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Blog Comments posted by aMLCproduction

  1. Let me chime in my two cents I am not feeling Marli at all I am not liking her with Blake. (I am not a big fan of Blake n e way<Sorry Matt>) But it could be like D said we havent seen a lot of her but I don't like her or them at all right now. I mean compare it to Jace and Alicia, I love those newbies. I do wonder what Marli is hiding or what she i hiding from. But Like D daid I know you got something in that cooking pot of yours

    Oh and one more thing, I don't thing a triangle would either. I am 50/50 on it

  2. Let me chime in my two cents I am not feeling Marli at all I am not liking her with Blake. (I am not a big fan of Blake n e way<Sorry Matt>) But it could be like D said we havent seen a lot of her but I don't like her or them at all right now. I mean compare it to Jace and Alicia, I love those newbies. I do wonder what Marli is hiding or what she i hiding from. But Like D daid I know you got something in that cooking pot of yours

  3. Wow this was a super great episode. PP at it's best. The camp i back. This episode moved so fast. Let's begin

    I hate Mariss with a passion. I mean Matt I [!@#$%^&*] hate her. I am o glad Alley got into that dirt bitch and she is so wrong for what she did to Jon. Ol dusty bitch.

    I so love rena and Will together and I am rooting for them and man what a great job with Jave and alicia. I REALLY LOVED THERER SCENES and it mad me love them even more. Even her a little bit. I love Jac'es past. You delivered really good on that one and thank u. I love Jace's character adn I feel so much could be done with him and I am rooting for him and Alicia to stay together

    And Carrie's big ass mouth. I could have slapped her.

    I SO LOVED THE CAFE SCENE It was pure heaven. i could not belive Aggie poured that cold mess on Ginny. Wow and Tanisha is really eggin Ags on, I know this will all come back to her. And Ginny slapped T with that nasty ass mop. SICK. That called for a beat down right there.(I mis owen) Great scene Matt. Thank you for that

    And OMG THE CAMP IS BACK I LOVE THE NAN/LOS/Jenny plot. So campy so Vivian'ish from days.. Ol girl had the self made tv shows and everything. Go head nan. She aint playing no games. It's so campy and I love it. Nan has taken things to a whole new level And I no there is no coming back from this. I loved that sceen so much. Great job with th at one too.

    And boy that damn dub skye. Why would u confess ur crime on a voice mail. I do wonder what Ava is going to do.(Their cene felt very rushed)

    And Marli I am not feeling her at all.(or her storyline even with Blake)

    A GREAT EPISODE MATT> I LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT> VEry entertaining for sure.

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what i am talking about. Another great episode!! WoW so much drama.

    Again I didn't think u were going to go there with Greg and Lynette but u did. I love it. And Yes The battle is on. I really want to know if Anna and nem will hold on to their company. And I now want to know why, why did Andrew just up and leave like that. U got some really great stories and only wish we could see Novi more often(and that u comment on my blog more often ;) )

    Great JOB!!!

  5. Wow Redd A very good episode. I was on the edge of my seat as Anna told her family everything. And Poor Edmund. The man he thought his father was, really isn't.

    I was shocked the Lee dropped her cusotdy suit like that. I am just stunned. Didn't see that one coming at all

    And there go Norm again. What in the hell is he up to and why does he have it in for Edmund? And Christina is o dumb. If Ed was really feeling how he was feeling about her, she should have asked then "Why didn't he come see me"? LOLO

    A very good episode. I'd say the best of I've read of urs!!

  6. A good episode. Loving the buiness aspect to Novi. It's also a breath of fresh air from all the camp and madness of the other SONOP shows. I love how Anna is so strong. She is so fitting in her role. I wonder what in the hell is norm up to. Didn't he just get out of some mess.

    I know there ha got to be a show down with Casandra coming and I can't wait

  7. Wow so much passions and forbibben love goings on. I hope Mel and Alan Micheal get closer. They look good together. Good old Reva and josh. It seems everyone is torn over something. A nice episode Jay. Your scenes are qucik and get RIGHT to the point. I love it.

  8. Another good episode. The camp element is back. What the hell i Nan doing. She is boxing her self in. Man, this is going to be crazy. It remeind me of Beth from Pasions. Loved the dialog in that scene. Nana has really lost her mind.

    So does Blue Cryastal tape on Cody?

    And that damn marissa. She has got to go. I can feel the hatred between these two. Alley beat that ass.

    Nice lil love scene with Marli and Blake.

    Good dialog in this ep

    I can't belive the Rena/Alicia/Will/Jace quad. I really don't like Alicia. i just don't. I really don't like her now after she kissed Will. I could not belive Will was talking to Lenvy like that. And it also seems Will ha done a 180, last ep he wa really feeling Rena and now he don't. It would be nice to learn more about Jace and Alicia. I would like to know why Jace acts the way he does. I can tell he got a dark past. And Alicia we really don't know to much about her either.

