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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Loved the funeral Billie and Lucas gave touching speeches. I love how Viv was bold at the Funeral. That's my girl.

    I loved when Nicole slapped Greta. I was hoping she would do it again and again. Greta is selfish for not telling Steve what's the resoning?

    Good episode

  2. I really felt Kate was being sincere with her concern for Sami when she tried to comfort Lucas. Hopefully he will let her in.

    What I don't understand why did Lexie wait so long to start and try and save Stefano.

    And that sly Nicole. She seems to be at the right places at the right times. I love that about her

    I guess all writers have there own style. As for myself, I don't like to leave some things to the imagination. I like to go all the way there. But as they say, what ever flies your hair back B)

    Good episode and I do too look forward to the next one.

    PS I know I may have not have a lot of room to talk but this was a good length as well beings I do read multiple blogs. Your banners of late have also been very nice

  3. I liked the episode. Again it was easy to follow from your previous episodes. I really feel for Sonny and can understand why he feels the way he feels. i wonder what he means that he'll end it.

    Also I loved the Bobbie and friends scenes. Really really great. I also like how there were two storylines and it was flipping back and forth.

    Also had to laugh at Scotty's vein comment.

  4. Matt I felt you wrote this for me, lol.

    I got a feeling there is going to be another mass exodous again. Matt I enjoyed this season. It had it's highs and lows.

    Cant wait to see what u have in store for season 5.

    I would have really enjoyed the Alley and Baby LJ twist in the fire.

  5. OMG !! NICE JOB REDD> THIS has beena long time coming. This was one of your most faster paced episodes. I was not expecting the ending. Loved all the business aspect of this episode. I see it's a woman's world on that board. It's was also nice to finally see Yvette doing something to make good on some of her threats. But now Anna knows the truth. I can't wait to see what happens next. VERY GOOD EPISODE REDD!!!

  6. I am really on the fence with this London and Owen thing. I don't know Matt. It was so odd because at how long we had to wait to hear anything about Owen and then it's like we moved at mock 2 to find out about London. Maybe there is a reasoning for this I don't know.And both explanations came in the same episode. I'm just thrown for a loop right now

    Again I love CC vs Jenny. I always look forward to her scenes and her dialog.

  7. WTF So now London is alive? Hmm, I'll have to wait and see what happens.

    Slower episode but it was still good. Lots of scenes and tons of dialog.

    I love this new spicy side of Skye and I thought it was revealed that Nate didn't have an STD I guess he does now. Wow I was going to write something along these lines for Jodie,(we r in tune as always) but now I'll have to take a different course. I am really liking this storyline though.

    I am also diggin Alley and her feelings regarding LJ. Maybe you are leaning towards a triangle or maybe a quad. Now that London is supposedly alive anything is fair game.

    Love the soap opera fall back in CC's scenes and I love her dialog too.

    And so glad to see Will's aggressive coming back out and it took Trella to do it. LOL.

  8. wow what a good episode. so much is going on. So glad to see Not only that Hope and Steve did the deed but Nicole saw them. Yes I love it. I love Nicole. I wonder what is she goings to do now.

    Also loved the scene with Billie and her new family. That musta been one hell of a slap for Kate to fall to the ground. Damn who hasn't Kate slept with.

    Again very good episode, Moved very fast and it was much shorter ;) (Though, like I have any room to talk huh?)

  9. Come on LOL Now not only do we not know where in the hell is Owen but here goes Alexia. Alexia was so dumb going about Ivory the way she did. I was so mad at her.

    Poor Ags was screaming so loud I was hoping she wouldn't have a stroke. Poor woman

    Already and after a few times Ava saw Nate she is having 2nd doubts about her and Skye. I mean I don't like the two as a couple but wow.LOL

    Good foreshadowing last season with the Carrie /Lenvy scenes that aired. I always wondered what was the point of that or was it dropped.I see its part of your style.

    Again even through Navelle I loved CC.

    And I don't know what to make of the way Alley feels. I guess we'll see how this plays out. Finally I am all caught up and its time for the other blogs. SONOP is on FIRE!!!!

  10. Another great episode. It's really good reading these back to back. I love it.

    FINALLY SOME movement on Owen.

    I love how you did the murder. I thought for sure it would be shot gun affair. But this was much better, and more evil if you will. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. Great build up to

    I also loved how Blake was the better man. I wanted a love triangle wit ADL but this turn of events was so much better and unexpected which made even better for me

    I loved CC she is now officially the new Nan after this episode and yes she even reminds me of Nasty Natti. I LOVE CC

    Now this Sky/Ava/Ginny/Nate thing is REALLY intriguing. I love all the dynamics and all the players in it. Loved Ginny as usual. She is a fire cracker. I just love her And Sky was straight tripping over Ava. Makes me wonder if Skye is crazy because she seems to nice.

    Matt you have been doing an excellent job. Great entertainment that's for sure.

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