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Y&R April 2023 Discussion Thread

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And that's a problem. No one should have to question the authenticity of a story, nor should people be lied to. The lie gets more traction than the truth/correction, and people will swear up and down they read it at so and so site, including SON (at least not written by Toups or me). Just irritating.

Anyway, back to the Y&R discussion. The show is boring and this fake funeral storyline with Phyllis is ridiculous. The only way it'd be plausible is if someone kidnapped her, faked her death and had everyone mourning her. To have her wearing a wig and watching people mourn her makes the character irredeemable in my eyes, as it's disgusting that someone would allow their loved ones to believe they were dead to prove a point about something. And to top it off, they see people grieving over them being gone.

Yeah, Diane did it first, but who gives a crap? At least someone tried to murder her which helped justify her pretending to be dead...and it made more sense since A) it happened a decade ago and b) we're talking about a different actor in the role at that time compared to now.

I know it's a soap, but I'm getting older, I guess, and I'm sick of the B.S. these soaps are telling as stories. Give real stories to your viewers. This isn't the 80s or 90s. Realism is okay if you mix in enough fantasy to take us from our everyday problems. This isn't it.

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I'm okay with the team moving on from Abby/Chance quickly. I do not think the portrayers have any chemistry. Melissa did have chemistry with Danny Boaz, and she shined with Justin Gaston. I still wonder why they did not revisit that recast. I do not think I have seen a bigger positive outcry for a temporary recast an when Justin stepped in. His physical similarities to Thom Bierdz's Phillip was almost eerie. He shined opposite Tricia Cast's Nina. And for a moment, around Y&R big anniversary, Abby/Chance looked like they could be a flagship couple for Genoa City.

Overall, I prefer Connor in this role, but he just does not have chemistry with Melissa. Opposite Sharon, good. Opposite Summer, wow I am already feeling the heat. It just happens, chemistry is so intangible. This is one of the cases where a recast dictates the storyline change. It happens. Remember how none of the Billy's/Kelly's worked after the very steamy affair under Billy Miller and Cynthia Watros? It just happens sometimes, the characters work but the actors do not.

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Preach. My patience is also really thin with these shows nowadays. I think dragonflies was discussing it in the B&B. I love escapism as much as anyone, even those my preference is “grounded but elevated,” yet even the most fantastical stories need to be credible, and this just isn’t it. I see how they were building up Phyllis to be off the rails again and alienated, which was a great idea, but the audience is just not buying this “twist,” even if it’s provided a few decent Emmy reels for 2024.

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I would give the show a chance. The last two weeks feel more old-school Y&R than the anniversary! Those blink and you missed them cameos by Mamie, Gina, and Nina were embarrassing.

I am loving many of the scenes we are getting now. Christine and Lauren actually got emotional and deep scenes the other day. Danny/ Daniel/ Lucy's portrayers have fallen into a family unit feel so quickly. I am loving all things Diane, and how she flows between the Abbots that love her and the Abbots that hate her.

The day-to-day writing during the gala was awful. I am getting so much more out of the Vets on the canvas now post gala.

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It seems like they want us to feel sorry for Phyllis when she's stewing alone in her hotel. She did this to herself. If she feels bad and wants to reunite with her family, she can literally do that at any point. Diane is a whole other weird thing. It's hard to justify or understand who she is; she was perfectly nice in the 80s and 90s, then they turned her into a villainess, and then I like to pretend the Maura West thing never happened at all (and that's how I'd have brought Walters back - it was an imposter and I'd have her say "How could you all have thought that was me? She looked and acted nothing like me!").


But... if we're taking the story at face value, Diane faked her death because her life was under threat and she made a decision that her son would be better off with her dead than being on the run with her. Phyllis is faking her death because she just doesn't like Diane. She's taking revenge against Diane for stealing her life which she technically didn't. Diane gave Phyllis the rope and she blew everything up herself. Jack dumped Phyllis because she made it clear she only slept with him so she could mark her territory and rub it in Diane's face. The issues this has created with Phyllis' job and her relationships with her children all stem from her own behavior. I actually like this aspect of the storyline. Diane is a master manipulator and does it without breaking a sweat, secure in the knowledge that Phyllis will get bent out of shape over nothing and turn everyone against her. 


Phyllis deliberately did and said things in her last days to make sure that her children would feel the maximum pain and guilt when she died. That's totally sociopathic and much worse than what Diane did. And I'd love to see her kids turn strongly against her when she comes back. 

For me, Abby never had chemistry with any of the Chance actors, including her own husband, lol. There was just never a point to this couple other than JG thinking that if you say "Abbott! Chancellor! Newman!" every so often that it's honoring history. I really think the only reason they brought Chance back was so they could bring Adam back with a dumb spoiler about "Adam being found in Vegas with a member of the *gasp* Chancellor family" and then they married Chance and Abby so they could say it was the EPIC union of the three core familes. And then they made it SUPER DUPER EPIC by using Devon's sperm and making their baby a Winters-Chancellor-Abbott-Newman. There was never really any reason whatsoever that Abby and Chance otherwise had anything in common or any reason to like each other at all. At least Abby and Devon have some connection based on their longterm friendship even though I don't care for that couple either.

Edited by BoldRestless
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LOL at posting that makeover as if it changed her appearance in any way. I hadn't watched the funeral yet. That's really bad. I remember when Reva came back to GL wearing a big ass hat and standing behind curtains to hide herself and it was so dumb. Phyllis is just standing there openly facing the crowd! Unbelievable.


I posted these pics in the spoiler section of Phyllis' previous disguises. It kind of sums up the show.


2004 - A really good effort.

2005 - A significant drop in quality.

2023 - Not even trying.

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