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GH June 2021 Discussion

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GH definitely wins this months' sweeps. 


The elements are all there for it to be a great day to day soap. Fix the pacing and plotting problems and the obvious interference and then you have a great soap that's watchable every day

Edited by AbcNbc247
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It kills me that we keep having these otherwise good episodes and then bam... Michael/Willow scene. Completely kills the momentum of everything else that is going on. They're literally like watching paint dry. Compare that love scene to Jason/Britt last week... lmao!


I mean seriously, we go from Curtis getting shot (which surprised me) and Jordan busting in and shooting Cyrus... to Michael and Wallow sitting on the couch talking. YAWN.


I always love Britt and Liesl together. Their scenes today were fun. I want to see Liesl/Jason scenes.


I laughed when Carly told Jason she'd never put him in that position again and he just looked at her like "yeah f-cking right."

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How long before the police find Peter's body?  Supposedly, they're checking all the floors for the second time.


I still can't believe RH is back as somebody else again!  Get him off the show.

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This is such a small nit-picky thing, but it bugs me every time a day player is used in the hospital scenes to convey information or treat the characters.  Back in the day, even the less hospital focused 1980’s, you still had major characters there- Monica, Alan, Dr.Hardy, Jesse, even Amy to play these scenes.  And for all the complaints I have about JFP’s tenure, she and Guza had a strong group of hospital characters for several years.


It is already hard to care about what happens to Brando because he is barely a character, and his mother is annoying.  Being told her condition is serious by a day player doesn’t help.

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Kristin Storms.  What’s the line from Steel Magnolias?  When it comes to suffering, she’s right up there with Elizabeth Taylor!


I think she did some of the best work she has done in a long time in the last couple weeks.  The mommy stories have got to stop after this and they need to reinvest in Maxie as a person, not a tormented heroine/baby machine.

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I appreciate the many classic elements GH is using in their current stories, even if I don’t love all of it.  We have the normal GH action, we have friendships being shown, there is an active attempt at romance with several characters, we have a couple of medical stories being told, and I’m happy to see GH actually using their Black cast.  

Even though I don’t love Kevin with Laura, I enjoyed the show following up with them after Cyrus was in custody, and the acknowledgment that she put herself in danger and that this is who she is.

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Maxie, Dante, Olivia, Sam (and up until the amnesia storyline) Sonny are all suffering from character burnout. The writers seem to not know what direction to take these characters in, a side effect of a bloated cast. With that many players some charachters are bound to either have redundant stories or nothing but a supporting role to play.

Edited by ironlion
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