so quickly. A very nice hook.

    I just want to say two things about James Franco. You had him first. And two, damn is he is fine and its so sad to see him go down but he knew he had it coming to him. But he went out fighting. Loved it. That Damned Hammer head is sitting on cloud nine being prez again. i just want to throw up. But it;s all good

    I did not expect that caffight between Nan and Jenny both girls gave a good fight to the point I cold not tell who really claimed victory. My girl nan is fighting ot the end too. I love her. I would love to bring her on STEAM as NAt's sister.

    I also loved Carrie and Dylan's scene They had it coming so good for them.

    I LOVE JIHN. He is such an ass and has the best one liners. That scene was so great and unique. Great job on the writing skill you put into that. It was different and tied in the the cliffhanger. Excellent job. I love this quad. But To me I think It should be Alley and John and Blake and London. But either way is cool for me. I really admire the skill in that scene. You proved you still got it in you.

    OH MY GOD TANISHA goign flip mode. I never expected this. It's sad for me. But wow. For real. I don't know what to say. At least she going out with a bang. I wonder who will get shot. And who was that playing Alexis? Was that a recast?

    ANd wow Anna Lee killed herself? Why? And was that a crooked gaurd that let her do it? Poor Anna Lee

    And you brought back Blue Crstal. I loved it. That was a very nice scene. Loved the addidtion of Todd Manning. I think he was in your series before right?

    This episode paid homage to all the stories. It feels as though we have come full circle.All the characters I knew and loved and all front burner. It's been an honor reading this series and meeting a great person Matt Preston. I have learned a lot from you my friend and we are going places. Keep writing and I can't wait for the finale.

  11. Rufus has good days coming to her I can assure u of that. Of course she's going to have to fight to get it. Nothing is easy in this series.

    Like I said The Jones family have a lot coming up and dealing with the fact on who or what Apple, their mother really is. THings will be very interesting.

    Every villian has their day and let me tell, I got my eye on Nat. She's next and I got a huge story planned for her. Her time has come

  12. That slap was for Karim to wake up. But Karim is in a drunken haze. Things will continue to get worse for him. Ladonna is a good girl. SHe wont be changing no test results. She;s not like that. I will say this story is headed for a climax. I would not count either woman out.

    I do love Daniel and Sharon and thought they haven't been played this season very much, I do got a big story lined up for them in Season 4. But to me Lauren and Daniel are still the destined couple. Sure they have been through so much. I will say I do think Sharon and Daniel could really give Lauren run for her money. Lauren has a lot in season 4 as well.

    Gotta love my Ria

  13. Mink Stole plays Dottie. I based her character of her role in the John Waters movie "Serial Mom" Dottie has a major connection to some one in Pasadena that will be revealed n season 4.

    At this point, Jasmine thinks Sis Pat is crazy so she doesn't beleive a word she says. You know I have thought of Jasmine and Kiko. I discarded that idea, but you have made me think twice. I already had a story lined up for Kiko but his Jasmine thing could be nice. TO be honest I was writing Jasmine out because I don't know what to do with her and I feel her characters has been some what a disappoointment. I have been unable to get that "Whitley" stigma off her from A different World.

  14. THat was my goal from the start with Kiko. He is a hero, a good guy.

    Is Apple the devil, I guess we will find out to gether. I will say she is not of this earth. ANd she has powers.

    I gave Jasmine that job to get her interaction going and to also bring out some therapy for the folks at For the Brids and get into some back story a bit esp where Lynn is concerned

  15. I don't feel this was out of character for Daniel. She lied to him made him believe she was dead. He has had a lot of people have control over his life. He has turned over a new page.

    I too thought it would be clever to throw Sis Pat at the nut house with her enemies. THis was going to be a short one but I am seeing I can get a lot of mileage out of it. This story has changed so we will be seeing a lot more of this story.

  16. Wow that first scene was very good. A very good hook. I could really feel the drama and intensity building in the scene

    This episode had lots of memories. I remember the plot with David and that baby.

    I despise Ashlee; I can’t stand her one bit. She is so selfish and I don’ think I will ever forgive her for what she is doing. She doesn’t even deserve Coop at this point.

    I loved Vi’s response to Jason towards the end of their first scene.

    Before Amanda said she wanted David for herself, I was thinking damn these two would look good with each other. And bam here it is. These two could be hot. I love L. Kay and I can see her being a vixen. Looking forward to this plot.

    Poor spencer I hope she is ok. When they was talking about the water, all’s I could think of was Diane Jenkins body turning up in the pond on Y&R.

    In Liz’s first scene I wasn’t to sure if she wrecked or not. I said nah, Jay wouldn’t do that with a baby in the car. But in the second scene we learned she did wreck after all and not only that Aubrey showed up. Game on now. I can’t wait for this.

    I also can’t wait to see Belinda’s reaction to the news.

    This episode was GREAT. Very easy to understand and it seems you used fewer characters. A major plus. You have really turned up the heat on FTL. It’s on a roll, Jay you are on fire. I can see the Sex, the Treachery, the Envy, the Affairs, and though no Murder right now, at least yet.

    Keep up the great work. And what ever you did in this episode, keep doing it. There was something very different in this episode and I can’t put my finger on it, but whatever it was you do it again and again.

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