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Characters that ATE their Soaps

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GH is super easy besides the above: Dante (for his first couple of years), Brenda (both her returns), Michael (no child has ever been so important), Courtney, Peter and Franco.  I am sure I am missing a few lol.

Days-Sami in the 2000's, EJ in the same era, Daniel, Carly (first run), the Last Blast crew in the early aughts.

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Franko--- Howarth version


Nina Clay   Staph. version

Kiki         both



The Big three   Sonny/Jason/Carly   though in smaller doses like 2012-13 where the stories were more backburner they weren't so bad.

Wallow/ Dawn of Duh Story

Kung Fu Courtney

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Hope, Liam and Steffy haven't eaten B&B.  They've set fire to it, bulldozed the dirt over its' remains, and then built a new theme park devoted to their screwed-up dynamics on top.

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DAYS: Daniel Jonas and Melanie 

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 What a horrible period that was. 

GL: Of course Reva, but I'd throw in Cassie, Richard/Jeffrey, and Edmund too. 

GH: At this current point; Carly under the current regime. 


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Honestly, looking back on GL, I was okay with Billy/Roger/Alexandria occupying a majority of the storylines & airtime under Curlee/Demorest. 2 out of the 3 had good writing most of the time. (Alex until the whole Mindy/Nick mess)

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Yea, to all of those on GL...God, who thought those island people were interesting??? Reva ate up the show during Long's run but there was so much going on when she was not onscreen and she was mixed in with the rest of the cast....During Rauch's time it was the big REVA storyline, and oh, yea, everyone else. Even during the climax of the stalker storyline (which I liked...okay, so kill me...) Holly's moment on the bridge became all about Reva and Zimmer chewing the scenery. Talking her down should have been Ed, or better yet Blake, (since it was being a bad mother which set her off) but no..its gotta be Reva saving the day.

I never thought Billy took up that much airtime...even during the Lewis takeover in 1985. I did always think it was weird that he became this....just kinda there character after jail ..I know it had to do with Jordan's issues..but when Van came back from that stupid faked death and then sighing on the internet over "Maaaatt" I thought they would have him at least pining away for Van. 

Oh, how could I forget that GL for a few years was "Guiding Buzz..let's watch JFP and the writers come up with scenes for Deas to chew up what was left of the scenery to get an Emmy from the lazy daytime Emmy committee"

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