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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Yes Matt you have ben gone For a very long time, welcome back

    Nat just wants things to go her way. She wants what she wants no matter if it belongs to some one else.

    Hmm I never thought of Jenn. I don't think I like that idea. I think I am able to mine more story out of Lauren being the long lost sister. You will see that down the road

  2. LOL, thanks Jay!<div><br></div><div>Lauren has some very big stuff upcoming. She will be come more desperate and will continue to interact with characters that she has not done so before.</div><div><br></div><div>Many people have the same vision of Jasmine from Another World. I mean a different world lol</div><div><br></div><div>Sis Pat scene well I had that idea for a very long time. I knew she would be stripped down and left with nothing so I thought why she she beleive in her god any more. This is just the tip of the ice berg and this could turn out to be Sister Pat's biggest story yet.&nbsp;</div><div>She has some soud seraching to do. And let's not forget this supposed battle that brewing in the nut house.</div><div><br></div><div>That DC and Lynn twist came out of no where. I was writing an idea and had this brilliant idea about the daughter. I am teling you I have two folks in mind but boy let me tell you, it's big. It could alter the very foundation of this series. This story turnsinto a mystery keep you eye on it. DC will be trying to find out. &nbsp;The truth may be so devasting for DC he may never tell a soul once he learns who the identity of this missing child .</div><div><br></div><div>I am working on the next ep. and I must say is wow!. I have some very big stuff planned for STEAM. &nbsp;I am so excited It seems I am hitting my stride again. I just to once think STEAM has hit it's peak but we are no where near that. In fact we will be hitting another peak. The stories will become more sensational. THAt's all i can say. Buckle your seat belts.</div>

  3. I love big revelations to Jay and I got a very special episode that deals with just that but not in a good way. In fact before the season I am treating you guys with 3 special episodes.

    STEAM has never really had any real romance on it before so this scene was a risk but I see it was sucessful. There is more romance planned for the show.

    THis up coming court battle will be very good. It will involve many characters and have many ramifications.

  4. Wow what a powerful episode. Jam packed with actions. It's like the heat has been turned on in Springfield. Hot damn where do I begin?

    So all girls who throw up like Asshlee has bad fingers? I don't know if that was what you meant or not. Your stories are also moving much faster and I love that. It really keeping FTL very interesting and FTL is must read every ep. There a sense of less filler scenes and people yapping about nothing and more actions. Keep that up.

    I was on the edge of my seat at Eden's response to Coop's question. I loved it. And to top it all off he still asked her did she? I love this storyline. Your are doing it so well, you turned it into a mystery giving this story MANY layers. Only a great writer could do that.

    POOR POOR KEvin. If I was in Springfield he could sho come to my house and lay his head. In fact, naw, never mind. LOL.

    SO I noticed I Haven't seen much of Reva, is she not in a major storyline?

    The one thing I am liking about FTL and it really shows this season, is that you have really moved away from those older characters and gave great storylines to the younger set giving FTL a fresher appeal. The older folk I really don't care for. If FTL was on tv, your DEMOS would have dramatically improved over the last few months for sure. In fact if STEAM and FTL were both on the air, I would have my team look at your show to see what you were doing.GL's numbers would have seen numbers they ahvent seen in years. Seriously. You should have really been their HW. You have breath so much fresh life in a great grandma ass show

    I love how Annie still wield so much power even behind bars. You get it Bitch. I hope she is set free before the end so she can cause some trouble.

    I see Cyrus has popped back in town. THis can t be good.

    GREAT EP. I cant wait for the next. FTL is on FIRE.

  5. I too see DC and Karim's points. No one point is good or bad. Both men are hurting. Those were some very interesting scenes to write

    Thank you for the Ria comment, it's kind of a challenge writing this story for her, with how strong she is. I want to show my readers that she is just misunderstood, and Ria will find out who she really is during this story. It has some very interesting angles.

