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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Ahh yes, PP is back and it's better than ever. My girl nan is back in top form and has already went down in a catfight and stirring up much trouble.

    Loved CC's kinky sex scene. And With Jenny walking in I bet another brawl is in order. This ladies are vicious.

    Skye is scarring me. I know she is going to do something crazy.

    Wonder what pain Dylan was hiding. Great start to the new season and can't wait to see hwere everything goes.


    BTW loved L. Kay's casting pic. It makes me instantly drawn to her.

  2. George is a smooth Operator. He's dipping in every one's business literally. I wonder what Leigh is up too

    Again loved how tight the story lines are. I would like to the rivalry with The McGregor's and Donahue's more front and center. You have such powerful players in place.

    I so love Anna and Carol. Another great episode

    I only wish we could read more often,... hint hint..

  3. LOL. Mona and The Lady in Red are two different peoples. Maybe It's my writing that has you confused but I am pretty sure LiB and LiR had a phone conversation.(If not they will) I am glad you all like the casting of Thaao, I wasn't sure how far I was going to go with him but with the great reaction He may stick around.

    Matt I love your comments they crack me up.

  4. It's going to be very intersting to see these episodes written live this time. Good luck Matt. Hope you can keep it up. 2wo shows a week should be easy enough. I am able to maintain my three and I got a week and a half down, so will see how it goes. LIS is taking a lot of my time too. But at any rate come on Jan 14

  5. Title: Round One

    The catfight was nice but Sabryn is so stupid. How is she going to get back at Alexis from jail? Alexis now has all of the power she needs. Poor Gilbert! I loved his quote though.<<<I feel your pain. hopefully Sabryn will get it together. How much more can she take?

    If Jenn exposes Jodie's secret then she's lower than low! Being HIV + is a huge issue. Which only makes me hate Jenn even more.<<Which is why I recasted the role. Alicia is playing the kind of Jenn that I wanted. This is going to be a HUGE story with many layers and twist.

    It was nice to see Ty and Mike exchanging words. Glad to see enemies reunited. It was sort of inspirational.

    Now I'm all caught up but I'm cofused about Mona and Kelis. Will the Kelis be joining or is she the Lady in Red? If that's the case then it would make more sense that Mona's raping Kelis's sister and not her own. Now that I think about it, she did admit to being Abe's daughter so it could be a possibility but she could have a different mom.<<<Mona, is the alias Kelis assumed. Mona and Kelis are the same person. Therefore leaving The Lady in Red a mystery. I wonder who she is. Kelis(Mona) is the Daughter of Pat and Abe. Remeber Abe made Pat belive at birth that Kelis was dead, and he kidnapped her and molested and tortured her.(How, and why will be will be revealed very soon. Kelis(Mona), Kevin, and Karim are the ONLY Williams siblings(That we know about) Sharan is NOT a Williams, she is/was engaged to Kevin. I hope this clears some things up. I know some things may seem off or strange but trust me everything will make sense. This is a huge storyline and a huge mystery. Many people in Pasadena will get sucked into Mona's web, which brings me back to The lady in Red....Stay tuned...

  6. I agree. Though the pics are a bit blurry, if they were retouched, the opening could be even better. (Heck if you want, maybe I could make you one if you were interested.) All in all, it still was good because it has that SEXY theme that goes with STEAM. Ha that rhymes. <<<Yes I am interested to see what you can come up with...

    When are Jodie and Jenn going to get in an all out smackdown brawl? You have been gearing these two up for one so when it happens, I know I'll be cheering on Jodie.<<<LOL, trust me it's coming. You won't be dissappointed. Hell if you want you can write it...

    I really wanted to poke Sister Patterson in her 3rd eye. She's a loonie! Which makes her a character that I love to hate but also love to read.

    The ending was cool because it had a nice character development. Chris is so desperate to clear his name but he's only made it worse for himself. I'm really torn with who I wanted Lauren to be with. At first I wanted Chris because Daniel was never there for her but then Daniel's become such a tortured soul (literally) that I kind of think they should go back out.

  7. Another Snardly Great I love it. I love LK. Hope we get to see Guy more as well. I hope we still see Ginny in season 5.

    I kinda liked Owen but Alexia I'm cool so she won't be missed on my part. It seems the writing is on the wall for Devetta but u are a man of surprises. So happy Bryan is back. And also glad to see Lenvy coming back.

    Can't wait till the new season begins. Will we find out what some of these folks are going to college for?

  8. I do have to say this is the best episode I've read of this blog yet. It was so intense and I was on the edge of my seat during the Hope/Billie and nem scene. Such good drama. So many people involved. And that Nicole is one nasty Bitch. Wow it was one shock after another and then on top of all that, Great(I never liked her, hope she's leaving) and Frankie are dead falling from the celiling. This is getting good.

    Great [!@#$%^&*] job! Truly jaw dropping drama. And the greatest thing it was drama from the heart, not some big car chase or some big action scene, it was character driven drama that had me on the edge of my seat. Again great job I can't stop saying that. lol

  9. OMG . Shocking ending in deed. I didn't think it was going down like this. Poor Hope and Steve. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Great job. Wow I am still tripping. The whole town has now saw Steve banging Hope's guts out. Damn. Pure classic soap and it's the way a big secret like that should be exposed. Again great job guys

  10. Thanks D. Kristen and Mar already had a catfight at the hospital. I think in 199 or something. Tara correct me. We got big plans for Kristen and Marlena and Also Tony"Vince" so stay tuned for that one

    I am glad u said it was short. I am trying to keep like Tara Keeps it shorter. So don't exepct to see no S.T.E.A.M. letgh episodes. (And not only that I am toying around with paragrapgh for mat more for this series) So that's why they are a little shorter. And To me shorter is bettter. I myself hate reading super long episodes(Like I have room to talk)

  11. So many people are so mad at Nicole. I love how she is inter mixed with so many people.

    I had to laugh when Carrie said that Israel was the safest place for them right ow.. With all those terrorist in the Middle East and Iran want to wipe it off the face of the earth, I wouldn't['t be so sure.

    Now what is this truth Hope is talking about?

    I also noticed that in this blog that you guys obviously don't have censors. And other, not moderating or admin team does. It is a little hard imagining some of these folks cussing. LOL I don't know. Maybe because I am not used to it.

    Now I could not believe Abe and Roman. Was that fight serious or what? I can't believe it went down like that.

    Another thing that crossed my mind is how in this day of terrorism how were all those guns able to make it into the airport. Lord I would have to call the FAA or something, but then again this is Salem were talking about and the police don't always have the greatest track record.

    In any case it was STILL a GOOD episode.

  12. Very good episode it was very smooth. I got a couple question if you guys don't mind?

    Who is Alison? And why does Nicole want to hurt Carrie?

    Nicole is all over the place being bad. I love it.

    Did Lucas actually rape that poor girl. My jaw dropped when I read that. I also love how Sami and Lucas will be having a custody battle. I miss these two going at it.

    Another surprise for me was Vic, and Maggie, Did I miss that? But I love it. Wow First Steve and Hope and now these two. I was also praying Vic would not have a heart attack having numerous love sessions with Mags. Damn is he on Viagra. Great scenes though. Loved it. So nice and tender.

    Great episode guys, I see I'm going to have to read much more often

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