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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. LOVED THAT SCENE WITH HARLEY and Dinah. And how Belinda was looking back at her. GREAT DRAMAS

    LMAOLMAOLMAO I loved Rufus's dialog in that first scene and it's interesting that he is working with Sandra. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE this goes. When Rufus comes back to Pasdena, he wont forget his springfield adventrue for sure.

    LIZARD Spaulding I like that one too

    MEOW Dinah vs Harley. These scenes are BRILLIANT. GREAT JOB JAY> I [!@#$%^&*] love it

    I am not liking Marah at all!

    I LOVE RUFUS IN SPRINGFIELD I like his dialog u r giving him. I CANT WAIT TILL I GET HIM back and this story is so fitting sine he was already ceo of Divine Design in Pasadena. Maybe we can hook up and do some more cross overs. Rufus will be jumping back into fashion when he gets back

    DAMN IT WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND TO COOP AND ASH? Great job in the build up for this. I can't wait to FINALLY find out

    Ahh poor Mindy and Rick wow i feel so bad for them. I bet She is going to confront Roxie!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this baby drama with Belinda and Harley. It's so emotional. GREAT JOB JAY!!!!

  2. Sorry I havent been reading. I am going through so much right now.

    It's good to see Michelle and Bill again

    LOL, Why do all of harley's kids disrespect her like that. How old is Belinda?

    Rusty and Melinda are hot. I love these kinds of STEAMy affairs.

    Love that Annie twist. I can't wait till she comes back. SHe isn't even on yet but I can't wait till she is. It;'s going to be huge a I know it

    Wow Poor Rick, First Beth and Now Mindy. Funny how Rixie was standing there when Rusty walked out. What is the difference between Roxie and Annie?

    I like the end scene with Belinda though I never knew Harley adopted Belinda. Eithe r I am not paying attetion, I missed it or it'c clear out the blue. Kant wait to see where this story goes

  3. Yea Greta it sure is a crime wave going on here in Salem.

    I can’t belive Billie didn’t know what that sound was. SHE was a cop.

    And yes Kate, when did u become a killer. Of course this is not right what u r doingYou are destroying your grandson’s chances at getting his grand duaghter back YOU big dummy. I can’t wait to see how Stefano will react to Galore shooting PETER and not Tony.

  4. What a great episode. LIS is really getting Violent lately. From Steven and Helena and them to Greta and now Crsytal. WOW. Maybe Val isn’t leaving after all. I HOPE NOT!!!!! I love her.

    I really feel bad for BO. He I really being takenn advantage of lately.

    I LOVE GRETA. I can’t belive she stabbed Alexis. She reminds me of Ashley from STEAM. She has realy lost it and I cant wait to see how thi plays out

    And I already know who crystal shot since some one opened up their yappers to me. So no surprise there!!

  5. I love this insane Greta. I have never been a fan of her but he is so interesting as a mad woman with rabies. Every scene she is in I am on the edge of my seat wonder what in the hell she is going to do next. Now her sights are on Alexis. Will she be meeting the secret room as well? That would be fun!!

    I was kinda of happy when Anna got knocked the hell out. In fact it was funny. I do wonder who held her at gun point.

    I wonder what Megan is up to. Nice cliffhanger

  6. Forrest is a complete ASS. He is so choked up with this buissness he’s lost sight of what’s really important. He needs to take a brake and rehcarge his battery and make amends with the people he’s hurting and stop being a jerk. He cant take on the Dimera’s by himself. He’ll need held. Like his brother and Billie.

    Please tell me Valetine is not leaving? I am surprised she is trying to leave anyway. The person I created is gutless and never scared, esp not her washed up sister Vivian. Valetine and PETER would make A NICE COUPLE!!!!

    I am o sick of Anna and Tony. It’s sickening!

    And DO I see a Dimera vs. Titian war. THAT WILL BE good and I wonder hhow VIV plans to get it

    Revenge is rampant there here lately!

