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General Hospital: August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Well, Jordan sticks out slightly less than old lady Molly, but that's the faintest of praise here.   Listen, I think TH is miscast and Jordan is a very dull, useless character.  I am not trying to change your mind about her.  I just don't see what you are seeing.   I think Portia is a much better character with a much better actress and the show just isn't utilizing her right.  BK/Portia have potential and I think Jordan is a dead end.  

I would assume by your username that you have good taste in GH characters, so we will have to agree to disagree on this one. 

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Gh couples that work, and those that don't

The Good-

Sonny/Nina, Dante/Sam, Molly/TJ, Chase/Brook Lynn, Anna/Valentin, Michael/Willow, Cody/Sasha, Finn/Elizabeth, Mac/Felicia, Robert/Diane, Kevin/Laura, Martin/Lucy, Scott/Liesel

The Bad-

Ava/Austin, Alexis/Gregory, Ned/Olivia, Spencer/Trina, Drew/Carly, Dex/Josslyn

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All this talk about casting errors just reminds me that I think almost everything wrong with GH in the last couple of years has been on the production side. Poor casting decisions- a couple of good ones in there like Trina, Spencer, Esme (which I know not everyone agrees with) surrounded by miscasts like Jordan, Molly, the former OLTL folks, Gregory. Then we have stragglers with no real purpose just there. Followed by people like Nina who should have been gone ages ago.

I have thought many of the big stories sounded great on paper, and were then produced with a severe lacking of energy. So my complaint isn’t just the writing, although there are issues there. Poor Sasha, one character where that trauma could have been shared amongst many characters story wise to spew her being a tragedy all the time.

The show looks good but is lifeless, and I blame Frank for that.  The characters that naturally should be there are not like Jason (I agree with the reason SB is gone), Lucky, Lulu, hell even Serena. They have excellent players being wasted- Dante, Liz, Cameron (should have been locked down), Alexis, the list goes on. It’s ridiculous that we see Olivia more than Dante, and the show is clearly more invested in her. And I like Olivia just fine- she’s just not central and somehow 

I would love for some returns, but I think the garden needs serious tending before I would add more people.  We wasted serial killer Ryan without using him to thin the herd.

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I enjoyed Ava and Austin in February when they conspired to hide the "death" of Nikolas.  I like the dynamic when two smart, outcast, desperate, neer-do-wells team up in a scheme.

But, I'm still stuck on Roger Howarth from OLTL, so it is difficult not to think of him as having malicious intent as Austin.  For whatever reason, I can separate from Maura West from ATWT Carly, but Roger's role as Todd made such a strong impression, that I can't imagine him as a romantic, well-meaning, doctor.  I know he's played many other character since then, and it may be unfair, but he is typecast in my mind.

So, I am always waiting for the shoe to drop and Austin is found to be just as evil as his cousin.

@AbcNbc247 I enjoyed the pacing of this week, but I wonder if we'll begin to feel like the show is trading water within the next month or so if the scabs feel as if they aren't able to resolve any mysteries or begin any new plots until the strike is over?

Edited by j swift
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Maybe treading water in some storylines; the surrogate stuff immediately comes to mind when I think of that. 

But this arc that Valentin may be the one who burned down Anna’s house is actually kind of interesting. Idk if Chris/Dan would have done something like that if they were still writing. 

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