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Unpopular opinions: cancelled soaps edition


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Roger Howarth was a breath of fresh air as Paul on ATWT. The guy he replaced was so wooden in the role.  I feel every soap needs a good share of "scenery chewers" to keep things vibrant and lively. Not too many at once, but a balance. 


I also think RH's Paul fit better as Barbara's son as she was written in a far campier, over-the-top style ever since Hogan Sheffer came on. Much like Tom Pelphery was perfect as Kim Zimmer's son on GL as they had similar OTT acting styles and it made sense on screen.



Edited by Spoon
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I actually like Jensen's interpretation of Vicky up until Ryan died and they made her a long-suffering heroine with sh*tty pairings. 


Staying on track with Another World, I loved Robin Christopher's Lorna too. Yes, she was no Alicia Coppola, but she did a good job with the material given. I always felt that Robin's version was a more mature version despite still being a mess in the love department (much like the original). I think (too) that she possessed the one thing I worry about with all recasts--she had stellar chemistry with Linda Dano (Felicia). 


Many people know this already, but I loved Manny (Michelle/Danny) and the Santos clan on GL. While there were aspect that could've been done better, they did bring the Bauers rightfully back to the forefront. 


I didn't mind San Cristobal. Was it drawn out? Yes. But we did get great characters (Olivia, Edmund, Richard) to emerge from that arc. 


I preferred Luke/Noah over Luke/Reid. But overall, I was simply happy there was representation for those of us who were part of the LGBTQ community. It could've been plotted better but I digress...


I didn't mind Hogan Sheffer on World Turns. Was he the strongest or most suitable writer? Nope. But I sure as hell enjoyed the show during his tenure than I did post him leaving. 


For me, I never got the hype behind Erika Kane. I always felt she was one note from what I saw of her. I found her to be unbearable at times. 


Never got the hype behind Tad/Dixie. After that second run, they should've scrapped that pairing. Dixie was SO refreshing in AMC 2.0 without Tad. 


From what I've seen of STF, I didn't like Hogan with Liza or Sunny. I do think that he was a better fit with Patty at the end of the day. I always felt this show missed the boat with Liza and Kentucky Bluebird (Will Patton). IMO, that was her next great love story had the show been smart and locked him down in a contract. 


Based off of what I've seen and read, I think OLTL was the superior show compared to AMC

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OK I will bite. 

Erika Slezak had great moments as Viki.
But with the caveat I never saw her first take on the role when it was first created (and I hear this was the best version), her work as the alters was just uncomfortably bad imho. I swear that Niki is the broadest least subtle caricature of a performance she could possibly have chosen to give. I hear the argument that she was written as a caricature but I would cringe every time she came on-screen as someone else other than Viki because the scenery-chewing was just too in-your-face for me.

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Sky and Raven were annoying and helped killed Edge of night 

Marland was only good as head writer on ATWT for only the first two years.  And his dialogue..yikes..so unrealistic.

Claire Labine should have been removed as head writer before 1981.

Cruz and Eden were over rated on Santa Barbara.


Edited by Soaplovers
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I feel like centering the show solely around them and not developing other characters outside the Capwell clan made it hard for the show post Marcy and A leaving the show. They should've got this right at the height of the show's popularity.


Other unpopular opinions:


I liked Harley with Phillip. IMO, that was her best pairing. Her worst is a toss up between Gus and Mallet. I always felt Mallet should've been paired with Mindy as they had BOMB chemistry. 


I never got the hype of Beth/Phillip. Both characters were better when they weren't in each other's orbits.


I actually liked Nick McHenry. 

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When Susan Lucci was going through her Emmy dry period, I remember reading several articles stating that she didn’t have a wide range and she didn’t deserve the award. So I don’t think that opinion was too unpopular.

Now here’s an unpopular one: Beverlee McKinsey tended to be hammy. Frankly, I’ve found a lot of those popular leading ladies - McKinsey, Slezak, Lucci, Robin Strasser Jess Walton - to be over the top at times (and for some of them, it’s a lot of the time). The one who I found to give consistent controlled performances was Victoria Wyndham.

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