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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Thanks guys for the very inspiring comments. I want to again thank Durand and Tara who have been a tremendous help to me these last few weeks.

    3 more episode before the finally(It seems all the SONOP shows are about to air finales, sweet)

    I am so damn happy. I am so tired and exhusated. I need a break.

    I promise you though(esp the long time readers) this finale will be everything you have been waiting for, Miss jenkins, Mona and Pat, WHo's baby does Ash have, and so much more. I am going to leave no stone unturned. I''ve been building up all these stories since day one and it's all about to come crashing down.

    I am truly going to out do myself this time around. Thanks for reading everyone and it has been a joy to tell my stories and receive so much feed back.

    Matt, Bryan didn't ask Kiko because he barely Knows him. Also Chris and Bryan were very good friends and so was Dre and Chris so Dre was the next best thing.

    I am so glad everyone is waiting to find out who Miss Jenkins is. We've talked about her all season and in the next few eps, we will see what this Miss Jenkins is all about and I promise you it will blow your socks off.

    Sister Pat is now Mainstream with SONOP. Casting her was one of my most genius ideas yet. I LOVE WRITING FOR HER and I am considering doing a comedy spinoff starring her, her holy water and bible along with her antics. Stay tuned for that.

    Also I am trying to soften up Ria just a bit but I see it's not happening. LOL. It's kool, I got BIG plans for RIA. She's about to be thrusted to the front burner FINALLY. I have a big story for her going into the third season that really gets into who he is and why she i the way she is. Alright enough with m y babbling and hoopla.

  2. I mean for real Lynnette u have to ask how yens got to this point? BECAUSE YOU CHEATED.!!! I hope Jim won't be that forgiving.

    Ok now I get who Andrew is and WOW. FIREWORKS will explode when he gets back. I can't wait for this take over to play out and I jut know Cassandra and team will loss. I can't wait for Andrew to come back to Novi and give poor Anna answers,

    Another great meeting

  3. Again, I was waiting for that scene with Greg and Jim. VERY GOOD!! I don't know what the connection is with Jon Amos but I am so glad you casted him.

    Again the dialog was great as always. I love Novi beacsue of it's simplicty and the slow pace. Slower paced plots are the best

    Your cast has really grown lately. You have so many great characters, I hope we get to see them a little more

    When ever you want me to write some scenes get at me. I would really like too

  4. I have waited for so long for that convesation with Elanore and Lynnette. Such a powerful storyline indeed and it has so many angles.

    Again I love the casting of Roberta and Aaron. I wonder who he is reporting to and what's going to be his story

    Cassandra is going to take matters into her own hands, this out to be interesting

    Hanvent seen Norm in a whil and it looks like he and Leigh are going to hook up. I wonder what bomb is she talking about. The suspene is really building and the business dialog was so great. Loved it. DO you have major in buiness or something?

    Great episode Redd, a lot of things are cooking and buildning nice and slowly. I can't wait for the climaxes, esp Caandra. I just know she is going to get caught

  5. I can't wait to see qho else Nan is hiding. And it's some one from the past, I can't for the life of me of who it could be. Are they alove or dead?

    Not a big fan of Amber morre at all so I hope this role is limeted and I hope some one slaps her in the face a couple of times

    I wonder how this new chic you listed firt is going to mux with Ava

  6. Good Episode. I see u casted John Amos, Great Casting Choice. Your the best cast of SONOP. THere is so muxh you could do.

    I wonder that the hell Leigh is up too

    And I wonder what Aaron is going to do..

    And Jim has a new best friend. Man, is really falling off the wagon

    Another great one and great cating choices. Wish we would have seen an annoucment on this great casting chocies

  7. What a great episode. It featured al most all my favorite stories and characters. Poor Ashlee, that girl is going threw it.

    I see you swicthed up the pictures, very nice.

    I wonder ig G is just playing Susan, I wonder if he is just stringing her along.

    It was also good to finally see some of Josh' feelings about his son. I hope we see more.

    Great Epiode Jay!

    Oh and I see Ava has amnesia, or shes faking

  8. WOW. What a great episode. The title should be SLuts of LA. Brooke is so damn slutty. I was laughing my ass of when she couldn'ty belive no one was offering to buy her a drink Great line.

    What is going on with Taylor. She made that lame attempt with james now she should up at the bar drunk and throwing herself at men.

    Is this Paul from Y&R?

    This was very easy to get into and moved very fast. I'm already hooked and can't wait for the enxt indstallment.

  9. What a sweet ending. I liked that. I also, accidently read some casting previews and was SHOCKED TO SEE AVA, Ash, and Coop leaving WHY??!! I am so mad I read that. I loved to be surprised but I am glad I did. WHY are Coop and Ash leaving?

    LOVED REMY's SCENE with Blake and how everyone was looking at them. I also like Blake's scene with her son talking about Remy

  10. Thaks for the comment Matt. I do to Miss Nan/Bryan vs Blake but there plots respectively are good apart from each other. And I know you had those plot ploys to speed things up. I think PP moves the fastest out of all of the SONOP shows which is nothing wrong with that at all. Keeps you guessing for sure. ANd I can't wait to see who this guest is, I can't think for the life of me who it could be.

  11. What a great episode.

    I would have loved to write that sex scene between Rocky and Shayne.

    I also like the name Pennolpe better then bertha

    Cassie aint playing no games. Home girl lit up a cigar. That was sexxy of her.

    And Ashlee, now I am really worried about her. My heart really goes out to her. That's a VERY good stortline right there

    Miss Ava, I can't wait to see what will be wrong with h er.

