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General Hospital: December 2022 Discussion Thread

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They've managed to utterly botch the return of the long-lost Webber parents in ways that don't surprise me with GH at this point, it's just another tired cliche (making Liz's family drama all about Michael Easton). The flashback with "Reiko" and Teen Liz on a staircase was embarrassingly amateur hour even on a soap budget, and the actress for Finn's mythical dead wife looked like someone they pulled out of the crew.

I watched the Jeff/Heather scenes (well performed by Moses and Alley Mills who is doing a great job as a sub for Mattson, but superficially scripted like most everything on the show) but that's as far as I go with it. This show has a lot of talented people on it still, especially in the recent younger cast, and a lot of potential gold but they consistently refuse to take any real strides towards substantial change.

Edited by Vee
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Liz has so much to explore.  What a waste if this was it.  She has also had many failed marriages and had affairs.  They have so much to deeply dive into.

I am not one of those fans that think every piece of history has to be addressed at all times.  So Jeff not having a scene with Monica discussing their former marriage doesn’t bother me all that much, even if LC had been available.  

It is important to know that history, but sometimes it feels like constant strip-mining and fan service to mention all these little details onscreen without it having roots in characterization today.  Like a list of facts and a wink at longtime viewers.  Which Ron C did plenty of and most of the time I hated it.

What would have been great is if he had a scene with Monica (the only sane person who was there back then and had a real relationship with him, not Laura or Scotty who were essentially kids) and they talked about just how difficult being in Port Charles was for him.  He had nothing but failed and traumatic romantic relationships, a rough start to the relationship with his father and his brother was killed here, not to mention all the Stephen Lars drama and that pain in the ass Anne.  You can say all that in a brief scene and give him some agency to have deeper conversations with Liz about there being more going on than just the surface, and stupid current plot about Finn.

Edited by titan1978
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Did Esme attend school with Spencer in Europe?  Or was she a much older girl (or a young woman) that Spencer dated while he going to school in Europe? I mean she could have faked her age in order to get close to him.

We had been assuming that Esme is Spencer's age, but is she?

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Moses and Crosby did fine with their brief appearances. But if it was me I'd recast both in 4-6 months' time and bring on real daytime powerhouses (Robert Newman, Colleen Zenk, whoever) to drive some story. They don't have to necessarily be on contract, half this giant cast isn't on contract. Reinvent Carolyn, make real trouble. The Webber/Quartermaine drama drove a ton of this show for the better part of 10 years and Elizabeth is still a very popular character with a gaggle of young sons. Her sister can have children and options. You can build and it all starts with the family and positions at the hospital.

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