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GENERAL HOSPITAL September 2023 Discussion Thread

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I suppose GH could be just biding time until they find a replacement and are just setting BAS to fail harder so the next Molly has an easier entrance.  At this point I have no idea why they didn't just keep Kriegel.  At least she looked like HP and was the right age.  I haven't seen anything out of BAS's acting that's much better than MK. 

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For all we know they could have already recast. I know what NLG thinks matters & she didn't like MK. Of course, she doesn't like BAS either. (No one does.) Frankly, I think this works in our favor. (For once.) I look in my crystal ball & I see ... Oct.Molly! 

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Not that we'd call her that. For now she is my own special imaginary Molly. And, I think how big a flop BAS has been will actually work in this new girl I've got in my head, in her favor! 

Oh, speaking of NLG, today is her DaytimeVersary 28 yrs at GH & 38 total. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
just had a thought
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So this is the scab writing I think I saw mentioned briefly at a glance. Because...I've been liking it. Things have been moving and feels nicely paced. Or at least better constructed. 


It was mentioned over on the Y&R Thread that there's an episode coming up (well for me) that is just 2 people conversation...6 people total. This past episode I watched was similar. It was basically Tracy/Lucy, Cody/Sasha, Dante/Sam, Maxie/BLQ, Sonny/Carly (and Sonny/Michael the episode before that). And I didn't find it boring at all. Even better, I felt it was advancing the plot which I didn't mind at all. You had Tracy vs Lucy, and seeing Tracy at her cunning best, and that reveal of a silent partner for Tracy. You had Cody and Sasha getting their clearly relationship advancing while they figured out about Gladys. You had Dante and Sam coming to the same conclusion...while showing their relationship (loved Dante figured out Sam helped Cody/Sasha. It was so cute.)...which we don't get enough of...but I AM Dante biased hehe. Maxie vs BLQ and it's sad to see their friendship fall apart. And I admit...well-played Sonny on figuring out it is a set-up AND that whoever is behind it is in the prison with Drew. Also...I liked that Michael and him came to terms. It felt organic now rather than forced. 


Violet is too nosy. lol. But awww at Charlotte and Jake. 


It goes without saying how much I've enjoying how much Dante they are showing right now. If Mac is going to be a little bit MIA due to rl, I wouldn't mind seeing Dante step up as the good guy cop. 


And since I didn't mention it before...YES, glad to see Nikolas up and about. Now where does it go...hmmm...? Cuz it does not look like Austin/Ava as a couple is long for this world. 




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Also CC: @Joseph @Marco Dane

I'm a couple of days late to this but isn't the image you posted from the south side? In the plaza area between the old and new buildings?

They used the north side ( N State Street & Zonal Ave) for the iconic Autumn Breeze opening and the establishing shot that Joseph posted.

(And yeah even though I've never been to LA, I'm such a google maps and soap nerd that I familiarized myself with the layout of that complex years ago lol)

Still looks mostly the same from Streetview (admittedly June 2022)

Edited by Dion
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Also, wasn't Kin Shriner complaining about not getting airtime over the summer, only to appear on today's episode?  Perhaps JJY's health issues made them re-write the scenes for Scotty, but it is getting to be a little bit like the soap vet who cried wolf over there.

Edited by j swift
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So, are Kristina and Blaze gonna be a thing now? Sounds like another plan was started and then changed. But at the same time, it could be better then all this crap with Molly that’s going on right now.

The verdict is still out on Nu-nuMolly lol but at least she looks the part, age wise. 

And, can someone please explain to me why Sasha didn’t punch Gladys right in the face?

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