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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. WOW!!!!

    Poor Allen. I really enoy his character. Hes come a long way as Ive been watching him from the start.

    And Grant. Fukking stalker. LOL

    And I am enjoying JAck's side story. I know this al bout tot ie together.

    Nate its really gotten good bro. Everything we talked about and the thing Ive been telling u are really bearing fruit and its really picking up. I love everythign about ur AW. All the stories.

    Great job and keep it up!!! Its rocking.

  2. I love it any time CP is front and Center. And Im glad Rachel has the busness sense to make Amada take the postion. Look out Iris, U better hide Tucker and ur new CP ventrues.

    Paulia got a little back bone. I d like to see what see think she gone do.

    I must admit I enjoyed the Cass and Frankie scenes

    And Carl was lsitening. This is gonna be good. Love me some Carl Hutchins.

    Nice Clear and strong episode nate.

  3. Ok The scene transition were very jarring. In one of Billies's scens I didnt know she was talkign at the very end of it. Couldnt follow to much but I did take notice to Riely and how Maggie seems to know him. He already looks liek trouble for Will and Sonny. Look fwd to seeing adding some depth and detail to ur stories.

  4. LOL Love Donna. I also enjoyed Kirk and Charlie taking me own memory lane. I rember very well Justine, and Sepncer. ANd the tug of war between Vicky and grant and I will NEVER FORGET when GRANT SHOT HIMSELF and framed Vicky for it.Such great times .

    Amanda shoudl at least give Iris a chance. Dummy. She can work with iris to kep an eye on her. On well her stubborn loss.

    Good episode

  5. Chloe was not trying to be mean to Billy. She really wants to be with him.

    Keemo and GLo is the first ever May- Dec romance I ever wrote. But there is a good story coming up for the two.

    All things come to those who wait. Devon and Nate will have their time. I didn't want them to fight off the bat. TO me it would hae shown Devon is insuecure if he confronted Nate and I dont precceive Devon as insecure. SO he just let it roll of his back But not forgotten.

    And yes malcolm is deeply hurt.

    Thanks for reading and stay tuned.

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