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Days: March 2023 Discussion Thread


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New drinking game: Take a shot every time someone, in regards to Alex, says consenting adults. 

It just sucks because the show can be so much better than what it is right now. Ron can still have his pervy fantasy but it can be well written too. 

And btw, did Johnny call Stefan an as****e and it got cut? 

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They should come up with a name for that cocktail lounge where Salemites get trashed quite frequently. It should be called: The Walk of Shame because, like, everybody sits there at the same table, gets smashed, yells at the wait staff like obnoxious twits, and then they have sex. Next morning, I guarantee you somebody in Salem is doing the walk of shame. I think it's a catchy name for a cocktail lounge.

I know, right? It's like ... who's the idiot who asked if you were a minor? 

Edited by Noel
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Is it? God, the things I let fly over my head. Do you know the name of the tabloid that put up those pictures of Sonny and Leo in bed when Leo chocolate chip cookie drugged him? I'm thinking that sleaze tabloid and Leo's new whatever new gossip column is called should go to war, lol! I'm just kidding. I can't believe this show is being sort centered around his stupid gossip column. In all actuality, no one gives two squirts about it.

I don't. I wouldn't even subscribe to it. 

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I'm watching it right now. Look, I know at cringe at sets, but this newspaper set is ridiculous. Who puts up wall decor and a tree plant only to have a cubicle block it? What's the point? Which heterosexual has really bad taste? In fact, on the other side of the wall, a cubicle is blocking an entrance way. That's like a major fire hazard. You can't be doing stuff like that.

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Gwen referred to the bar as the Small Bar in today's episode so that's the official name.  Creative.

I liked the Brady/Belle scenes.  They should interact more.  They have a very natural sibling chemistry. 

I have no idea why Gwen felt bad about sleeping with Alex for even a second.  Aside from the fact it's, well, Alex.  She doesn't owe Zander anything at all. 

The character of Stefan is so odd and ill defined.  He needs to get the ultimate revenge on EJ, but is fine with Eric/Brady having him brainwashed with kitchen utensils?   It's not like Sloan or Belle made any  convincing arguments or anything-he just dropped the charges.

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@JAS0N47 tracks  what sets are used, and he has referred to it as the "Small Bar" so I kind of wondered/assumed/guessed that maybe that is what the show calls it on their documents.

Is this the first time a character has referred to it by that name?

Edited by janea4old
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Well, it's definitely the establishment you want to go to when you want to get laid, that's for sure. Wear something simple yet sexy. Come on in for some Friday $2.50 melon ball shooters and a Dos Equis bucket special on ice.

Edited by Noel
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I want to say other characters (possibly Gabi?) have referred to it by that name because I have heard it before and wasn't sure if the characters were saying it was a small bar or if that was the actual name of the establishment. Lol!  Someone backstage really couldn't think of anything more clever for a bar name?

It seems their specialty is cheap tequila shots because that's pretty much the only thing I have seen people drink there.

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I wonder if [Small Bar] was initially written like that on the script, lol! Like, they didn't really know what else to call it. Just [Small Bar]. Sexy/sultry saxophone music plays in the background. Allie, Alex, and Chanel sit at the table against the wall. 

That would be so funny. Not that creative, but I guess they didn't put too much emphasis on it. Just [Small Bar]. I'd love to see a karaoke scene. Like Bonnie, Nancy, and Maggie should go out on a night of karaoke. 

Bonnie (to bartender): " Oh, my! We are having such a great time. What is the name of this establishment?"

Bartender: "Karaoke Bar."

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