    My original plan was for you all to know whom Rufus's DL lover is by now. I didn't plan on dragging it our. When I first started, my readers didn't pick up on it, so I decided to slow it down and have some fun with it. The story is much better this way any way. Any guess on who it might be Redd?

  6. Thats what that dumb ass get. Her diet has affected a patients life. Dub hoe. I don't even feel sorry for her no more. SHes just being dumb right now. I would like to reach in this pc screen and slap the sit out of her. DOnt that dumb ho know that repeated vomitting will mess up her teeth all that damn acid

    I loved Coop and Rocky's scenes. I didn't think coop would be so blunt about the HIV thing. But still nothing is confriemd. Rocky could still have it and not know it. Now we got to find out who it really is. SOme one knows and is taking pills for it. I wonder of this person is having sex wit someone.

    This Dinah and Belinda plot is starting to intrest me alot.

    I also liked Kevin's street boy scenes.

    Good job Jay u r keeping things going.

  7. I do love the storyon here and the episode flowed so nicely. Only me and you will know who wrote which scenes. Thats how good it flowed. I can't wait to see all the reactions and who the mole is. Also I got one question if The McGrergor estate is in such dire straits how can Anna and Andrew afford the big life across the ocean. I hope we dont have to wait for a month of Sundays before the next ep is posted. If u need help writing let me know. Novi is my fav blog. I can never get enough it

  8. Very good episode. i am really following the stories more. FTL has really become modernized lately. It's getting sassy.

    I just loved J's attitude toward Michelle at first. I was like yes, give her the cold shoulder. But all she wanted want some dick. And of course he had to give in. I hope she really means what she says when she is done being afraid. I hope she dont hurt J.

    Lot's of horny hearts in this town latley

    I so loved Jude and Robbie's scenes. And I am so glad Robbie stood up to Emma. I am very curious to see where all this goes.

    Jason I can never imagine being with a woman. He is to gay for that. Being a gay man myself I can say that. Also shouldnt he refer to himself as bisxual and not gay?

    I also loved Aubrey scene with Rafe. so dark a nd I could see the whole thing taking place in my head I wonder what Aubrey is really after and it seems Rafe will have no chocie but get sucked into what ever she has up her sleave.

    I am not feeling the Cyrus and Mallet and Dinah scenes.

    But other than that a good episode. Your stories are progressing very well

  9. LOL, Welcome back Redd I was going to shoot you an email to ask what was up with you. You should already know I am going to ask about Varied Lives aka Novi? I missing it man sh'mone with it.

    Jay yes this is exactly how I am writing this Ria storyline Ria is a strong woman and this will have an effect on her. This is very hard for her she doesnt want to show she is weak and scared. And what Kiko doing to her is a slap in the Face. I really wish I had more time with this story but with the series coming to an end I dont. I kinda had to speed things up and you will see that but I will do it respectully. just a little disappointed that I waited so long to give Ria such heavy material.

    I told you Miss Rue will have a lot going on. SHe is going to become more pivtoal as episodes go by. It's going to be a total shock at who her DL lover is. Pay careful attetion. I have been dropping hints and clues all over the place.

    Jay I am so glad you are enjoying this Lauren plotline. You really motivate me when I write it. And I agree with how some shows gloss over it. For times sake I really wanted to but I couldn't do my readers like that. Besides it gives Lauren something to do. She is plugged into many plots right now and I wanted to show case that. Keep your eye on lauren. Things for her will continue to get worse. If STEAM had a season 4th I had a big story for her. Too bad though...

    I really enjoyed the Blue note scenes myself. We got to see some folks we haven't been seeing for a while. We got to see Jenn and Lauren become friends again and Nat declaring war on Jenn over something from season two.

    Jay you have really been a big inspriation for me lately and I really aprreciate that.

    I am so glad u r enjoying the series and like the flow. I have really fallen in love with it all over again. I feel like I have my mojo back once more. I have been working so hard and writing so much lately. It really breaks my heart that it's all coming to an end just when things were and are getting good. You know what they say all good things come to an end.

