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YR actress returns (spoiler!!!)

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Um, compared to Philip's 'death' and resurrection - this is nothing! Y'all act like Y&R hasn't done this stuff before. Anyway, SW was solid as Diane. Killing off the character was simply idiotic. Thank goodness, MW ended up in a far better situation at GH.

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We saw him die in the hospital and Jill weep over him.

The reason some of us hated his return is because there was zero reason for it beyond an insulting gay storyline that was over in about two weeks, all because MAB wanted to pat herself on the back. 

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It’s not specifically tied to this, but she conspicuously “liked” the promo that Y&R posted and it got people talking. Seems harmless and insignificant but it drew attention when she could have just sat there and ate her food. People are tracking who’s following who in minute detail on these platforms. I’m just saying, if they were so concerned about the news not breaking, they’d have done a better job at reining people in.

At the end of the day, it’s not the biggest deal. This has driven more interest in Y&R than anything in years.

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Oh that definitely made it worse.

But I hated the very idea that Philip wasn't dead - because it had proven such a pivotal moment that should not have been erased - and that he had faked his death, regardless of the insulting gay stuff, and it was completely not in tone with the show.
Sorry but it is just not a very Y&R story to do.

I give considerably more leeway to a show like Days to do things like this (which they overdo but that's a different conversation)

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I thought the idea of the Phillip story was intriguing on the page, especially given Thom Bierdz's IRL history and orientation. It had a very metatextual angle given the performer and his struggles, it was the kind of risk classic Y&R sometimes took with social issue storytelling and controversy. The problem was a) the handling of the story and the writing was terrible and b) Bierdz absolutely cannot act. Given those things it should've been left alone.

Since he's alive now though, they might as well recast.

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Agree.  He definitely should be there for Chance, for Abby and for little Dominic Abbott Newman Winters Horton Brady Buchanan Wolek Kendall McCleary Hathaway Chancellor.

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One thing I hated was that they had Nina, Katherine, and Jill all there, and it should have been their story, if anything, but it was just more Cane/Lily angst. And TB was just so out of his depth/element up against TC, JW, and JC. They definitely should recast P3 (if a new production regime ever steps in). 

Edited by Faulkner
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Wow this is an interesting development for this cumbersome show. I was hoping for Mari Jo but figured it would be some completely random. new character or Patty again.

Like @DRW50 said Alex Donnelley is the only Diane for me, however Walters did do an adequate job in the role as time went on, especially with the pool house fire mystery and bailing out Jabot with money from her divorce settlement with Victor. At least this will finally give Da Stafford©‘s Phyllis something to do. 

At this point there probably doesn’t need much of explanation of how Diane faked her death lol. This show has had Malcolm, Phillip III, JT, and Adam like 3 times now come back from the death along with us seeing Victor, Sheila Sharon, and Katherine all end up presumed dead at some point. I’d like hope JG doesn’t screw this up but unfortunately I am quite sure he will find a way. 

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