    But such strong torylines matt.

  9. I was gone post a reply about Remy and Blake but it said it was closed. So I guess I will leave it here. You already know I love these two and i jut see them in a hot romance. Like secret lovers. having hot ass sex all over town. Like forbidden love. If I have any ideas I will send them you way.

  10. WOW!!!! Talk about shock. Let me close my mouth.

    Ok I am back

    Wow Matt GREAT episode. Suck a campy twist. Loved it. Nan has gone to a new level. Wow. But it all makes sense now. i am still tripping. And Poor Annie Lee. Wow there's just no turning back from this.

    And another Bitch is Marisa. I don't like her no more. It's wrong what she is doing to her brother. At firt it was ok, but's she''s sick and twisted. With a siser like that, who need enemies. I don't like Maria no more. She doing myh girl Alley wrong. Come on Alley get it together. I am glad she dumped Jon though. Maybe now Jon will see just how evil his sis is.

    Wow i am really torn over Jenny. I am on the fence on how she kept saying yes I wanted an abortion. But I do understand where she i coing from. Very racy dialog there Poor jenny. I never really cared for her much but now i am all for her. Shame on you nan. he took it to far. I hope this doen't play out like B&B's did via Brooke and Stephanie.

    Man Skye is freaking nuts. It's beacuse of her why I now want Ava with nate. OMG Did i just say that. Yuppers i did. Skye is like Yuck to me. And how she gone automaitcally asume Ava got a man in there. Boy when she finds out what Ava is doing I know she is going to flip. I could see Skye tying them up and setting them on fire or soemthing. Poor Ava, in a hot mess again.

    YOU KNOW I LOVE ANY Scene G and T are in. Loved it. And now T got ol Ag in on the act. I cant wait to see how that plays out. it would be nice to see T and That doctor get together. Damn Mahki would be a great karim. Damn.

    I really do like Rena and Will together. Alicia who? But Jace man he is another tory. I love his character and I really hope we can get into the root of his problems. I got my money on Jace in a match up between those to.

    I Laughed when Marli threw that dinner roll in Bryan's mouth so funny. Reminded of Today' ep of B&B when Stephanie's sister ate that tea bag

    Great ep maTT!!!

  11. Well u should aready know am following the remy/Blake story. I hope they dont break up or anything. I wonder what all these secrets are about and who is this stalker

    On a side note I watched GL the other day and love all there outside shots and there new oepning.

    I will slowly get drawn into the other stories and once I do I ususally have a lot to say., hell read the comments I leave for Matt on Pointe Palace.

    N E I am looking forward to getting into this blog

  12. I must say I think it' s neet ur doing an old skool soap like Somerset. I know next to nothing about it, only it's a bout 5 or 7 year spin off from AW. What relations does your version have with the origianl Somerset and/or/if AW. I am dying to do a edge of night one but cant find no one to write it with me

  13. WOW!! I decided to check out your blog( though I am not a fan of GL) and i so glad i did. The one story that really stood out was Remy and Blake. I love them. They look so good together. Wow I can't belive they had sex.( I know a little something about GL to know some of these people in this blog) Good twist. I will most defientaly stay tuned to that story. I also like how the blog looks with the columns and the content blocks. Very nice and reader freindly.

    Also it's good to see lot's of dialog. I am not a big fan of paragraph form writing but a lot of the newer blogs( or as I call them, the next gerneration blogs beacsue it seems a lot of the older ones are non exisant now) is switiching to sthis style. It makes a for a better story. ok I am done taking up your time with my jibberish. Great Ep!!

  14. Thanks D. Hope is really going through alot. Her life has been turned upside down, insdie out and all the way around. She doesn't know if' she's coimg or going. How far will she go? The Secret Storm is awesome and it's really going to be good. So many things take place, Tara and I have been planning this for 3 months now and let me tell you, the scenes are amazing. Hope every one like swhat we did. Lis is taking a new direction and we all hope you enjoy the ride

  15. Wow matt my bad. It was nice , very sensul I have experienced some monets like that myself.lol so I know excatly how Nate felt when she was driving him crazy with the blowing. I was glad her breath was at least fresh. I dont know, mabe Nate neede Ava to settle him down. It could be she is really the one for him. It would be cool if james sprang back up I loved it, sorri I forgot to metioned it. And to this day the end of your sentences always gets cut off which pisses me off. And Yes jenny is going through some [!@#$%^&*] right now. I really am on the edge of my seat kuz i honestly dont know if your going to let her keep it or not.

    I really lovr jace and Alicia and I really hope you really dig into each character and there relationship. I love that Will is bad again, But I like jace even better. I am team Jace and Alicia so far.

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