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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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Elseworld - Chapter Four

As the sun has set, a mournful nation is in shock and heartbroken over the assassination of their president. Lawrence’s body has been flown back to Washington D.C., and as the plane lands at the airport.......a distraught Forrest walks over to the staircase as Jennifer is being helped down. Their eyes lock.........and, once at the bottom of the staircase, she falls into Forrest’s arms and sobs deeply, only mustering the strength to say...... Jennifer: I’m so sorry. Forrest holds on to her,



Elseworld Promo

Next Time...........The Final Chapters......... Roman And Orpheus Play A Deadly Game Of Chess........ Enemies Will Do Battle......... Marlena And Kristen Race Down A Stretch Of Mountain Highway........ Life-Altering Changes Will Take Place....... A Surprise Return.........A Shocking Revelation.......And, Lines Drawn In The Sand...... And Lives Will Be Changed........ Forever. It's All Next Time...........In The Final THREE Episodes Of Salem Lives: Elseworld.



Elseworld - Chapter Three

A new day has dawned, and President Alamain is in a hurry. The vice president and S.O.S. briefs him on his way to Air Force One on the plans he approved, and he tells them both to make sure that Governor Carver and Commissioner DiMera are briefed in full......he’s sick of the Bradys and what they are doing to the people of Salem. Jennifer looks out of the doorway of the helicopter, telling Lawrence to get a move on if they want to make it to Dallas on time. Lawrence shakes Forrest and Jack’s



Elseworld - Chapter Two

Marlena ask Orpheus if he is ok. He says yes, but tells her he misses her and the children deeply. She can’t believe that Roman would have him charged with attempted murder. Orpheus tells her and Stefano that he didn’t know Kimberly Horton was near that warehouse when it exploded. He ask how she’s doing, and Stefano says that Tom Horton is taking good care of her. Marlena is glad, saying that even though he’s retired, he’s always been a wonderful doctor. Stefano also tells Orpheus that Alice



Elseworld: Chapter One

Salem, Illinois. Roman walks into the living room and picks up the morning paper. He looks at it and smiles, and continues to drink his coffee. The door opens and someone walks in. The person stops for a moment, stares at Roman, walks over to him and slaps him hard across his face. Roman recoils, rubbing his jaw........ As Marlena stands in front of him demanding to know...... Marlena: Why did you do that......you sick bastard?! Roman: Because I can, Marlena. Next time, tell your husb



Thank Yous

I just wanted to say, before I post this......... Thank you to some special people. To AML Production. You took a principaled stand, and you did it out of respect and kindness for me. I don't know if I ever told you, but I will always be very grateful for that one act of yours. You are good, good people. To Tishy. You never stopped believing in me. You kept telling me that I could do this, and you stuck by myside the whole time. You are a truly splendid lady, and I thank you. To Da



The Beginning.......

Come back to a Salem that many of you have grown up on. Only this time.......things are alittle.......... Different. See the people that you know act and react.........fall in love.........and deal with the many obsticals that confront them. But also..........witness a world where things are the same, yet........ Changed. And, this Monday.........witness the beginning........ Of Salem Lives: Elseworld. Right here............on SON.




This Monday.........be witness to another universe. Elseworld begins.



An Interview: With Patrick Ewing

Soap Opera Network had a chance to sit down on-set with Head Writer & Executive Producer Pat Ewing about the return of one of the most well-received blogs in recent memory. SON: Thank you so much for giving us a chance to catch up, Pat. PE: It's great to be here. SON: First question: What made you come back? PE: Two things.........the readers, who humbled me by telling me how much they missed SL and wanted it to continue. Their constant positive voice and their feelings on the




I have done an interview that will be posted very soon. Keep your eyes out for that.



An Update

The story is finished. And now.......the build-up begins.



A Statement.

Hi everyone! All new episodes of SL will now be published in Salem Lives II, which is also on SONBC. I hope that you will follow me over there. I am writing a 5-part, 5 day miniseries caled Salem Lives: Elseworld. I hope you enjoy it, and it's success will determine if SL continues. But......I thank each and every one of you for reading SL, and truly apologise for the abrubt way it ended. You didn't deserve that, especially at this time. So.......join me over at SL II.......and let's get




It has come to my attention that there is some confusion over me, Tim Lowery (PhoenixRising05), announcing the end of Salem Lives and only a week later starting up a new blog over at DR. I feel the need to clear the air about this issue and I am going to say some things I would rather not everyone know but I feel it needs to be mentioned now due to all the questions so here it goes. First off, we left things hanging because the plan is to pick up Salem Lives again. I needed a break and the s




EP/HW'S TIM LOWERY (PHOENIX) AND PATRICK L. EWING (ROMAN) PART WAYS As our fans know, the past few weeks have been difficult for the blog. I, Tim Lowery, have not been around as much as I normally am due to personal reasons. I hate that the blog has suffered but, most of all, I hate that my friendship and partnership with my partner has suffered. Sometimes life presents you with many challenges at once and it can take alot of time and energy to work through those challenges. That is what is




