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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Good episode. Peter is so blind. And so ugly. U really capture the emotions of everything very well. Once again I could see everything in my head.

    U hit the money with the Alexis and Darren's casting. I was very happy to see her get a lil loose and surpriused they kissed or that she returned it. I like Darren becasue he is presisitent.

    Another good episode and can't wait for the next one. I miss Joanna.

  2. Love that opening. That was the first orginal version before it was cut down to the bumper. This was right around the time AW was really good. I think JFP was the EP and I forget who the HW was. But I really enjoyed it during this period.


    O WEE Team Lizzie all the way. It's about time some one got in that ass. I was surprised Bridget fought back but it's ok. I love a catfight. Now who is Dante to lizzie?

  3. I love Joanna and love even better how you wrote their first scene. LOVE IT!!! So clever!!!!

    OOHH Fancy meeting you here. I LOVE IT. I LOVE JO OMG!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

    Another great episode and the excitment for this party is building. I know it's going down and I can't wait to see what does.


    Great JOB!!!

  4. OMG I HATE DRAKE!!!!!!!!!!I I love this set up. SO easy to get into and I love ur use of despcritions. i felt I was right there and could see all this in my head. I love the simple drama. Alexis needs slapped.

    I love this Kian story already.

    And I love your youthful dialog.

    Im very impressed with your writing abilities. Where have you been hiding?

    When Old dude was liek come over n chill and drink beers I was waiting for the weed part. Like "hey do you smoke pot"? LOl Thas just me.

    Great job!!! ANd what a great concept

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