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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Damn this show should be called All My Children I swear. So many babies driving the stories

    Dinah and her child

    No Aubrey pregant, but I think it's a ploy to keep Liz away from Jonathen.

    This was a nice episode.

    I love the spirits talking to Marah and Mariana but I got a feeling they got more heartbreak coming to them

    And poor remy. DOn't worry Remy, greener pastures are coming to u baby. lol

    Roxie is very sexxy and when did u cast Montel Williams on ur show and what made u choose him? I could see a romance with them. I loved Josh's and Reva intro scene

  2. lauren was lost and confused when she got with Chris and kevin. though she has slept with 3 men huh. I think she is up there with Ria. I loved ur comment with the crazy ladies, patterson and Mona.

    Sorry bout the recasted role of Sab. I think it will be better in the long run.

    The Williams family have so much to ift through and their pain is not done. THeir are more secrets out there.

  3. No Bro Hoes huh Matt? Not even Kiko? he hasn't screwed anyone yet..

    I know u r gung hoe for a Sabryn and Gilbert paring but I don't yet. I have some one else in mind For her. Let me kno what u think about that. But still watch for Gilly though

    Ty was trying to teach Dre a lesson. Dre pulled a gun out on Dre toward the end of last season. Plus he didn't know Lauren was dead till this ep, something Ty wanted Dre to do.

  4. The greatest Novi Cliff hanger ever. WOW. I cant wait for the reactions

    Why is Norm helping out Lee? What's in it for him? I can't tand her.

    I love the opening scene with Carol and her sons.

    I could not belive Terri had a son with Ol' dude. What a great twist. This wil be intersting to see how he interacts with John. WoW. A shocker for sure.

    I really like Marth, I see a lot of potetinal for her and I hope she will stick around.

    Another good one

  5. Now I didn't get the Jill/Kay vibe from Anna and her daughter. The new VL logo is very nice but damn Redd < I miss NOVI.

    I loved this ep. It was so warm. I loved Martha. And how she talked some sense into Anna BUT I still feel where anna is coming from.

    Terri seems very intresting and its so about time we met the new family. Nice set up.

    And If if I was Jim, I would be mad as hell. he is too nice and it's time for some back. Jim has been through so much and he's my fav besides Anna.

    I can't wait till Vette finds out her pops is really alive. Andrew was acting like what he did was no big thing.

    Another Great one Redd

  6. YES ANNA. I am so glad she won't let Andrew back in that easlily. Andrew is wrong for what he did. He should not have let all this time pass him by. I also love the little picture Andrew gave Anna to make her belive it's really him.

    Poor Jim. I feel bad for him always and I wonder what's next for him.

    Greg out to lose his Licencse for what he did to Jim

  7. Sorry it took me so long Redd. Another great Episode from Novi. i love the ending. Esp the montage scenes. i could really see it in my head.

    What did Andrew do that was so bad?

    It was so nice to see Sandra in Jail. What will she do now? Is she leaving the sreis. if she stays i wonder what her next move will be.

    And George is straight up tripping. WHy is he mad at the Mc Gregors? I can't beleive, he was acing like he did nothing wrong.

    I think blood clot drugs are called Heprain(sp) or like a blood thinner. Asprin does it too.

    You have a great cast I wish we could see them all get some action

  8. Thank you guys for the warm comments. They are such motivaters. I am glad you guys are enjoying it. I am working really hard on the series this season. Towards the end of the 2nd, Things fell apart I belive and I am trying to repair STEAM and recenter it and I hope it pays off.

    Durand, some actors weren't clicking and I needed to recast. I know it was a lot of changes but I wanted to do them all at one time to get them out the way. I think the cast will be pretty steady fromhere on out.

    Jay, Good ol Ashley huh? When the show pemired, she was sleeping with bryan. Bryan told her he had a twin named Ryan. The truth was exposed by abryn, Bryan's true love. Bryan ended things with with Ash and she went crazy and has been crazy ever since. Her sister is Alexis and Ash's time before Pasadena is unkown at this time, but you given me a story idea. Hope this was good enough.

    So good to see most of the SONOP'er's backin action. Feels like old times. We just need a series from Durand

    Thanks for reading

  9. I so loved the scene with Marina and Michelle saying good bye together and how they reached out tog ether. That was so damn nice. Why was Danny killed off. I feel bad for his kids. I know what it’s like to lose a father at a young age,

    So many kids in Springfield. This show should be called All my Springfield Children, LOL.

    All these deaths and what not reminds so much of S.T.E.A.M. with the death of Abe, Jodie and Lauren.

    I am so mad at Harley I want to slap her my damn self. How could she let her daughter just run off like that. She can’t G but yet lets her run off. How stupid is she? Why did Harley give up Susan anyway?

    Is Roxie Annie? Is she crazy and why is she sending roses. Is she working with Mona? Lol. Roxie has me interested.

    Who I Aubrey and please explain this Liz story.

