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DAYS: August 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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Alex is just a waste of space. Robert Scott Wilson should've been fired instead of him basically playing Ben again.

So EJ and Belle are over? Lololol

EJ/Ava/Johnny....I'm sure EJ will just use her to get Dimera shares....

I doubt this will amount to nothing just like the rest of Ron Carlivati stories.

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I would truly love to know. What i did to you for you to write me off. A benign silly comment about Jensen Ackles's butt. When you make lascivious comments constantly. I don't ever want to be your friend again. Not going to lie. I miss you and our back-and-forth banter. Was always a highlight of being on here. But tell me what pissed you off so badly? I always treated you with kindness and friendship. Even went to that old, empty message board. When you self-exiled yourself there. I hope you don't turn on ABC for no reason. That's a good kid. Who doesn't deserve that. https://soapoperaworld.freeforums.net/board/1/general-discussion#content

Edited by victoria foxton
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The show IS SO BAD RIGHT NOW. I can see why NBC is dumping it. 

1. I really wanted EJ/Belle to go go for a lot longer. Have her get knocked up and everyone thinking it was EJ's baby, but plot twist, ended up being Shawn's after we discover they hooked up one drunkin night.

2.The Dimera shares just bug me. I still don't know what they own or run, since they don't explain it. Its all about their shares, but then you have stakeholders? Business storylines are terrible on this show.

I would have Ava, who takes full control of Basic Black and Countess Wilhemina Cosmetics in a hostile takeover after being neglected and losing money, both which were part of the Dimera Enterprise and MadWorld Cosmetics from Titan with the help of Jake and Xander. Make them become successful online companies and see Dimera and Titan start losing power.

3. RSW is just a terrible actor. They should have cast someone better to play Alex. I would have stolen from Y&R Michael Mealor and casted him as Alex. Sonny and Alex, I would start to reconcile their relationship, like they had a riff and start to bond as brothers. Their focus is trying to save Titan from an utter collapse with new ideas, that all seem to fail. Rumors start circling around Salem, that a foreign company is looking to buy Titan to liquate its assets.

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lol you just know he'd end up there.


Today was cringey as [!@#$%^&*].


Allie and Chanel have great chemistry though and Ava/Johnny will totally hit the sheets.


The dialogue felt so forced.


No offense to Trevor Donovan either but Alex reminds me of Jeremy. Cringe and a waste when they could do better. Although Donovan was far more appealing. 

Edited by KMan101
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What was the point in that double date? I'm so lost. 

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 That had to be the dumbest thing I've seen in about a day or two. Also, what is up with Alex Kiriakis and the noises he makes with plastic spoons/straws? Yeah, I don't know much about Alex Kiriakis, but I'm still seeing RSW as what's his face again? Ben? 

Although I'm not a fan of Anna, I did enjoy her poking fun at that apartment. To the right is your kitchenette area. Outside the kitchenette, you've got yourself a queen size bed and a lovely Big Lots dining room table. Need to go to the bathroom while eating dinner? You can conveniently excuse yourself and take two steps to the left while your company eats their food while you go potty.

Edited by Noel
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So what happens when VK doesn't book any jobs?  Is RSW going to do double duty and play Ben?  Are we expected to pretend Alex/Ben aren't the same actor?  Perhaps Victoria will become a huge movie star, but history has told us she usually comes back after a few months.  This Alex stuff has been really dumb so far.  I don't know why the show couldn't wait a few months to bring RSW back.

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I'm with people who don't understand how they do business stories with the DiMera family so straightfaced. That's a function of Dena Higley not understanding tone, IMO. I guess you can make a case for the younger generations like Chad or E.J. or the Stefans/Jakes, or even poor Tony trying to go straight, fine, but with Rolf and Kristen still running around it kind of puts the lie to them being a sane dynasty. I don't dislike business stories, but I have a hard time buying DiMera business stories on DOOL, lol.

They will 100% do this after the Kristen debacle and it is just pure hubris and IMO comes out of Ron Carlivati's mind. I think people put some stuff on him unfairly that is institutional, even when there are many bad things that are clearly his brainchild. But this just seems like the same kind of ego that led to the OLTL/GH mess, something Frank Valentini has only quadrupled down on since Ron left ABC. I assume seeing what GH has done since with this kind of chicanery has made Ron think 'sure, why not, I'm the only game in town and people like me, I can do what I want.'

If you were going to bring Wilson back (and I don't dislike him, unlike a lot of people; he's no thespian but he works hard in [!@#$%^&*] positions) they could've at least revealed that Ben was, idk, a Kiriakis distant relation or something at the last second, and used that to lampshade the problem and let people acknowledge a resemblance with Alex.

Edited by Vee
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