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DAYS: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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I can't predict if the actress will be in flashbacks (to solve the shooting), or present day (if she didn't really die), because in present day she'd be 40 years older than her photo.  Again, why Konstantin waited 40 years to avenge his daughter is unknown, but the guy sure holds a grudge.

Also, although we're back to square one with Stefan, EJ, and The Dimera CEO position, you can't really argue that nothing is happening. 

  1. Kristen is going to try to find Li's killer.  And it looks like nobody forgot about Gabi.
  2. Holly and Tate are on track for young romance. 
  3. The Pawn retread is showing progress.
  4. Marlena's going to have a fifth client now that Wendy is suffering from panic attacks. 
  5. They've set up Eric to work at The Spectator, and it looks like Nicole will follow, after her wistful memories of being a reporter. 

Nobody's treading water in Salem, any more than usual.  Except Tripp, Wendy, Chanel, and Johnny.  But, I would argue that it is nice to have some romantic B story.  If conflict arises, it looks like it will be from their respective families, and they'll deal with it together.  Which I prefer over conflicts about babies or romantic rivals. 

My quibble of the week was Paulina shading EJ's press conference.  She's responsible for making the former head of a megalomaniacal company into the lead law enforcement officer for her city.  So, if she's got a problem with him, then she has the power to solve it (radioactive or not).

Edited by j swift
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That's very clever!

Although, wasn't it portrayed as a coincidence that Konstantin ran into John in Salem? Because at first he was saying how John sounded familiar, and then he recognized his eyes, until finally he put it together that John was the pawn. 

Either way, I agree once he figured out who was John turned out to be, he should've dropped flaky Theresa and gone after the prime meat.  John already felt guilty, and he'll do whatever he says under hypnosis.  So, just take a short trip over to Salem Saving and Loan, get a cashier's check and hightail it back to Athens to open a beach club with Lindsay Lohan.

Edited by j swift
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I am no expert on blackmail, but it would seem like the most direct way to go about this would be to extort the actual person that committed the murder.  Not a dead man's family lol.  It's a very intricate plot depending on multiple factors to work when John probably just would have given him the money lol.

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I think you are right about John and Konstantin meeting by accident.  But at this point I feel like Konstantin should have done the research on this.  John isn't exactly a non-public figure.  If you are going full in on elaborate plot where you have to find Theresa Donavon to execute your goals I am going to assume you are capable of googling John Black.  I mean seriously did he just carry that weird taro card around for 40 years hoping he meet Catharina's killer?

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Today was kinda boring, but I liked the scenes with Chad/Stephanie/Everett/Thomas. I’m glad that they seem to remembering that there was tension between Chad/Everett over Stephanie. Them becoming such good friends all of a sudden never made much sense to me. Stephanie making plans to go see Chad and the kids could cause trouble in the future. They’re building it up again and I hope we’re not let down. 

John/Marlena babysitting Jude was really nice too. 

Btw, shut up, Rafe

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Way better off, but I guess revenge on everybody is supposed to be more important to him or something 

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