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B&B March 2023 Discussion Thread


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I have no idea about most of this, but none of it makes sense.  What someone said.  I thought they all know Sheila shot multiple people.  And of course, it's LA so it's a third world country.  No cameras anywhere, you know.  Especially not at a seedy disgusting restaurant like Il Jardine or whatever.  You know, for them to have caught her shooting multiple people on a camera.  

ANYWHO - the one day I did tune in for about 10 minutes I saw something with Steffy saying Hope is looking at Thomas with longing or something....

I have no idea.  But that's old and stale - again.  Nothing interests me really on the show anymore.  Sheila probably brought back Ridge herself, and is actually playing Bill and the FBI for a fool....and this isn't Ridge but an evil twin or a robot or something stupid.  Because Sheila knows all.  She's an all knowing Sheila and all times.

That's why the character is stupid now.  It doesn't matter if you put her in jail because she built all jails and pays all the employees herself.  LOLLLL.  

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But the "Sheila is catching on" element doesn't make any sense either.

Why not marry him and take his money? There's nothing about marrying Bill that puts her in any kind of danger or bad position.

Then they throw ominous music behind it all -- as if that saves it.

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So, was Ridge and Chen still present when Bill was poutin' like a little bitch cuz he had no little girlie around to love and be with? M-effer puh-leaze, dawg. 

Secrets this and secrets that and unconditional love this and transparency that. Yeah, dawg. I smell a rat. And I'm going after Katie and her heart. Ya little bitch ass mo-fo.



Hey, I'm just sayin'.

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GAH!!!!!! I just watched Friday's eppy! Get him, Shelia! Although this storyline is contrived AF, I have to give props to my fictional sis! 

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Yeah, honesty, transparency. and all that crap, nice try. Ya not fooling me, dawg. You can't play a playa. Don't be jealous. 

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Was Taylor sober when she killed Darla? Or was it really an accident along the lines of Aly's 'MUH-DAH!'?

I'm curious because everyone claims Taylor shooting $B in cold blood and leaving him for dead is 'not like her.'

It's too bad they've chosen to wrap this story at warp speed because I'd enjoy a week of episodes where every cast member repeats to each other:

'I can't believe $B is going to marry her!

'B has *truly' gone too far/lost his mind!'

'Sheila manipulated him into ditching the pre-nup.'

'Someone has to save $B from himself!'

'No one in our families will ever be *safe* if Sheila become Mrs. Bill Spencer, despite the fact that she'll be loved, happy, and rich.'

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NOW...which one of the B&B writers read this board?

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Because I've been saying since this Bill/Sheila thing began, that they should have either written it in subtly or given us flashback...and what did they do...THEY GAVE US FLASHBACKS!!! I HOLLERED!!!


And I liked some of how they put together this Bill/Ridge alliance. I think we all thought Bill bought that judge. And there was a lot of connect the dots. But at the same time, there are so many holes in this storyline. And of course, there's just a matter of time before Sheila turns the tables. 




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I will be watching today's episode LIVE! I'm sorry, but I am NOT buying this story at all. Call me a whiny little bitch. Hey, that's fine. Whatever, lol! No way in holy hell is Shelia that naive to confide in Mr. Constipation Pants.

I'm so mad. Ugh.

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