    The ending was a little weaker. But still a good episode!!

  10. Another solid episode.

    The one thing I like to do is to read like two or three at a time. I hate waiting for the next episode. That’s with any series I read.

    I loved Danny’s scene with his kids. It’s a shame we will never know whom he was going to choose. By the way, what was wrong with Danny? I must compare Danny’s death with Jodie’s. Jodie died with out saying good bye to her loved ones. I thought I would get more bang for my buck if she died suddenly. But I like your version of Danny’s death. Then again, I move my series much faster so I don’t know. Danny’s so was pure soap cliché.

    What did Colin do and I am a little confused on this whole Liz/Colin, now Jonathan and baby Sarah stuff. I was going to say maybe Sarah was in San Cristobel but not. I wonder what’s down there.

    Susan has gone to far. Holding her own mom at gunpoint to say good bye. What balls she got. I would have slapped the [!@#$%^&*] out of Susan if I was Harley. I can’t wait till she gets what coming to her. How old is Sarah?

    So has it really been ten years since Anne was in Springfield. Wow. I remember when Harmon Brown and Estein was writing GL at the time. The last two writers on GL that really gave GL a credible ratings boost. Did u like their tenure? I can’t wait to see what you have planned for Miss Annie Dutton.

  11. SOunds good redd. i didn't write no holiday specials for STEAM. I didn't know how episdoes would air but it would be hice huh. I don't like when writers jump like u say u r going to but U r a great writer and I know everything will be fine. I have been wondering where Novi has been.( A name I do like better)

  12. Thank you Miss lady for the kind words. it's really motivating to read this as you know how hard I am working on this third and potentially last season. You have been a wonderful addition thus far and I would not have offered you a CO EP/HW postion if you didn't fit the mold. Thank you Tara for always listening to me. You are a God send. I can't wait for Matt's comments. LOL Where are you buddy

  13. This epiode had more going on. And i love to read like 2 or 3 eps at a time. I like to print these out and really get into to them.

    Mariana is so corny rubbing her love she has for Danny all up on Michelle's face. I love this tirangle and I am camp Michelle/Danny already. There seems to be no clear cut evil person in this triangle and that makes it even better. I love how you ended with them looking in on Danny both loving him but both torn and I love how we have yet to hear Danny's decison. Nice twist. I also love the showdown between M&M. Very nice.

    THis Annie story really has my eye. I remeber that Terri De Marcus from the real show. I can't wait to see what you have planned. And who is reva supposed to be? captain save a hoe? "I know Annie Dutton and I'll find her" Yeah right. If you were fooled once you can be fooled again. I hope Annie one up's reva.

    Another great episode. Jay. Esp Annie and Reva's part.

  14. This episode was slower but I know u needed to move things from the snow storm and the actual fallout of the snow storm.

    I remeber you were saying you were going to do the Annie Dutton story and I see it's being set up. THis story has immeditely grabbed my attetion

    And although this ep was slow, I am able to get into all the storylines and cahracters now. I now know what is going on and I don't have questions this time. I guess that's a good thing right?

    I kinda knew that danny was going to be the patient, but it was a nice twist. Funny how Michelle is all catty with Marina over Danny but yet when he was banging her, she was such a push over regarding her feelings.

    Love how all the sotires are effected by the storm

  15. THank you guys for the nice comments. This was a hard episode to write because I had two major drama going on at the same place at the same time. That was surely a challenge.

    jay it's ok to laugh at ister Patterson. Hell she cracks me up and I love writing for her.

    Jay shoot me an email on any ideas of a cross over. I know who I want from GL and that's Remy. Ria is in need of some hot sex and it would fit in perfectly for her storyline she' got this season.

    Ashley/sabryn/and Bryan will be hot and front burner. LOTS OF TWIST coming up for these three as the last leg of their story plays out.

    SIster Patterson and her family will also be front burner this season as Mona's next chapter begins. She's not done yet it beliveve it or not

  16. I know what u mean by not wanting to write but still got too I go through with S.T.E.A.M. Damn i can't wait till it come back. I got some great [!@#$%^&*] coming up and my writing has grown so much. It has more depth . But n e way, ur finale are always sweet and exciting and u now got me curious as to what bobbie's conecction is. I will submit ideas to u on season 6 soon.

  17. A slower epiode but still good.

    I was so happy to see Blake and Remy get their sex on. I love them and love their forbiden passion. nothing like some hot passion to get waremd up

    My question, what happeded to the abilical cord. Who cut it. But very nice scenes with harley/alan/gus and Natty. Nice cliffhanger as well. i could picture all of it happening in my head

    Why would Rocky cheat on Shayne after everything they've been throug?

    I alo liked danny's soul searching scenes and can't wait to see whom he chooses.