  10. Wonder what Annie is going to tell RJ

    I love Michelle and J and I do where both points a view I wonder how this is going to work out

    That song Maureen sang, is that an orginal?

    I am so glad Ash used mouth wash after she vomitted I was worried about that. Its sad to see her go through this again

    I wish I answered the door when Rafe came to the door naked

    So Robbie and Jude are best friends? I see a triangle brweing. I just love spencer. She is so dark and mysterious. Good p I under stod everything. Ur stories are good right now

  11. Ok so i finally did the do and checked this out. It seems there's a lot of mystery here. and boy the fisrt scene, when old dude was going back over history and letting him know what was going all I kept thinking about was Jaems E Rielly and Days of our Lives for some reason

    i also loved when kirk asked Eden i think it was could he drive and she said yes behind her in his own car. very funny

    I loved the cocaine scene. it had some very urban moments in it. Something I was not expecting at all. And a much better job in that scene going over the history in the one. The first one had me very confused but the second go round didnt.

    I must say I m very impressed. It seems a big mystery adventrue story going. You didn't jave a ton of characters in this ep and it was eay to get into and follow adn I look forward to the next. Good job

  12. Damn poor Kevin. I really feel for him. A very good episode. i understood everything that was happening.

    SO Marti isnt going to speak up about the rape? Where is gavin in NY?

    I also want to stress my concern for this HIV storyline and the sate ments that were made in Coop and Ashlee's scene which I found very offensive. Gay men are not the leading cause or with HIV or Aids. It's straight men and woman. When I told my HIV story on STEAM i made sure it was a straight woman to beat the sterotype. Now I am really hoping it's not Kevin or Rocky just beacsue of what was said in Coop and Ash's scene. As a gay man I do take issue with what was said.

    Aubrey is some freak aint she? Was she playing with her self when she was on the bed? the bitch even gave Liz a kiss. WOW I cant wait to see what she does.

    And once again FTL showed it's sexy side to us in the form of good ol Gus and Harley.

    And Leah looks like she could be some ones momma How old is she?

    Good ep Jay. I liked how Coop asked Eden was she ok.

  13. Thanks jay. This two parter thing is new for me and like i said I am really enjoying it and it seems that you like it too so for now I think i will continue that. The two parter tthings forces me to make each scene stronger kuz I kan no longer hide weaker scenes within the contenxt of a big episode. These two parters are easier to write it doesn't seem so stresssful.

    Ria does have some big stuff coming up dealing with her breast cancer.

    I really enjoyed writing opening scenes of my eps. It's my fav pasrt of the ep and also so is the last scene.. I also try to write my opening scenes so it will suck you right in with big drama.

    Stay tuned for part 20 very soon.

    And you will be happy to know Miss Rue got some big stuff coming up. She will play a more pivtoal role in the series.

    I have necglcted alot of things on STEAM and in the coming weeks you will see a lot of stuff be addressed and dealt with, like Lauren a nd what she did and the effect it will have on her and the people around her. Also we will see the fact dealt with that Alexis and lauren are sisters and how it ties into lauren's child. That's going to be an interesting angle. And we still have yet to see DC knowing about his sons Kiko and Dre and that is coming up as well.

    The focus is going to pull away from Sister patterson and feature my other stories. Esp Sabryn and her rivalry with natalia.

    Again jay thanks for reading




    Out standing episode and what a [!@#$%^&*] cliffhanger and total shock. OMG POOR KEVIN. It brings back so many sad memories for JODIE on steam.


    I am so tripping right now.

    You've really brought ur A game these last few eps.

    FTL is been really edgy latley and I love it.

    I love how you did the follow up with Edmund and Marah. love how you set that up.

    Always love to see my Annie. I just know she got a master plan.

    How old is leah? She look like she could be some ones momma.

    Now what's going on with Aubrey where has she been and why is she in the closet. Love how you are showing Liz get a little tried of this show and how its affecting her life in all aspeccts.

    Best epsiode ive seen u write so far. Outstanding jay, Please take a bow. Cant wait to see what is next

    I am such a big fan of urs

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