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Y&R April 2024 Discussion Thread

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The current Jordan/Claire story feels similar to what I thought Diane and Ally were going to be.  I feel like we never explored their connection, and I had hoped Diane was trying to use Ally to con Jack.

Meanwhile, to me, it never seems as if Claire has shaken her creepiness from her original story with Nikki. 

Also, if Cricket gets to be Christine, why hasn't Nikki ever graduated to being known as Nicole?  You'd think Victor would've dropped the diminutive nickname over the years.

Edited by j swift
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Ever since Jordan set Victoria's house on fire and the house was completely destroyed, Victoria has been living at the Newman ranch main house.  Claire moved into the ranch main house when she was released from the hospital.  Johnny and Katie are still at boarding school.

April 2nd.

Teriah had been living in the tack house. They have found a larger place to live and are packing to move out of the tack house. Teriah encounter Victoria/Cole at Society and tell them about their moving plans.  Victoria/Cole explain that they lived at the tack house together ages ago, so Teriah invite them to visit.  

Later same evening, Victoria&Cole bring Claire for a visit to see the tack house -- so she can see where Victoria&Cole were in love when they were young.  During the visit, Claire bonds with little Aria.

Then *this* happens --   After the visit to the tack house, Victoria gives an idea for a solution ... (from the transcript):
Note the bolded -- a throwaway line in which we learn that Victoria told Johnny & Katie offscreen that Claire is their sister Eve.

Victoria: Well, this might sound a little bit crazy, but it could also be really incredible. What would you think about living in the tack house? 

Claire: You want me to move?

Victoria: Well, you liked the tack house, didn’t you?

Claire: Yeah, it’s great. It’s just… did I do something wrong?

Victoria: No.

Claire: Because I would understand if I’d overstayed my welcome or if you just didn’t want me around all the time.

Victoria: What? No. No, no, no. That’s not what I meant at all. No, you would– you would be moving there with me. I would move with you, and then Johnny and Katie could join us later.

Claire: Oh.

Victoria: I don’t want you to ever think that you’re not welcome wherever we go. You’re family. You should never forget that.

Claire: Thank you.

Cole: You know, I think it’s a great idea. It’s a really good space. And you still are right here on the Newman property, so you have access to all of Victor’s security.

Victoria: And I have been a little worried about Johnny and Katie coming home from spring break and not having a house to come home to. I mean, I love that they want to spend a lot of time with Mom and Dad, but, I mean, the five of us in the main house together could get a little stressful, and this way you guys could get to know each other.

Claire: I’d really like that, but how would they feel about me being there?

Victoria: Well, I’ve already told them all about you. They’re really anxious to meet their big sister.

Claire: Big sister. I still can’t believe I have siblings.

Victoria: You’re going to be so great with them. Just like you were with Aria tonight. You know, she’s a real natural with children.

Claire: This all just, it’s a little overwhelming.

Victoria: I know. And I’m sorry if I just dumped it on you like this, but after we ran into Mariah and Tessa and they told us that they were moving, I just felt that it was the universe sending us a message.

Cole: To live the dream.

Victoria: Yeah. And it can be our home. You know, a place where we can all come together. And Cole, you’re welcome to come as often as you like.

Cole: Thank you.

Victoria: And Claire, it’ll be a place to give you space and time to plan the rest of your life. But you have time to think about it, of course. There’s no rush.

Claire: So, when can we move?

Edited by janea4old
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A throwaway line? Srsly? 

I haven't been watching every episode, but does Billy even know that Claire is Eve?  Does Billy know about Jordan terrorizing Victoria?  Does Billy know that Jordan burned down the house he shared with Victoria/Johnny/Katie?

Also do they remember that Reed exists? 

Edited by janea4old
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I... think Billy knows, but I always tune out during his scenes.


There was a line where Claire and Victoria discussed "three" younger siblings, without mentioning Reed's name. 


I thought it was funny when Cole was asking if the "upstairs shower" at the tackhouse is still finicky. There was no upstairs then. The bed was right there in the barn. It was built out when Nick moved in, way after Cole was gone.


