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General Hospital: August 2021 Discussion Thread

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The thought did occur to me that they might have Joss being so interested in Trina/Spencer simply because she doesn't have anything else to do. She and Cameron have no story together. They're a couple now and that's that, but neither of them have a storyline. I genuinely don't know what else those two could have talked about today besides Spencer/Trina. So now Joss just gets to be all up in Trina and Spencer's business because they do have stories, lol. 

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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Yeah, Joss’s stance toward Spencer feels a bit too much like disdain as a cover for a crush/attraction. And I’m hard-pressed to think of a promising pairing this show hasn’t sabotaged beyond repair in recent memory IMO (not into Ava/Nik personally). I just want a few good months before they become toxic.

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Cam/Joss really don't have to anything to do, lol. I think it would have made more sense if Cam was the one that was clashing more with Spencer and Joss was more friendly towards him. And then when the truth came out, regarding him being the stalker, they could both think that Trina was too good for him, and be leary of her being with him. Joss constantly clashing with him is a bit much. Especially given that him and her were friendly as children. 

That's what some people think. She has been given him some looks, lol. Sometimes it comes across like she doesn't really want Trina to have what she has or better. I caught that I don't care if you want to be with nobody line she told Trina at the pool. (After Trina asked her if she was trying to warn her away from Spencer). Come on, lol. She's had three boys already including two that Trina liked. Trina deserves a chance with Spencer, without Joss possibly being interested in him as well.  Trina/Spencer are the best combination of the teen group, IMO.

They are capable of helping carry stories without Joss being a romantic obstacle. Though, maybe Joss not liking him is mainly a preview of the people that will be against them as a couple, once the truth comes out about his stalking. And not because she's interested in him romantically. 

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I liked seeing Laura/Spencer interact today. She did seem worried about him with the way that he was talking about Ava and also his anger at Ryan. I liked that she was trying to be a bit of a mediator for Cam/Spencer like she did when they were little. And her getting on Spencer for the way he was treating Cam for working his way through college. Cam also had a good line about Spencer finally growing. It makes more sense for them to spar than it does Spencer/Joss. Though, maybe after Laura's conversation with Spencer he might start to take it easier on Cam. It also seemed like the show may have been hinting that Spencer might have some sort of connection/involvement with Ryan.

Also, I thought that Portia/Trina's conversation was interesting. Trina is pretty upset about the affair, even after their discussion today. It might take her at least a few days to cool down some. Curtis didn't really appear mad at Aunt Stella. (I guess one reason is because he knows how she is, lol). He was more concerned for Portia/Trina. Speaking of Stella, I wonder what will happen now that she's passed out. Curtis did warn her that she needed to take care of herself. But she's spending more time meddling than anything.

And I wonder what Chase's plans are for Michael/Willow. Especially since Austin is encouraging him to stay around at the Q mansion and deal with him. I would have liked to see him bond more with Brook Lynn today, but that didn't happen. 

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Why is Wiley the only child at his birthday party? I get that there aren't a lot of other kids in his age range on the show (and there's probably COVID protocols they have to follow), but they could at least trot Donna or Avery out for a minute since Carly is there. Or Leo, who literally lives in the house the party is taking place at. Poor Wiley - his party is just a bunch of adults dealing with their drama. He looked really bored when everyone was singing happy birthday. LOL!

Carly is concerned about Cameron because he touched a gun once. Really? You're a mob boss who's marrying a hitman. There are a lot of reasons to worry about Joss's safety, and Cameron isn't one of them! Poor Cam - dating Josslyn doesn't seem worth having to deal with Carly. Also, how long is Cameron's break at work that he has time to go to a birthday party?!

Is Stella literally having a stroke over Curtis's relationship drama? Poor Cameron is gonna need more than a $5 tip for having to deal with that.

I love seeing Laura with her grandsons! I'm glad that someone is finally picking up on the way Spencer talks about the stalker and Ava. He's not exactly subtle. Cam and Spencer taking jabs at each other is fun, though Spencer making fun of Cam having a job wasn't cool. I loved Laura telling him to knock that sh-t off!

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I laughed my ass off at Willow leaning in for a kiss and Chase promptly wheeling himself away. Love it!

Why is Harmony on our screens? I at least appreciate that Alexis is angry with her over her part in the cult.

I just laugh when Jaxass shows up in the previews - what is his purpose?

Edited by AlexElizabeth
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I want Cameron and Carly to have a scene discussing Zander. I know it won't probably happen because last time Zander was mentioned by Carly she referred to him as "That Zander Guy" instead of her friend and Sonny's mentoree who taught her how to drive and whom she was attracted to. 

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If GH wont recast Lucky, then reveal Zander has been held captive and is alive. Maybe Ric has him. At this point, id buy anything to have Zander back and explore a father/son relationship with Cameron


Why has no one told Trina that Nikolas dated her Aunt Gia?

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First Wiley's birthday party, and now giving boxing lessons to Cam. Jason continues to spend time with everyone's children except his own. They never should've given him kids because all it's done is make him look like a horrible deadbeat. Like he doesn't even really mention them. I want to see Danny tear into him someday when he's older.

Aww, Cam knew the signs of a stoke and what to do because of Liz. I hope we see her find out about this on screen because she'll be such a proud mama. Cam should become an EMT or something.

It's time for Blando and Sasha's weekly appearance. Gladys is hilarious. Look at her all gussied up for her first day at work! Her prior work experience is that she was involved in a pyramid scheme, omg. She's got that Lithuanian bone structure. I really want to see her butt heads with Lucy.

Brando says that if he ever gets shot again he wants Britt to be his doctor. What a random line. I don't recall Brando and Britt ever meeting, lol. Not to mention, an OB/GYN wouldn't be at the top of my list to treat a gunshot wound. I get that the line was just supposed to cause ~pain~ for Jason but Brando being a Britt fan was so bizarre.

Jax has been reduced to folding towels at the Metro Court. Why hasn't his ass been shipped back to Aussie yet? I don't mind his friendship with Britt but lord he's pointless. Ingo must have the easiest time remembering his lines because it's literally just the same script every time he's on. "I'm worried about Josslynnnnn!" And it looks like it's going to be the same exact thing tomorrow with him and Carly.

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I really wish the show had kept up the pivot in storytelling they were doing when Michael was headed to see jail.  There were good scenes where Carly and Jason both had to come to terms with their choices leading to the life Michael had.  It felt like they were finally going to address what Sonny’s craving for power and all their decisions to be team Sonny had cost them.  Once Sonny and Brenda were breaking up, and they had that amazing conversation where he admitted power is what he loves…it was finally clear exactly who Sonny was and the show was allowing his point of view to not be the only one, let alone presented in such a way that he was right.  Everyone could be involved in something new if they had followed that through, even Sonny.

And Jason doing everything for Michael and not his own kids is awful.  At least talk about why!  It’s a soap, he should be rehashing what happened with Michael and how much he fears that happening to his kids.  Something!

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