SCHEDULE UPDATE!!! Due to personal issues and time constraints, Salem Lives has been on an up and down schedule of late. It could not come at a worst time given that it's sweeps so in an effort to maintain the excellent sweeps we have going, this week will feature a two episode a day schedule to catch us up. In other words, 10 EPISODES IN 5 DAYS!!!! To avoid confusion, here is how this will work out starting with today: Monday 2/25/08: The Monday 2/18/08 episode and Tuesday 2/19/08 ep



2/15/08: REACTION

*SALEM LIVES IS BACK AFTER A BRIEF HIATUS. WE EXPECT TO BE FULLY CAUGHT UP BY SUNDAY. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND PATIENCE AND STICK WITH US...THE REST OF SWEEPS IS EXPLOSIVE!!* FEBRUARY 15, 2008-EPISODE #437: REACTION RADIUS Steve and Hope sit at a booth and Steve says it sure feels nice to just have a decent meal for a change. Hope agrees, saying that it also feels good having her old friend back. Steve smiles and then says he’s going to the bathroom. He tells her to try and not e




FEBRUARY 14, 2008-EPISODE #436: RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES WAREHOUSE IN SALEM'S WEST SIDE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT Nicole is with Joey at an old, abandoned warehouse on Salem's west side near the pier. Joey asks if this is a good hiding spot. Nicole admits she's known people to hide in some of the warehouses around here and it should be good for awhile. Joey asks her again why she was so mean to Philip and Jean earlier. Nicole says she needed their help and refused. She tells Joey it's a long sto



2/13/08: TO THE TRUTH

FEBRUARY 13, 2008-EPISODE #435: TO THE TRUTH SALEM PARK Nicole and Joey are hiding some bushes. She looks at her watch, hoping "he" got the message from Henderson. Joey asks who they are waiting for. Nicole tells him to nevermind and to just be quiet and do nothing, since it's obvious he isn't going to leave her side. Joey smiles. Just then, Nicole sees whoever she has been waiting for and tells Joey to stay put. Nicole emerges from the bushes and the camera pans around to show Philip




FEBRUARY 12, 2008-EPISODE #434: WATCHFUL EYES LOOKERS STRIP CLUB Ed wants to know if the two will go out on stage or not. Sami says she has a cold and can’t go on stage. Kate looks at her like she’s crazy and asks when the cold came on. Sami says just now and the two women start arguing when Ed tells them to stop. He walks off but not before telling them they have one minute to get on stage.........or else. The women decide to go on with the show.... And walk out on stage in front of the dru



2/11/08: UNDER MY SKIN

FEBRUARY 11, 2008-EPISODE #433: UNDER MY SKIN ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Orpheus tells Nicole long time no see and says he is pleased to see she made herself at home in his hideaway during his absence. Nicole is in shock and points out Orpheus is supposed to be dead. Orpheus laughs, reminding her who is father is. He says the son of the Phoenix is set for life. Orpheus: You know, Nicole. I'm quite shocked about this young little friend of yours. I mean, is




WEEK OF 2/11/08 EDITION INSIDER IN DEPTH: FRANKIE'S DEATH Salem Lives fans were left in shock as the month of January brought an end to the life of Frankie Brady (Billy Warlock). EP/HW Tom Lowery sits down to talk about the controversial decision and it's aftermath. Salem Lives Insider (SLI): How did the decision to kill off Frankie Brady come about? Tim Lowery (TL): First off, let me say that we love Billy Warlock and he will be missed by all of us. We wish we could've done more with him



2/8/08: SURPRISE!!!

FEBRUARY 8, 2008-EPISODE #432: SURPRISE!! MAGGIE'S CLUB The family works to help Maggie get the club ready. They are then surprised to see Abby and Maxwell walk in. Jack follows behind as Abby says she’s not going to the safe house tonight. Jack tells everyone he’s tried to convince her otherwise but she’s as stubborn as her mother, which Abby takes as a huge compliment. She wants to be there for the big opening and Lawrence or anyone else won’t stop her. Julie tells her it’s too dangerous an



2/7/08: CHOICES

FEBRUARY 7, 2008-EPISODE #431: CHOICES SALEM INN Anna returns to the suite and is shocked to see Tony there. She can see he is upset and asks if something is wrong. He first wants to know about her day. Anna says the meeting with the prospective investor had to be rescheduled and she then tells him about her visit with Carrie. She says it went well and she got to hold her grandson for the first time. It was marvelous. Tony is happy for her. Anna tells Tony she knows him and knows when




FEBRUARY 6, 2008-EPISODE #430: RELATIONS PART II ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Marlena sits down and starts telling Roman that she is bringing him out. She starts counting backwards from 10 to one once again and when she is finished......Roman opens his eyes and asks if he hurt her. She says no.....he just scared her a bit. He says how sorry he is for that. She asks him if he remembers anything and he says someone was trying to put him under anesthesia to perform some type of surgery. Marlen



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