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  I've seen some comments on social media that Will Utay has had a stroke, and wasn't able to appear as Dr. Rolf.  So that's probably the reason for the re-cast. 

   I definitely DO NOT want Melanie Jonas back full-time but would be ok with a temp return of Molly Burnett as Melanie if Victor is the one being killed off.  The annoying writing for Melanie is the reason I've always hated Melanie.  I used to think it was the actress until Molly Burnett was on GH filling in as Maxie, and she was actually good and not annoying whatsoever (unlike Kirsten Storms who normally plays Maxie).   IF Victor does die, they better bring back Lisa Trusel as Melissa too.  Burnett was a regular of the series "Queen of the South", per IMDB it ended in 2021.

I think it is time for Phillip to return,  I wonder who will play this go around.  I kind of want John-Paul Lavosier back, but in some ways would prefer a re-cast, maybe Jacob Young (ex-JR. AMC, ex-Rick, B&B, ex-Lucky, GH)? 



Edited by David_Vickers
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i was just thinking they need more girls in the cast for all these menses/Eric sticking around and us getting a peek at his dating life, and I would totally be here for Melanie/Eric - even tho age dif is kind of gross, GV is still gorgeous af and it would be interesting since Nicole was married to her dad. LOL

unlike most on here I always thought Melanie was charming and Molly was great/natural actress that the show should have tried to keep. 

Edited by dio
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Maybe because of the 'Community Posts' section on the right-hand side when skimming the message board? I don't know if there's a way to adjust that in settings, but I'm fine either way. I'm not complaining. That could explain Eric's new love life interest unless he wanted to screw a cousin. Hey, you had kissing cousins on Guiding Light. 

You know what's so weird is that I was thinking about Molly Burnett just the other day. I have no clue as to why when I passed by a woman on the grocery aisle and she smiled like Molly as her grocery cart and my grocery basket almost collided with each other.

I'm not surprised about Phillip returning as his whereabouts kind of fizzled into the sunset. I wonder if there's an "I Don't Care" raffle ticket hopper. Where you know, you get to turn the hopper and spin it around for a little bit where the tickets are flying in all sorts of different directions? Then, as a writer on DAYS looks in the opposite direction before pulling out an "I Don't Care" raffle ticket, the ticket reads: "Sami's Kidnapping" or "Phillip's Disappearance". Then, the writers try something else to conjure up in about two episodes.

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I doubt they'd go with Eric/Melanie.

There are legit spoilers for week of July 25 of Eric Brady in interactions with the new police detective Jada Hunter.  Maybe it's just platonic or incidental.  But maybe Jada is someone he moves toward while trying to deny his feelings for Nicole?

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I get that soaps are about romance, but there's something awfully regressive about introducing a professional law enforcement specialist one week, and having her in an illicit quadrangle the next week.  It seems as if the only purpose of female characters on Days is to be an object of desire.

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Speaking about rumors flying around about an upcoming death in the DiMera family, word on the street is Jake is going to die but Stefan will soon resurface. Not sure if that rumor is true or not after the fake decapitation rumor surrounding Abby’s death lol.

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Other than throwing a wrench in Gabi's latest relationship, what's the point? Stefan wasn't *that* memorable and whatever was interesting about him, pretty much got wiped with Jake. Not sure how you even really separate the two at this point - except for the bad Philly accent.

Perhaps, Stefan and Abby are recuperating in the same place.

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