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Soaps Returning To Production

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Honestly, I think they'd want to. Propell some stories forward. Wrap up stuff that wasn't working (this goes for Y&R too... actually, Y&R *especially*) 


I'm not talking about some gigantic time warp where Nikki Newman or Brooke Logan falls into a coma for 3 months and there's an hourglass sitting by their side throughout the entire tenure. But something in the dialogue to make it known that a chunk of time has progressed; use it to their advantage. 

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HUH?! When do soaps even mention the month they're in except VERY rarely or on holidays/special days? Why get stuck on such inconsequential details? New episodes start, it's July 2020, and go!


I can totally get behind that. Mention in the dialogue that it's summer (although you may not even need to, you can clearly show that) and move on. But not sure they'd care to move the stories forward, that would mean honestly looking at the material and what wasn't working.

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ALL B&B does is have people falling in love and making out within two days of catching feelings. Those poor people, of course they're resulting to taking Taylor's corpse doll and putting wigs on it.

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Thudley really did a bad number on rewriting Stephanie history all for “shock” plots of the week. At least Stephanie kicking Eric in the groin was fun to watch, but like the whole Massimo is Ridge’s dad story this retcon proved very worthless even in the short term.

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I'm sorry, I see what's amusing about Bradley's plan but I think many people are taking it too far.


How were the shows supposed to make a comeback? At least Bradley is thinking outside the box, which is something I appreciate and stand up for. Who knows, maybe more shows than you think will follow suit. What else was Bradley supposed to do? Refuse to work? Have the characters mention COVID-19? Maybe, but then again Ridge and Brooke as spouses would be supposed to have contact.


Also - they say TV shows are life without the dull parts. Well, quarantine and social distancing are very dull parts right now.

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The soaps are at a damned if you do, damned if you don't point, so...why not dolls? If the consensus is that daytime soaps are running on fumes anyway, then this gives a bit of a boost in interest although it won't last. It might not even last till B&B starts airing. I kind of think viewers will be looking fondly back to the days before March - it's not like budgets are going to increase, and now with extra precautions, fewer cast members on set, and probably more complicated technical work to make it all come together, a lot of that budget may be eaten by these technical realities. Add in the fact that advertisers are going to be more conservative because of their new financial realities, AND that it doesn't take long for many viewers to fall out of the habit (now 4-6 weeks and counting, depending on the show), I think the soaps have gotten closer to death. We'll see.. I have been wrong before. In 2012 I figured we'd be in the post-daytime serial world. One thing I am pretty confident about is that there isn't enough talent in daytime to really do anything creative enough that will make this period work to the shows' benefit. Even if there were, trying to churn out 5 shows a week would hamper them.

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I don't get why this is being made so complicated. Just don't write love scenes? People do know that tv shows were on the air for years without love scenes right? I don't see why stupid gimmicks like blow up dolls are necessary. 


Focus on business stories - Forrester, Spectra, put Brooke back in the lab, get back to fashion. I don't get why this is so difficult to do for 4-6 months? 


To be honest, blow up dolls and the rest of this foolishness takes far less creativity than actually writing a good quality story.


Brad has no talent though so of course this would be his solution. He can't go without a dumb triangle and random plot point hook up that amounts to nothing. 

Edited by Vizion
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