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GH April 2021 Discussion

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I hate to admit that, but same. Even when she was getting into people's faces I liked, I couldn't say that I was not liking it. Finally!!! Some stakes going on in this Florence thing and you could feel the tension between her and Laura and Nikolas and Ava.


It even felt like wardrobe caught on cuz that jacket she had on on Friday and the boss walk she had going on was fierce. I admit...I rewinded. lol. I guess she goes to show how whiny the character has been as of late and I will probably regret this, but...can we keep THIS Carly? 


Well if the writers are going to do a U-turn on a Crazy Nina...which I am for and kudos to them for playing the beats with her and 'Mike' to make her sympathetic...I am down for Carly vs Britt for sure.


Speaking of which...I was ANNOYED that Jax really and truly could not spit it out to Nina about making in-roads for Nina to see Wiley. 


I am liking that the writers have rediscovered Friday Cliffhangers again. Jax getting shot and seeing Sonny this week. The Poisoning Lazy Susan last week. Keep them coming. Especially with May Sweeps getting ready to start. 

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Yeah, I'm expecting Peter around until fall, despite what they say.


I agree. I see potential with the show, I really do. It's still messy but it's there. They remembered they're a soap opera so that was a start. 


I like the soapy cliche of Willow staying with Chase out of pity (though, please, like ANYONE would choose Michael over Chase). I like that actions have lasting affects and the show doesn't feel like people are in their own bubble. Characters interact and stories interact.


Also wanted to add, Carly's felt the most in character in YEARS. Despite this, Laura Wright can't totally sell Carly as a mob boss so that's why it doesn't 100% work. She can sell the other aspects but it often comes off as a harassing shrew. I think she's on way too much but it's so much better than kissing Sonny's ass and playing matriarch.


And can we keep amnesiac Sonny? He's so much better.


EDIT: Apologies for being late to the discussion lol I'm pages behind ... 

Edited by KMan101
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THIS. Carly is everything they're writing her to be. Laura Wright, and I do love her, can be grating, so that's probably why folks are rebelling against it. That, and no one seems allowed to call Carly out on her laundry list of crimes and misdeeds as she reads them for filth. It's uneven writing too.

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That's how I feel about the discussion about what to do with the teens. lol. You're not alone.

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  I know I get waaay behind.


I KNEW IT FORGOT SOMETHING!!! Yeah, it is cliche to have that situation in the Michael/Willow/Chase triangle. Perhaps it is to make up for how they messed up on that quad with Sasha. Because when this comes out, they can NOW play every beat of either an angry Michael or Chase depending on where they go. So far, I like it. 


DING, DING, DING!!!! I think that is exactly why I like this turn with Carly. Because she is IN CHARACTER. 


Same. Keep Mike! lol. Or at least have some consequences once he get back. Heck, I would have them find him and bring him back...but no memory yet until Fall...or December. And that (finding Mike) can only happen AFTER the custody battles. 


Ugh. Peter. I hope at some point someone slaps him back into speaking normal.


Still...same. After fumbling the weeks post-February Sweeps, the writers have definitely picked up movement in the stories again. 



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I like the twist with Michael, Willow and Chase too because it makes them somewhat more interesting and complicated. Willow and Michael are still zzzzzzz but at least something may come of it all. Chase can pretend to be paralyzed to hold onto Willow. It makes them more 'gray'. Which I'm good with.


I also like the messy Nina/Jax/Sonny/Carly stuff. At least they're trying to be a soap again LOL. Nina is shooting herself in the foot lol. I'm also patiently waiting for Sonny to set Phyllis and Lenny up in PC


And busting up Jason and Sam and moving them into new relationships is nice. Sam and Dante aren't bad. Though I feel like they aren't entirely sure where to go with them and then you have Brook Lynn in the mix with Dante and Chase ...


Great to have Shawn back. I like they immediately hit the beats with him and you can tell he's silently pissed at being in jail so long. I'm glad he's back. I've become used to Briana Henry as Jordan but when literally everyone acts circles around her ... sigh.

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We will see if it lasts but from the big wedding reveal - I know the episodes themselves were uneven and the fallout didn't quite land but they tried - to the twist in M/W/C to the convoluted but soaply-delish Nina/Sonny thing to the BrookLynn pregnancy and how it inevitable is going to dovetail with Maxie's plan, they are writing the soap as a soap, down to the stupid coincidences and the character being injured right as he discovers a secret so that said secret can drag on a bit longer trope. The story beats can be predictable but we love it and we love the anticipation and watching said beats play out.
Please producers and writers read this, this is what we want. We watch soaps because we love soaps, including its stupid tropes. If we wanted to watch a crime drama or a medical show we would. 
So indeed. I am actually enjoying most of GH right this minute because it is a soap and a soap I recognize. If they can manage to drop their addiction to the "umbrella villain of the year" thing that pollutes the show regularly, they'd have quite a decent going there.

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I’ll join in on the Carly love. This is the most interesting she’s been since I started back in 2019. I was so bored by Sonny and Carly as this happy, boring middle aged couple. I feel like he’s shining in a new environment and she is also very convincing trying to hold her family together and running the business. I often find myself watching these scenes and thinking of Sarah Brown. Not in a negative way suggesting Laura Wright isn’t doing a good job, but finally I see the Carly that Sarah Brown created. 

Im catching up on last week and I notice Scott asked Liz about her parents and her sister Sarah. I know we’ve all been waiting for her family for literal decades. I hope this isn’t another fake out. Her family is central to the history of the show and Liz is incredibly popular. I don’t think everybody needs their family on, but it would benefit her. They just brought on parents for Chase, a newbie who really didn’t need them. If he can get a full family then surely Liz can. 

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I'm watching everyday. More than I can say for the other three soaps. 


I see the effort. Is it perfect? No. Are there characters I could care less about? Yes. But I see the effort and after a few years of crying over Oscar, making Drew and Franco happen, I'll take what they're giving us right now. 


The show was falling into a Hallmark-esque "we won't really *go there* drama" rut. ATWT comes to mind in it's last few years under Passanante (ironically ...) 

Edited by KMan101
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They really are. The problem with Peter and Cyrus is that they aren't menacing villains but they're written as they should be menacing. Jeff Kober is interesting but Cyrus is pathetic. The writing is the problem with both of them (and Ramsey is clearly just saying f it). Meanwhile, Obrecht is proof of how you rise above and become a fan favorite. Faison was beloved even though he was terrible. 


Peter and Cyrus read like "please love them even though they should be terrible villains". You know?


Side-note, I'm kinda tired of Michael Knight's Colonel Sanders schtick for Martin and hearing 'Mama' constantly. Can we do more with him please?

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THIS.  And so much going on.


And thank you @Chris B. I forgot that they also discussed how Liz's family is doing currently. Sarah is on the West Coast. Jeff and her are not talking. I thought that was interesting they were mentioning it so hmmmm.


And same on Carly. Though with the mob boss though, I was thinking Tamra Braun. hehe. But I still felt she was Carly...not a stepwife. 

I didn't realize I missed this. I did notice. And it made me go hmmm.


And Olivia DOES have experience hiding babies. 



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