  7. Good I hope we don’t have to hear about this Helena mess no more. I am not nor have I ever been big fans of steve and Kayla and to be honet I am getting overdosed in seeing them.

    ERIC is so stupid. Why would he tell Greta all his business and even her name Alexis. He should have been more discrete or make a commercial the next time he does something. Makes wonder if greta will put alexis down in the secret room too.

    I love Nicholas and I cant belive Billie had the nerver to ask him to help forrest. Yea right. I hope Titian takes over Alamin. Would serve forrest right. And Hes stupid too kuz if he was smart he could have used Belle as a pawn piece against Victor.

  8. -Glad to see Sami is not going to walloww for herself. She is going to fight. I’ve always loved the feistier side of Sami. I hate how She is now on DOOL.

    When Stefano was going to the K Mansion I thought he was going to meet Vocitr and a showsown was next. But he met with Kate and instead and now is going to take out Tony. I cant belive Kate is doing this. When did she become a renegade.

    Bout time Steve makes his escape

  9. -Glad to see Sami is not going to walloww for herself. She is going to fight. I’ve always loved the feistier side of Sami. I hate how She is now on DOOL.

    When Stefano was going to the K Mansion I thought he was going to meet Vocitr and a showsown was next. But he met with Kate and instead and now is going to take out Tony. I cant belive Kate is doing this. When did she become a renegade.

    Bout time Steve makes his escape

  10. -Glad to see Sami is not going to walloww for herself. She is going to fight. I’ve always loved the feistier side of Sami. I hate how She is now on DOOL.

    When Stefano was going to the K Mansion I thought he was going to meet Vocitr and a showsown was next. But he met with Kate and instead and now is going to take out Tony. I cant belive Kate is doing this. When did she become a renegade.

    Bout time Steve makes his escape

  11. Agood episode. SO Stefano and Kate are teaming up huh. This will be good. I like d Stefano in this ep. He reminds of TGVN.

    Alexis and Eric, I like and what a surprise. But damn they just met, and she was just trying to get in Jermey good graces, Now she going home with him. Miss hot pants.

    Jill has other plans I see, Wonder how this will unfold…

  12. Bo and Jill huh. We’ll see where this goes.

    I love the argument with Kate and Vivian these two ladies are my fav and I’ve waited for this for like some years now. I hope to see more of this from them.

    I really feel for Aleixs. He really want to try and make Jemres understand but it jusst is not working. I’d still be mad too if I was him.

    I am not a big Anna fan. I really never have been.

  13. I had to read Rufus's scene sreal fast. I loved it. SO FAR. Cant wait to see what happens. WIll read the rest of the ep later

    Poor Dinah. It's sad the was she feels

    OMG ROXIE. She snapped photo of her half naked brothe. SHe is sick and I can't belive she would do that,

    LOVE THIS BABY TWIST with belinda. Now its coming back to me and make sense. WOW I cant wait to see how this plays out

    When did Edmund get kidnapped. I bet it's Annie

    I can't wait to find out what happend to Ash and Coopp

    Looks Like There will be a fight for baby Melinda

    Roxie dont give a [!@#$%^&*]. She wanted to be there while Rick confronted Mindy. LOL. Mindy would have beat that ass i am sure

    AN AWESOME ENDING!! I LOVE IT. I am off for thenext ep cant wait to see what happends

  14. Another good episode. I can’t belie Rusty kissed Mindy and Mindy not only kissed him back she enjoyed it. Total shocker there.

    I LOVED THE RAZOR SHARP EXCHANGE between Gus and Olivia in you ropening scene. Had me craxking up. I can’t belive Gus talked to her like that.

    Glad to see Ash is happy with herself but There is trouble brewing with her and Coop. I can’t wait to find out why they broke up or what is going on.

    It’s funny how you got a diary for a plot device as I got one too coming up. I also got a woman in a mental hospital just like fuax Annie Dutton. Great minds think a like though. I love Faux’s dialog. I pictured it in my head as her sounding like a robot. I loved that scene. The title to this episode should have been called Bitch, LOL. Another great episode!!!

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