Not surprised they have destroyed any potential drama with Claire. Some people were speculating that the ridiculous undead baby storyline would at least result in Victoria having to deal with a bad seed child, dealing with the same issues Victor was having with Adam, how Claire would have to work to gain the family's trust... but they blew past all that. Claire is just a good person now, period, because they say so. She has made every correct decision and is a fairytale princess who makes children happy and has birds singing out her window. So of course her siblings already know all about it and are completely ok with it. Connor has to go to a special facility because he has OCD, a condition that many people have, but psycho Claire lives on the ranch and mentioning offscreen therapy is enough, and people talk about how this woman who recently kidnapped, poisoned, and imprisoned them would be great working with children! And Summer is the mean one because she doesn't think it's a good idea, lol. 


They just completely destroyed any edge that Claire could have which would be the only thing that would make her interesting and the only silver lining in this storyline. It's a shame, because she really did a great job with that light switch moment when she realized Jordan lied about everything, and we should be seeing more of that, Claire struggling with switching back and forth between good and evil and trying to fight her demons.

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One of AL’s strengths as Summer is her ability to actually be dynamic and three dimensional. And actually having Summer giving warmth but being cautious and confused is natural so it’s interesting but knowing the history of this show…

 Haha it’s funny in the last 2 years since AL took over Summer has become one of my favorite characters minus when JG unsuccessfully tried to regress her for storyline purposes. I’m glad AL is in the role these days because HK was nothing but a mopey wet rag who always whined and cried all the time.

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But what about Chance?

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It's why I love AL as well as Summer. I can wax forever about her acting skills and her ability to take a scene and give her character a beginning, middle, and end where you can see her moving Summer from A to B impressively no matter the story when she started off. I wish the writers would give her more to do because I feel she can do it. 

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So millionaire (billionaire?) Victoria has to move to the Tacky house?

Like there are no other options for her?

As for mentioning Newman security, how many times has that inept team made a mess of things?

Gee I wish that a) Josh Griffith is fired and b) Sony/CBS etc would pour some money into the show so that garbage like the above didn't happen.

Nick has no house.Victor/Nikki have a room,millionaire Tucker lives in a hotel room-it's embarassing.


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April 8th:

Okay I didn’t notice they were using the term “40th anniversary” in onscreen dialogue until today….

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Why not just say “date of our original anniversary” “big anniversary” or heck just say 50th anniversary as a nod to the 50th anniversary last year (and for the sake of some semblance of plausibility after all the SOARSing!) 

At classic Nikki drinking lol. Nikki had the chance to do the right thing and just tell Victor that she stopped and bought a bottle of booze. She is watched closely by the security team, so how in hell was she able to buy that bottle on the way home from Society? The bottle is small so she likely bought more than one. Then again, as previously mentioned Victor’s security team appears to be completely incompetent and inept.

Okay finally Chance & Summer getting actual romantic scenes and having natural conversations, something that has been lacking IMO for the pairing. The conversation about their kids was nice. And as I mentioned before I don’t think Summer should feel like a jerk not trusting Claire, it just makes her cautious and safeguarding herself from a potential threat, especially given all Summer seen and done herself and everything Claire has done too. 

The highlight of today was Audra and the cuckoo Ash personality. Kudos for ED and ZS playing the story as straight as possible, especially ZS expressing Audra’s horror as realIzing Ashley is off her rockers. I liked the younger Ash persona was disgusted by the martini, and ED is giving it all for this story especially with the facial expressions, letting us know by her look that Ashley had taken control back from Ash.

The ending was pretty absurd and over the top Days style campy Are we sure this isn’t some unused story JG had intended to write at Days when he was there. 

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Paul, I am so with you on this sets problem. Maybe you and I care more about this than most people, but I think we're right LOL

It's all so disheartening, and it takes me right out of the story.  Everything you mentioned it a problem.

Last week we saw Claire sleeping on the sofa in Victor and Nikki's living room. Couldn't there at least have been a line asking why she wasn't in her room? Or are we just supposed to know she fell asleep on the couch?

The tack house was nicer when it wasn't cramped and filled with stuff. There's no room to move. Victoria living there is a mess. Of course, Tessa and Mariah were finding stuffed animals that they acted like were missing for years. They've been there for only months.

The GCAC? I'm glad that set is back, but having living room furniture THISCLOSE to the dining tables is absurd. Tucker not having his own penthouse is absurd.

Daniel's penthouse? Also looking cramped and filled with stuff. In addition, they move that green couch around every time the set is used.

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