    Another great one jay

  18. I did not get ur email jay and thanks for the explanations.

    What a great fu(king episode. jay u r a great writer, in fact so good are u i am taking notes from u. Take ur bow becasue UR blog is the hottest thing out here, that is until S.T.E.A.M. returns, lol

    Damn where do I begin

    One THing I've noticed in reading again i that ur storylines are much more tighter and a lot easier to follow. That's a def plus

    I am mad at how Micehlle is o blah about this choice danny has to make. Girl get ur man. Then on top of that they had ex to make thing smore complicated. She needss to act like she want him. It could not be me

    Another story that is super hot is the Kevin.Rocky.Shayne tirangle. WOW is all I can say. I can't elive Rocky kissed Kevin. And now Kevin i dealing with the foot ball macho man thing. I love it. I SO LOVE IT and I hope this tory continues. This is huge!!! GREAT JOB ON THAT ONE!!!!!!! Now I see why kevin hit him. WOW. I can't stop saying it

    I smiled instanlty once I knew Remy and Blake were in the ame scene. U can feel there passion, their desire fopr one another and I truly hope they get back together. I love Remy. I wish I was at Blake at times. lol. I am so glad they kissed

    THe scenes where Natalia was exposed as to not being pregnant were shocking, And their first scene wasn;t even a cliffhanger. Very big scene for it to be midway through the episode. I was on the edge of my seat.

    Shayne and Marina used to date right?

    All these great stories admist the back drop of a snow storm was pure genuius.

    Ur series is on fire man for real. I love how the stories are interwining so beaftifull and naturally. Great Job Jay!!!!

  19. A very good and solid episode jay

    So why doesn't harley want Gus. I know when he was with nat she had feelings for him

    I really can't wait till Susan getst whats coming to her. She's nothing but a big bag of bad ass. She need a good ass weapon from harley. Where is Gilieupsue from? And is he wanted with the law?

    Why are Kevin and Rocky beefing/ becasue Rocky'sd gay?

    Rafe is new right? He seems like he's got something up his sleeve

    So what does Annie Dutton being in town going to do? i do remeber her when he wa under paul rauch's term as ep.

    Why did Kevin snap like that in the 2nd scene . Was he just kissing Vi to [!@#$%^&*] with Rocky?

    And boy oh boy, Jefferey leaving that secret in his desk drawer spells trouble for real

    Some one, the wrong one will find it

    I'm feeling the Danny/michelle /marina love triangle but I think michelle is too kool about her man unable to choose whom he wants.

    But a GREAT EPISODE. A goo read!!

  20. It almost seems there was an episode missing from 121 to 122. The begining was kind of slow and off but the episode did pick up as it wen ton. I would have though when Carlos found Jenny and London, it would have been more dramatic. It just seemed off. I don't know. Was just expecting more. But I love how Nan watched the video and and found out that Carlos found the girls. She shrugged it off at first.

    Dylan's scene with Sean was very nice and needed. THough again I wish they would have gone deeper. Like why did him and Lana do this. I wish some one would just give it to Lana. It's not about here. It's about her son and his happiness. But I love her character though

    I love how Bobbie is able to say what ever she wants and she can get away with it. But I find this Bobbie/Ava story so odd. I don't know. Then here comes Nate. They keep going back and forth. Now he wants her back.

    I laughed at Hot Humping.

    I loved the scene with Jace and Rena. How she ordered water and said it wa drinks. Now Rena isx plotting against will to keep him not good. I still love this quaderangel. now it seems all four are plotting and planning. I really can't stand Alicia. She playing games. Now jace gone get a gun. And the finale is coming up,...hmm. Will is getting lame to me. He should have left Jace in Jail if he really wanted an uniterrputed acess to Alicia. Now he trying to black mail Alicia with it. Come on now.

    I love how Bryan got Blake FINALLY> I loved this scene. Ha ha blake knuckle head. And wow that marli. She is so.. I don't know. And I loved how at the end Blake kissed Alley. Reminded me of Lauren/ Kevin But wow, the drama continues. GREAT Cliffhanger and as always another good episode. Kant wait to see the catfight with G/T.

  21. WOW I AM SO MAD I MISSED that wedding with Susan stopping it. Again jay after reading 102 compared to earlier episodes, It's like night and day. The scenes are so fleshed out and the dialog is great. Good job. I will keep my eye open for Remy's new triangle. And I like what u r going to do with Blake.

    I am glad I was able to inspire you. The email would be nice and again I am sorry i was away. I was hoping u didnt think I stopped reading., I had a lot of issues with S.T.E.A.M. and co writing Life In salem really took its toll on my series. But I have a clear mind now and more energy to put into my series so expect great things and a bit of a difference. I am excited about what is going to happen. Sorry for talking about my seires in your blog. I'm just so excited.

    Natalia hiding from Alan is very interesting.

    PS. I am I have learned a lot from you to as well just by reading your series. You really take your time with plotting and it's great. All your storeis intertwine and I love that and that iss key to a great series.

    Jay you are a great writer and I would like to work with you some time. Weather it be GL or S.T.E.A.M. come holla at me

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