    Keep up the great work Jay, the ep's keep getting better and better and I am understadning more and more of the show.(But damn 50 characters?)

    You got so many juicy storylines cooking up. Keep up the great work

    Your blog is really catching on I see, congrats!

  12. WOW what a great episode. I can't believe Remy admitted the truth and his fathers reaction was funny. Great job with that.

    I also could not believe Bill and Olivia overheard Ava. Now I don't feel so bad for Bill and Olivia being together. Now Ava is hurt, wonder if she'll used this to try and trap Bill

    That was pretty funny how Harley found out about Gus' baby.

  13. WOW REDD THAT WA A GREAT EPISODE. It really felt like a whole episode. SO MUCH is going on.

    Cassandra, Her scenes and lines where great. She is really a Bitch and I could picture her spiting those vial lines to Anna. I also loved Anna in this episode. She makes me feel warm. She is a strong anchor and a very strong woman. Very graceful and I like that about her. This rivalry i clear cut and I am excited to see how far it goes. I wonder if Phelps will uncover the deed.

    I wonder who is on that plane and what he is going to do. Very intriguing for sure and that was a very nice ending.

    I loved Trish's and Joe's scene. It was nice they could find common ground on what else, their parents. LOL. They look really nice together and I got a good laugh out of "Jo Jo the DO DO' HELL NAW!!!LMAO!!

    And Jim took that pill. Man that is so sad. I feel sorry for that man. I wonder how far is this going to go.

    Very great episode. It keeps getting better and better. What ever you are doing, you keep doing it, and I know you take a long ass time putting these episodes out, but it's ALWAY worth the wait.

  14. My mutha fuckin boy is back. Damn I have missed PP. What the hell. But I know it was for a VERY good reason? How did the movie part turn out? Don't 4get about me....

    NE way What a great episode. Nan is really up to no good. I love it. I can't wait to find out who else she is hiding. I know whom ever it is will be a shocker kuz I know how you do.

    FOR THE FIRST time, Marli is interesting. Cutie SR is in town. I had to laugh when he said"Drop the panties" Hell naw. I so lov e Bryan as the main male villain and I just know he's going to use this info to get Blake and I can't wait. Blake vs. Bryan is one great male rivalry for sure. And I don't under stand why Marli's dumb ass gone put the entire contact name name Jim Webb FBI Agent, Who does that?, lol. Just based on my phone, I am more low key and have to code things up,(being who I am and doing what I do, lol) But I don't know. Blake's nosy ass. But he got a right I guess. That story is really picking up S.T.E.A.M. P.S. Bryan and SR would look hot together, lol.

    Hmm, Jace, Alicia nem, I don't know where things are going to go but I know things are at a major cross roads. I will be keeping a close eye on this one beings I camp, Will and camp jace.

    Gilbert Smith, thanks for the last name, didn't seem him in the ep or did I just miss him.

    O yea I love KZ. I hope to see more of her.

    This was a great episode Matt. The dialog was top notch and edgy and fancier. Can't wait for the next installment.

    OOH and I can't forget Alley and John, What he did was nice and they really needed that.

  15. "Dont know one talk about Miss Jenkins." Sister Pat slaps Durand


    "You old bat. Why don't you go pray or something."

    Sister pat

    "Simple Bastard. Don't you know no good child?"


    "I know what's good. You're not. You're flipping crazy. Just tell me now who is Missjenkins"

    Sister pat

    "I heard a birdie, named ML, saying this Miss Jenkins Hoopla will be revealed very soon."

    that sister pat slaps Duran again




    I just felt you needed hit one more time, for talking about Miss jenkins. Now let's go pray!" She says snatching Durand up by the arm and dragging him into Can I get a Witness, West Coast Baptist church.

  16. Thanks Matt. Your comments were very interesting. I know you are a champion for Gilly, so I got a little something for ya. Ur right, if it was not for Sabryn's baby, she would not be with Bryan, but it's Bryan using the baby to hold on to her. SO I thought that would be a nice role reversal. A man using a baby for once. And after everything Ash has done, I doubt she'll be able to stick around as a free woman to be with Bryan.

    Telenovela, who knows, but i do know I got at least one more good season left in me so after that, we'll see if I have lost my steam for S.T.E.A.M.

  17. I am new to all this Danny and Michelle.

    But The grant storyline seem very intresting. I really want to see who this plays out.

    Alos in the first scene in part two, who was "she" I had to scroll back up in the episode to find out who "she" was.

    Alan's line of grandfather or father was classic. I like that scene.

  18. Why was Cyrus walking? Was he getting some excersise? The grant son is fine as hell OMG. I hope u got some bog plans for him.

    Alan know Nat is preggos, uh oh, lol, can't to see what happens next.

    The movie scene had me cracking up. Loved it.

  19. The stories that caught my eye were Esther at the nursing home. I see a lot of potential there and I wonder what Tiffany is going to do with this info.

    Another thing that cauhgt my eye was when Shawn said he was a black man in a corpate world or something. That instantly drew me into the story line. I like the story with him and Eddie. Is Eddie like the drama queen type fag or what? Shawn is very sexxy and I like the interacial thing. I know Shawn giving it to Aurora real good

    I think all the blogs I read Are in script. So this prose, I'll have to get used to. You also tell your stories different, I guess it being in prose. It just may take me a little longer to get the feel for everyone But I liked what I read so far and looking forward to he next

  20. Matt, man this is what I have been waiting for. Man, I am glad you are able to keep up to date with SONOP with your new peice of technology. I MISS POINTE PALACE and I HOPE IT RETURNS SOON.

    I did think of Ash and Dah working together but I feel the series is over loaded. So cast reductions are being made.

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