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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. LOL Wait did dude tape his sex with Kirk and now Grant is dying to see it what a sick man and shame ongrant. his own son. There wont be no turnign bck for this. Why is grant goign against his own son any way. I feel bad for kirk I need to talk to u soon about a potenital cross over..

    Not to happy Paul is in the story.

    So Allen is with Amanda and seems to be happy. That made me smile. hes been through a lot.

    Hmm Allen lives with Tyrone now. Interesting. So are Marley and Tryone ok now> Marley is sick?

    OMG a baby. I have not been reading is it Tyrones?

    Another good episode

  2. So u got about three openings now? See i do be paying attention mister....

    So happy that Matthew is back. And Lorna is back too YES LAWD.

    And Evan thinks hes going to the wedding huh?

    So glad Fleicia is front n Center. Loved her scenes at the brides shop

    And whats even nicer is that matt came to see his dad first. That says a lot and warms my heart

    U simply said person LMAO

    Good episode

  3. Another good one. Cass should have not only said she got kids but black ones at that LOL. Reggie is going to ahve a lot to answer for U captured Cass really good at the end. I could really picture him in my mind saying that.

    I also enjoyed ur retro opening. I'm now considering doing one for Y&R.

    I didnt realize I was behind three epsiodes. i am so sorry. But I love to read them back to back.

    Your setting up a nice classic soapy love triangle with Jake/jack/Vicky. I think u r hitting a gold mine esp with the ATWT turns tie. It's so fitting.

  4. Thank you so much for followin gup with Frankies escape. As a write I woul dhave skipped it. I also notice things r or have been very smooth the last few eps. No more feeling of stop gaps.

    I am really feeling Allen and his story with Amanda. We r seeing a different side to him. A rootable side to him. Good job with fleshing him out.Very glad Amanda came to his aide and its shame regggie didnt and Allen should have told her the truth

    YEA LORNA!!! I AM SO HAPPY. Damn this show is good.

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